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  • acceptance testing
  1. 现场验收测试将按照认可的sat文件规定进行。

    Site acceptance testing will be done based on the stipulations in the approved sat document .

  2. BP公司对我们提供系统设计、设置、配置、验收测试、调试以及启动支持的能力非常有信心,我们为此深受鼓舞。

    We are encouraged by BP 's confidence in our ability to provide system design , configuration , staging , acceptance testing , commissioning , and start-up support .

  3. 进一步说,“最后再测试”工具无法支持“验收测试驱动开发(AcceptanceTestDrivenDevelopment)”。

    Further , test-last tools cannot support Acceptance Test Driven Development ( ATDD ) .

  4. Journey的验收测试并非是测试用户故事,而是测试Journey。

    Acceptance test of journeys refers to testing journeys not user stories .

  5. 下载Selenium:直接在IE或Firefox上运行用户验收测试。

    Download Selenium : Run user acceptance tests directly in IE or Firefox .

  6. FIT/Fitnesse和Cucumber都执行高级语言编写的验收测试。

    Both FIT / Fitnesse and Cucumber execute acceptance tests written in a high level language .

  7. SPECT的安装定位及验收测试中必须注意的若干问题

    Several issues about installation and test of SPECT

  8. SPECT验收测试与质量控制

    Acceptance Check and Quality Control of SPECT

  9. Cucumber目前还没有基于网页的编辑器,让非技术人员来编辑验收测试。

    Cucumber doesn 't ( yet ) have a web based editor that lets non-technical people edit the acceptance tests .

  10. SimonBaker是EnergizedWork的联合创始人。在他的团队中,开发人员编写绝大部分的验收测试。

    On Simon Baker 's team , co-founder of Energized Work , the developers write most of the acceptance tests .

  11. 全称FrameworkforIntegratedTest,是用于书写和执行验收测试的一个框架软件,最初由WardCunningham开发,用于Java。

    FIT , or Framework for Integrated Test , is a framework used for writing and executing acceptance tests originally developed for Java by Ward Cunningham .

  12. RUP定义验收测试不够充分,只是作为系统测试用例子集的重新运行。

    RUP defines the AT insufficiently , merely as a rerun of a subset of the ST test cases .

  13. 测试类型:单元测试、集成测试、功能测试、系统测试、验收测试、渗入(soak)测试、冒烟测试等等。

    Test-types : unit , integration , functional , system , acceptance , soak , smoke , etc.

  14. RUP确定了四级测试:单元测试、集成测试、系统测试和验收测试。

    RUP acknowledges four levels of testing : unit testing , integration testing , system testing , and acceptance testing .

  15. 要弥补RUP中验收测试(AT)指南的不足,可以建议可能性

    To compensate for the lack of guidelines for acceptance testing ( AT ) in RUP , two possibilities are suggested

  16. 所有这些特性结合在一起,当然能够使它在众多Web应用程序测试框架中脱颖而出,但是,正如您将看到的,在完全自动化的验收测试中使用这些特性令它更加出众。

    Having all of these features together would be notable in any Web application testing framework , but being able to use them in a fully automated acceptance test is outstanding , as you 'll see .

  17. QA可以将它作为一个验收测试,QA或开发人员可以将它自动化。

    A QA can use this as an acceptance test . A QA or developer can automate this .

  18. TestNG以其灵活性和参数化fixture成为定义Selenium的驱动验收测试的首选。

    TestNG 's flexible and parametric fixtures make it an excellent workhorse for defining Selenium 's driven acceptance tests .

  19. Mark提出:写大量验收测试,并在软件发布给客户之前运行这些测试,是拯救当前项目的一种方式。

    Mark suggested that a way to save the current project would be by writing a load of acceptance tests and executing them before making a release to the customer .

  20. Selenium是驱动浏览器的开源Web测试框架中新出现的工具之一,它能够使用户验收测试自动化&因此,它非常优秀。

    Selenium is one of the first of a new breed of open source , browser-driving Web testing frameworks that automate user acceptance testing & and as such , it is outstanding .

  21. Cucumber的主要目标是让更多的人参与到验收测试和需求分析当中,并使得这个过程更加引人入胜。

    Cucumber 's main goal is to involve more people and roles in acceptance testing and requirements , and make it an enjoyable ( addictive ) experience .

  22. 介绍了IPTV系统验收测试过程中的主要项目测试过程和测试结果。

    This article introduces the main test process and test result during the process of checking and accepting of the IPTV system .

  23. 下面几节将向您展示如何结合使用Selenium和TestNG从而确保实现逻辑重复的验收测试。

    The following sections show you how the two work together with Selenium and TestNG to ensure logically repeatable acceptance tests .

  24. 在第一个场景中,验收测试是作为一个项目独立实施的,其是独立于其它RUP项目被执行的。

    In the first scenario , the AT is implemented as a project on its own , which is executed independent of the remaining RUP projects .

  25. 在第二个场景中,验收测试按照与RUP迭代中的系统测试相同的方式来执行。

    In the second scenario , the AT is carried out in the same way as the system test ( ST ) within the RUP iterations .

  26. Cruise让用户可以监控某个应用从最初的代码检入到功能测试、性能测试、用户验收测试、上线试运行与正式发布运行整个过程的变化。

    Cruise allows monitoring of changes to an application as they progress from initial check-in to functional testing , performance testing , user acceptance testing , staging , and release .

  27. FIT/Fitnesse验收测试框架使用wiki作为前台界面,客户和开发人员都可以用来创建验收测试并执行。

    FIT / Fitnesse is an acceptance test framework with a Wiki front end useful for both customers and developers to create and run acceptance tests .

  28. RTF指标表示了项目在各个时刻有多少特征通过了各自的全部验收测试

    The RTF metric shows , at every moment in the project , how many features are passing all their acceptance tests

  29. 另外一个是一篇2009年在InfoQ上发表的文章,其中问到是否真有人在敏捷过程中实现了自动化验收测试,还是说该想法只是一个理论上的提议。

    The other is an InfoQ article published in2009 that was asking whether anyone really does automated acceptance testing in agile processes or is that a purely theoretical proposition .

  30. Fitnesse被看做使用Wiki做前台界面的FIT,它可以帮助用户理解相关领域知识,在基于用户故事创建验收测试的时候进行协作和沟通。

    Fitnesse is a Wiki front-end to FIT allowing users to collaborate and communicate while building together an understanding of the domain and creating acceptance tests based on user stories .