
  • 网络Machiavellianism;Machiavellian;Machiavellism
  1. 有一个鲜明特点:基于对俄国民族史的粗暴解读,产生的冷酷无情、惟利是图的马基雅维利主义。

    Marked by a ruthless cynical Machiavellianism based on his brutal interpretation of Russian national history .

  2. 所以说不是我喜欢演什么,也不是因为我想饰演马基雅维利主义者的形象而专门去追求这些东西。

    So it 's not about what I prefer or that I go out and pursue these things specifically because I want to be the Machiavellian guy .

  3. 马基雅维利主义马基雅维利的政治理论,它否定政治活动与道德有关,认为诡计和欺骗在追求和维护政治权力中是完全正当的。

    The political doctrine of Machiavelli , which denies the relevance of morality in political affairs and holds that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing and maintaining political power .

  4. 在第二个层面,他们被要求针对问卷设计的具有马基雅维利主义、病态人格和自恋症特征的陈述,表明自己的认同程度。

    For the second , participants were asked to rate how strongly they agreed or disagreed with statements designed to assess the personality traits of Machiavellianism , psychopathy and narcissism .

  5. 霍布斯是西方近代政治思想史上著名的政治思想家,他继承了马基雅维利现实主义的政治研究方法,运用自然法与社会契约理论全面论述了人与国家的关系这一西方传统政治研究的主题。

    Hobbes is one of the most important political thinkers in the history of the modern Western political thoughts , who inherited the realism in political study introduced by Machiavelli , and probed comprehensively the relationship of individual and state based on his theory of natural law and social contract .