
  • 网络Risk Financing;risk finance;Venture Financing
  1. 中国巨灾风险融资的约束和现实选择。

    The constraint and choice of catastrophe risk financing in China .

  2. 巨灾风险融资机制与政府干预研究

    Catastrophe Risk Financing System and Governmental Intervention

  3. Facebook在不同的阶段进行了无数轮的风险融资活动,如今已经拥有几十亿美元的资本。

    Facebook has billions in capital , owing to the umpteen rounds of money-raising at various levels of the venture capitalism sequence .

  4. Groupon获得的直接风险融资总计5.60亿美元,投资方包括投资公司AccelPartners、恩颐投资(NewEnterpriseAssociates)等。

    Overall , Groupon had raised over $ 560 million in direct venture capital , from firms like accel partners and new enterprise associates .

  5. 最后,本文提出了CEC公司融资结构优化方案和实施策略,该方案分两步实施,即第一步风险融资和第二步复合融资。

    Finally , this paper proposes CEC company financing structure optimization program and implementation strategy , the scheme in two steps , i.e. the first step and the second step of compound financing risk financing .

  6. 今年初Yammer进行最后一轮风险融资时所获估值据称仅为微软此次收购价的一半。

    Yammer raised its final round of venture funding early this year at a valuation reported to be just half of what Microsoft is paying .

  7. 高新技术创业企业风险融资模式研究

    Research on the Model of the Venture Capital Financing for High-tech Start-ups

  8. 他在风险融资协议上做了标记。

    He marks up the term sheet .

  9. 巨灾风险融资的整合。

    Integration catastrophe risk financing .

  10. 世行集团提倡采用巨灾风险融资机制,认为它是灾害风险管理战略框架的重要组成部分。

    The World Bank Group advocates catastrophe risk financing as an important element of the strategic framework for disaster risk management .

  11. 律师事务所Fenwick&West的报告显示,2010年第四季度,硅谷的风险融资估价增长了61%。

    • law firm Fenwick & West reports that valuations for Silicon Valley venture financings rose 61 % in Q4 2010 .

  12. 一个伟大的传教士不仅有可能耗尽首轮风险融资,或者未能找到一个正确的市场。

    A great missionary did not risk just burning through a Series A round or failing to find a market fit .

  13. 该规定可能会让中国内地初创企业风险融资更难,其难度取决于这些规定在实际操作中如何实施。

    Depending on how these rules are applied in practice , this may make venture capital financing of start-ups in China more difficult .

  14. 其中风险融资因其独特性值得关注,另外我们也应在吸引私募基金和争取银行贷款上下功夫。

    Risk financing system is to be worth paying attention . And we should try hard to get privately-offered fond and the loan of bank .

  15. 这是该公司的监测报告连续第六个季度显示,硅谷的风险融资平均估价呈现增长之势;2010年第三季度增长了28%。

    This was the sixth straight quarter in which their barometer showed an average valuation increase , including a 28 % bump the prior quarter .

  16. 高新技术企业进入快速成长期,在有风险融资的情况下,创业者面临着控制权与所有权的失控。

    With the rapid development of high-tech enterprise , venture entrepreneurs are under the pressure to deal with the out-of-control in control rights and ownership .

  17. 与此同时,多边投资担保机构也在寻找创新方法,创造性地通过其他手段来满足投资者的风险融资需求,在深陷金融危机之际尤为如此。

    MIGA is also looking at new ways to deliver other creative solutions to meet investors'risk financing needs , especially in the wake of the financial crisis .

  18. 事实上,我们的首轮风险融资虽然最终结果不错,但着实花了一番功夫:过程中我们受到了种种质疑。

    We ultimately had a good outcome with our series a , but I assure you it required some hard work and we faced plenty of skepticism .

  19. 根据国际优秀经验,巨灾保险体系是巨灾风险融资机制的核心部分,巨灾保险制度也应该与整套融资体系协调发展。

    According to international best experience , catastrophe insurance system is a catastrophe risk financing mechanism for the core of the catastrophe insurance and financing system should also be coordinated with the entire development .

  20. 在中国,同样也是,年轻公司的大体价值在呼吸之间就被快速抬升——在第一轮的风险融资中平均达到即使按硅谷的标准来看也算是昂贵的$1500-2000万美元。

    In China , too , the purported worth of young firms has risen breathtakingly fast - to an average of $ 15m-20m in first-round venture financings , which is expensive even by Silicon Valley 's standards .

  21. 鉴于我国的巨灾保险制度还处于探索阶段,笔者认为在全面深入探索巨灾风险融资体系的基础上,建立起恰当的巨灾保险制度,更具有一定的科学性。

    In view of our catastrophe insurance system also because of the exploratory phase , I believe that the full depth exploration of catastrophic risk financing system based on catastrophe insurance system to establish the right , but has some scientific .

  22. 利用蒙特卡罗模拟和计算机Matlab编程的定量预测,对项目的投资决策风险和融资风险进行评价,使项目融资风险评估系统化。

    Using Monte Carlo and Matlab , make mensurable forecast , evaluate the risk of invest & financing decision-making , and make the evaluation of project financing risk systematization .

  23. 黑石总裁托尼詹姆斯(tonyjames)表示,高风险债券融资市场的垮台降低了费用、延误了资产销售,会对业绩造成影响。

    Tony James , Blackstone president , said that the meltdown in the financing markets for risky debt would hit performance by reducing fees and delaying asset sales .

  24. 随着风险债券融资成本的不断下降,一些主流企业也开始愿意承担信用评级下调的后果,尽管AAA评级过去一直是企业财务总管引以为傲的资本。

    With the cost of funding risky debt falling , some mainstream companies have also proved willing to suffer the consequences of credit downgrades , even though treasurers used to view AAA status as a source of pride .

  25. 日本风险企业融资方式研究

    A Study of the Financing Modes of Japan 's Risk Businesses

  26. 购置海洋平台的风险与融资探讨

    Study of Risk and Financing in the Purchase Process of Ocean Platform

  27. 风险资本融资、证券工具与控制权配置

    Venture Capital Financing , Securities and Allocation of Control Rights

  28. 道德风险与融资可能性及融资方式选择

    Moral Hazard , Financing Possibility and Ways of Financing Selection

  29. 风险投资融资结构的优化选择

    The Optimization of the Financial Structure of Venture Capital

  30. 西部地区体育休闲旅游产业开发的投融资研究&建立西部体育休闲旅游产业的风险投资融资模式

    Research on Investment and Financial Support for Sports Leisure Tourism Industry in Regions of Western China