
  • 网络Food quality;quality of food
  1. 评价标准由法国美食美酒史学家和地理学家让-罗伯特·皮特(Jean-RobertPitte)和德国美食记者约尔格·泽普里克(Zipprick)等专家制订,包括食物品质、餐厅氛围、酒水单和服务。

    A committee of experts , among them Jean-Robert Pitte , a French food and wine historian and geographer , and the German food journalist Zipprick , defined the criteria , including the quality of food , ambience , wine and spirits lists and service .

  2. 他的谦逊值得赞扬,因为他做的食物品质之高显而易见。

    His modesty does him credit , for the food he produces speaks for itself

  3. 你认为麦当劳的食物品质如何?

    Are you satisfied with the food quality of McDonald 's ?

  4. 麦当劳的食物品质是有保证的。

    The food quality McDonald 's is guaranteed .

  5. 最初,人们通过削减食物品质和摄入种类来减少副食品方面的开支,紧接着就是食物数量和安全性。

    Initially , people skimp on non-staple foods , cutting the quality and diversity of their intake ; in the next stage , the quantity and safety of diets suffer .

  6. 该实验结果发布在《食物品质与偏好》杂志上。上千人在科学博物馆的“食欲展览”上参与实验,该展览探讨大脑中决定食物风味的回报回路如何受到外界影响。

    The results , published in the journal Food Quality and Preference , were obtained after thousands of people took part in an experiment at the Science Museum 's ' Cravings Exhibition ' , which explores the way reward circuits in the brain that determine flavour are altered by outside influences .

  7. 当下美国人在选择就餐地点时越来越关注食物的品质,而并非低廉的价格,《消费者报告》高级项目编辑托德o迈克思(TodMarks)在声明中说。

    More and more , food quality ― not just low price ― is emerging as a deciding-factor for many Americans when choosing where to spend their dining dollars , Tod Marks , senior projects editor for Consumer Reports , said in a statement .

  8. 吃一小口以测试食物的品质或质量等。

    Taking a small amount into the mouth to test its quality .

  9. 每顿饭食物的品质会影响卡路里利用的方式。

    The quality of a meal may affect how its calories are used .

  10. 合成类蛋白反应与食物蛋白品质改良

    Study on Plastein Reaction for Food Protein Improvement

  11. 减肥的秘密在于注重食物的品质,特别是碳水化合物。

    The secret was to focus on the quality of foods , especially carbohydrates .

  12. 优点是:贩售车都很干净,食物的品质也很好。

    On the upside , for vending carts , they are clean and the food was good quality .

  13. 更让人忧虑的是,端给瑞银客户的食物是品质和价值皆无以伦比的。

    More worrying still is the idea that the food dished up to UBS customers is unsurpassed in quality and value .

  14. 老板每天都会亲自处理材料的清洁,品质与调味,以达到食物的品质保证。

    In order to maintain the standard of the food , the ingredients are carefully handled by the employer personally everyday as he will make sure that the ingredients and seasonings are good and fresh .

  15. 因此,食品的处理过程应该被设计成保持食物的天然品质。

    Therefore , steps used to process foods should be designed to preserve their natural quality .

  16. 他认为当人们把食物价格与品质等同时会更享受自己的食物。餐馆对价格的微调会改变人们对饭菜的看法。

    He thinks that people enjoyed their food more as they associated cost with quality and that small alterations to a restaurant can change how tasty people find their meals .

  17. 基因工程在改良植物性食物采后贮藏品质中的应用

    Application of Gene Engineering in Preserve Quality of Plant-food

  18. 而用不完的材料,会于当日丢弃,以保证食物绝对卫生及品质稳定。

    To ensure the highest levels of hygiene and food quality any unused vegetables are disposed of daily .

  19. 牛津饥荒救济委员会从获得食物的难易程度、食物的品质和价位以及膳食健康等方面来给各个国家排名。

    Oxfam ranked the nations on the availability , quality and affordability of food and dietary health .