
  1. 校内网被称为“中国人的Facebook”,而饭否网则常被认为是“Twitter的盗版”。

    Xiaonei is called the " Chinese Facebook " and Fanfou is often deemed a " pirated Twitter " .

  2. 当类似twitter的“饭否”网站创始人王兴(音译)建立起内地首家团购网站美团网后,中国团购网在2010年开始迅速发展。

    China ` s group purchasing websites experienced rapid development in2010 when Wang Xing , founder of twitter-like " fanfou . com ," established meituan . com , the mainland ` s first group purchasing website .

  3. 本周一饭否网站上发布的帖子中,包括诸如“又一天过去了,我什么都没做”、“我回来了,现在正在写些东西”以及“下雨了”等等。

    Postings on the Chinese web-sites on Monday included such gems for posterity as " Another day 's gone by and I haven 't done anything "," I 'm back and now I 'm writing something " and " It 's raining " .