
  1. 一些分析师认为,马建堂周二透露的内部数字仍然偏低。

    Some analysts believe the internal figure revealed by Mr Ma on Tuesday is still too low .

  2. 马建堂表示,中国将面临不容乐观、极其复杂和非常严峻的国际环境,这主要是由于主要发达经济体增长乏力。

    Mr Ma said on Tuesday that China would face a gloomy , highly complicated and severe international environment , mainly due to sluggishness in the main developed economies .

  3. 随着近几个月来人们对于通胀的日益关注,国家统计局官员马建堂表明,政府今年将会控制通胀。

    While concerns about inflation have grown in recent months , Ma Jiantang , commissioner for the National Bureau of Statistics , said the government would control inflation this year .

  4. 马建堂表示,通胀压力是真实存在的。他指出,发达国家采取的量化宽松政策、不断上涨的土地和劳动力成本都会助长通胀。

    Mr Ma said inflationary pressures were real , citing quantitative easing in developed countries , and the rising costs of land and labour , as contributing to an inflationary environment .