
shí pǐn kē xué
  • food science
  1. 从Internet上检索食品科学资料

    Approaches to Search Food Science Information On Internet

  2. Internet上食品科学信息的检索

    Searching Food Science Information on Internet

  3. 介绍了如何从Internet上检索食品科学信息,并列出了一些参考站点。

    In this paper , it is introduced to how to search food science information from internet and also some useful web sites are given .

  4. 根据食品科学与工程专业人才培养目标,本文探讨了在CAI下双主教学体系的构建。

    According to the cultivation objects , This paper discussed the construct of double-subject teaching system with CAI of food science and engineering specialty .

  5. lux基因发光菌的研究及其在食品科学中的应用

    Studies of lux Genes Luminescent Microorganisms and Their Applications in Food Science

  6. 一小队设计师、工程师和厨师却烹制出了使用头戴式显示、3D打印和食品科学来欺骗我们的味蕾的虚拟现实美食体验。

    A small team of designers , engineers , and chefs have cooked up a gastronomical virtual reality experience that uses head-mounted displays , 3-D printers , and food science to trick our taste buds .

  7. 2007网络版JCR食品科学与技术来源期刊的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on 2007 Web Edition JCR Citation Journals of Food Science and Technology

  8. 一小队设计师、工程师和厨师却烹制出了使用头戴式显示、3D打印和食品科学来欺骗我们的味蕾的“虚拟现实美食体验”。

    A small team of designers , engineers , and chefs have cooked up a " gastronomical virtual reality experience " that uses head-mounted displays , 3-D printers , and food science to trick our taste buds .

  9. 该校营养与食品科学部的伊丽莎白伯曼(ElizabethBerman)和蕾切尔约翰逊(RachelJohnson)最近在《美国公共健康杂志》(AmericanJournalofPublicHealth)上发表了一项研究。

    A study by Elizabeth Berman and Rachel Johnson ( of the University 's own Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences ) was recently published in the American Journal of Public Health .

  10. 1994年欧盟(EU)在他们的食品科学委员会对几种真菌毒素:黄曲酶毒素,棕曲霉毒素,棒曲霉素和脱氧雪镰刀菌烯醇发表观点后起动了调整食品中某些真菌毒素标准化的进程。

    In 1994 the EU started the harmonization process on standardization of certain mycotoxins in foods after its Scientific Committee on Food ( SCF ) expressed an opinion on several mycotoxins : aflatoxins , ochratoxin A , patulin and deoxynivalenol [ 1 ] .

  11. 说明了低场P-MRI应用在食品科学领域的意义和前景。

    Expressing the significance and prospect of low field P-MRI in food science field .

  12. “发展中世界正在注视着,”食品科学教授、参与制定了转基因食品安全标准的国际委员会的BruceChassy说。

    " The developing world is watching ," said Bruce Chassy , a food science professor who has served on international committees that have developed safety standards for GM foods .

  13. 而现代食品科学和营养学研究表明:小麦麸皮富含膳食纤维及其它碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪等成分,其中所含的维生素(VB1、VB2、VE)和矿物质是小麦粉的10~20倍。

    Modern food science and nutrition studies show that : wheat bran is rich in dietary fiber , carbohydrates , protein , fat and other components , which contains vitamin ( VB1 , VB2 , VE ), even minerals in that is 10 to 20 times more than wheat flour .

  14. 食品科学与工程专业毕业实习改革的探讨

    Study of Graduate Practice Innovation of Food Science and Engineering Speciality

  15. 该研究结果发表在《食品科学》期刊上。

    The study appeared in the publication Journal of Food Science .

  16. 哈尔滨商业大学食品科学与工程学科

    Discipline of Food Science and Engineering , Harbin University of Commerce

  17. 德国高等院校食品科学技术教学体制的分析

    The Education System of Food Science and Technology in Germany

  18. 食品科学与工程专业国家级特色专业建设之路

    Construction of National Characteristic Specialty for Food Science and Engineering

  19. 该研究成果已发表在《营养与食品科学》期刊上。

    The study was published in Nutrition and Food Science .

  20. 食品科学与工程专业实验室的建设与管理

    Construction and Management of Food Science and Engineering Specialized Laboratory

  21. 美国食品科学专业本科教育标准

    Undergraduate education standards for degrees in food science in USA

  22. 生物和信息在食品科学中的应用

    Application of biological and information technology to food science

  23. 食品科学与工程专业创新型科研团队的建设与管理

    Construction and Management of an Innovative Research Team of Food Science and Engineering

  24. 食品科学与工程专业培养学生创新能力的途径

    Ways to Train Innovative Ability of Students Majoring in Food Science & Engineering

  25. 食品科学人才培养目标和素质教育

    Talents training and quality education of the food science

  26. 分形理论在食品科学与工程中的应用

    Application of Fractal Theory in Food Science and Engineering

  27. 浅谈自然辩证法在食品科学研究中的应用

    A brief discussion of the application of the dialectics in Food Science Research

  28. 食品科学与工程专业工艺学实验课改革研究

    The Reform Study of the Technological Experiment Class of Food Science and Engineering

  29. 多元统计在食品科学中的应用

    The Application of Multivariant Statistics in Food Science

  30. 预测微生物学及其在食品科学中的应用

    Predictive Microbiology and the Application in Food Science