
mǎ pǔ tuō
  • Maputo
马普托[mǎ pǔ tuō]
  1. 正在建设的中国农业技术研究与转移中心占地52公顷,位于Umbeluzi农业研究站的附近,接近首都马普托。

    The Chinese Agricultural Technology Research and Transfer Centre is being built on a52-hectare plot near the Umbeluzi Agricultural Station , close to the capital Maputo .

  2. 荷兰驻莫桑比克大使馆,马普托,莫桑比克

    Dutch Embassy in maputo , Mozambique , 2004

  3. 国家航空公司难以维持每天一班飞往马普托的商业飞行。

    The national airline struggles to fly the one commercial flight a day to Maputo .

  4. 马普托港项目融资案例的启示

    Financing of the Maputo Port Project

  5. 这位部长在访问英美烟草位于马普托的办事处后不久做出了以上表示。

    The minister was speaking shortly after visiting the Maputo offices of British American Tobacco ( BAT ) .

  6. 半小时后,我们回到座驾,前往该国首都马普托。

    After half an hour , we were back in our four-wheel drive , heading to Maputo , the capital .

  7. 越南河内的街道上是一波又一波的捡垃圾的,马普托的大垃圾场里可以看到捡垃圾的孩子。

    Waves of gleaners sift the sweepings of Hanoi 's streets , just as children pick over the rubbish of Maputo 's main tip .

  8. 例如,位于莫桑比克马普托的曼希萨最尖端卫生研究中心,似乎看起来并不从事直接疾病的研究,并且没有什么发展的前景。

    The gleaming , state-of-the art manhi ? A health research center near Maputo inmozambique , for example , may seem incongruous with the immediatedisease and misery on its doorstep .

  9. 马普托大桥连接了莫桑比克首都马普托市中心和外围的卡腾贝地区,全长超过3公里,将两地的车程从两小时缩短到十分钟。

    The three-kilometer bridge connects the Mozambican capital , Maputo , with the area of Katembe on its outskirt , reducing the travel time from two hours to ten minutes .

  10. 现任丈夫是南非共和国前总统纳尔逊•曼德拉。她主要在马普托(莫桑比克首都)和南非之间活动。

    She is currently married to the former president of the Republic of South Africa , Nelson Mandela , and divides her time between activities in Maputo , Mozambique and South Africa .

  11. 除了大桥,中国路桥还修建了180多公里长的连接线项目,将配套道路直接延伸到莫桑比克与南非接壤的边境地区,从马普托开车到南非的时间由原来的4个多小时缩短为现在的不到两小时。

    Besides the bridge itself , CRBC also built a 180-kilometer long road that stretches from Maputo to the country 's border with South Africa , reducing the travel time to 2 hours from the previous 4 hours .

  12. 通过AIDSfree组织的呼吁从公众那里筹集的善款将被用来支持艾尔顿·约翰艾滋病防治组织在世界六大重要城市(伦敦、内罗毕、亚特兰大、基辅、德里和马普托)进行的项目。

    Money raised from public donations through the AIDSfree appeal will be used to support the Elton John AIDS Foundation projects in six key cities around the world ( London , Nairobi , Atlanta , Kiev , Delhi and Maputo ) .