
  • 网络catering market
  1. 行业背景B.餐饮市场主要特点C。

    Background of the Industry B. Main Characters of Catering Market C.

  2. 在高校后勤社会化改革后,高校餐饮市场面临着极大的挑战和机遇,文中着重应用ABC分类法对高校餐饮企业采购食品原材料进行分析,论述了高校餐饮企业采购成本控制的重要性。

    After logistical socialization reform , college catering market faces great challenges and opportunities . This article , by applying ABC method , emphasizes the importance of purchasing cost control by way of analyzing and segmenting the raw materials and suppliers .

  3. 在WTO后过渡期,随着洋快餐的不断发展与壮大,以及旅游业的不断繁荣,餐饮市场竞争日趋激烈,经营空间越来越小,我国本土餐饮业面临着更大的机遇和挑战。

    During the post transition period of WTO , with the development of foreign fast food and the flourishing of tourism industry , the competition of food and beverage market becomes more and more fierce every day , and the running space becomes less and less .

  4. 小康社会餐饮市场应用型人才培养模式探讨

    A Discussion of Talent Training Mode in the Well-off Society Catering Market

  5. 中国餐饮市场的发展趋势及其对策

    On the Developing Trend of China 's Food and Beverage Market and Its Countermeasures

  6. 对南通餐饮市场发展策略的思考

    Nantong Dietary Market Research and Development Strategies

  7. 中国的对外开放,自助餐推广到我国大众化餐饮市场。

    With China 's opening & up , buffet extended to mass catering market in China .

  8. 近年来南通餐饮市场发展迅速,但也暴露出不少问题。

    Dietary market in Nantong has been developing rapidly these years , but there are many problems .

  9. 通过分析南通餐饮市场的现状,对南通餐饮企业的进一步发展提出了一系列科学而又切实的营销策略。

    The paper analyzes the current conditions of dietary market in Nantong and gives suggestions for further marketing development .

  10. 现代社会旅游餐饮市场将被越来越多的人所重视。

    In the modern society more and more people pay their attention to the development of tourism catering market .

  11. 目的了解贵阳市流通及餐饮市场广州管圆线虫主要中间宿主的感染状况。

    Objective Understand the infection status of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in main intermediate host sampled from market and restaurant in Guiyang .

  12. 审视国内餐饮市场,社会餐饮的迅猛发展给酒店餐饮带来了很大冲击和压力。

    A survey of the domestic market finds that rapid development in social catering brings impact and pressure on hotel catering .

  13. 然而,纵观美国餐饮市场,中式快餐在经历了百年的磨砺与洗礼后,发展的脚步却显得有些停滞。

    However , throughout the U.S. food market , the pace of Chinese fast food development is somewhat stagnant after being tempered for a century .

  14. 当时分析师就表示,随着百胜设法在中国餐饮市场扩大业务,该公司可能寻求加大投资。

    Analysts said at the time that Yum would likely seek a bigger investment as it looked to take advantage of the Chinese restaurant market .

  15. 中国餐饮市场在改革开放后开始随着经济高速发展一起快速成长,在最近十年的年平均增长速度达18%。

    Chinese food market began with the rapid development together with the rapid economical growth , the average annual growth rate is18 % in the last decade .

  16. 长期以来,俏江南以创新的服务理念和国际水准的服务品质不断为中国高端餐饮市场树立着全新的品质与服务标杆。

    In all the years , with its innovative service concepts and international standards of service quality , South Beauty is keeping establishing new benchmarks of quality and service .

  17. 高邦设计凭借对餐饮市场敏锐的洞察力和对消费者深刻的理解,为酒店和餐厅提供全方位、多领域、多角度的服务。

    Gaobrand Design on the catering market with keen insight and deep understanding of consumers , for the hotel and restaurant offers a full range , much territory , much angle service .

  18. 淮扬菜有着悠久的历史和深邃的文化底蕴,但近年来没有像川菜、粤菜一样在我国餐饮市场占据领军地位。

    Huaiyang cuisine boasts a long history and deep cultural sense , however , in recent years , it hasn 't taken a leading position in catering market such as Sichuan and Cantonese cuisine .

  19. 苏州地区丰富的旅游资源以及快速增长的城市经济,使得餐饮市场迅猛发展,中式餐饮在面临巨大发展机遇的同时,也面临着前所未有的挑战和考验。

    With rich tourism resources and rapid increasing urban economies , the catering market in Suzhou area has been boomed . But it faces with unprecedented challenges and ordeals during the time of enormous development opportunities .

  20. 面对餐饮市场的激烈竞争,烹饪中等职业教育只有迎接挑战,勇于改革创新,培养高素质的烹饪技术人才,才能求生存谋发展。

    Faced with the fierce competition on catering market middle culinary vocational education has no way out but to meet the challenges , exercise reforms and innovations and train cooking talents with high quality . Only in this way can it seek existence and strive for development .

  21. 山西省餐饮业市场定位的战略

    Stratagem on Market Location for Catering in Shanxi

  22. 来做北京餐饮业市场的调查?

    Beijing restaurant industry do market surveys ?

  23. 中国巨大的餐饮消费市场已经吸引了越来越多的西方快餐企业的进入,但却没有-个在国际上有影响力的知名快餐品牌,然而知名品牌的建设需要关注品牌专业化管理和品牌资产建设问题。

    China is a huge food and beverage market , which has attracted a growing number of western fast-food enterprises to enter . But there is no influential fast-food brand in the international community . The establishment of well-known brands involves specializing brand management and building brand equity .

  24. 菜单定价是餐饮企业通过市场供求状况,对菜肴价值进行标定的过程。

    Menu pricing , it fact , is a course of determining dish values according to the market condition of supply and demand .

  25. 如何改善经营方式,实现可持续经营,是餐饮企业提升市场竞争力,获得长足发展的关键。

    How to improve management and achieve sustainable business is key factor to enhance the competitiveness of restaurant and access to sustainable development .

  26. 我国餐饮业劳动力市场及人才市场的逐步成熟,打破了过去高校烹饪专业毕业生有计划的指令性分配格局。

    Labor market and talent market of diet trade of our country are getting mature , which has broken the pattern of former planned and ordered distribution for cuisine college graduates .

  27. 百胜餐饮进入中国市场的时间早于其它快餐品牌,而且一直被视为一个楷模:一方面实现外国品牌的本地化,另一方面在营销中强调其食品比本地餐厅更安全。

    It arrived in the country earlier than other fast-food brands , and has long been seen as a model of how to localise a foreign brand while marketing its food as safer than that of local restaurants .

  28. 将原来集中的商业物业按分散化原则,定位在三个消费市场,即餐饮娱乐消费市场、生活配套消费市场、日用百货消费市场,从而化解来自市场容量的致命威胁。

    According to the priciple of " Seperation ", we make primary mass commerce locate on three consumption market , i.e. food and amusement consumption market , life coordinates consumption market , commodity consumption market , and then obviate fatal threat from market capacity .

  29. 文章从分析酒店业餐饮目前面临的市场环境入手,通过与社会餐馆作比较,阐明了酒店餐饮经营思路改革的必然性和经营策略选择。

    Starting from analyzing the current market situation , the present paper expounds the necessity of popularizing the restaurants in the star-rated hotels and the selection of the management strategies .

  30. 随着我国餐饮业的迅猛发展,公共关系越来越成为餐饮企业开展市场竞争的一项重要资本。

    With the rapid development of China 's catering industry , public relations become an important capital market competition in catering enterprises .