
  • 网络Risk Management Decision
  1. 灾害荷载下大坝风险管理决策支持系统研究

    Research on Dam Risk Management Decision Support System under Disaster Load

  2. 洪灾风险管理决策支持系统的总体设计与构思

    Design of Flood Hazard Risk Management Decision Support System

  3. 根据ZF企业的战略规划,建立风险管理决策过程的流程后建立风险管理体系,根据ZF公司特点,建立风险管理体系的五要素。

    According to the government enterprise strategic planning , establishing risk management decision-making process to establish risk management system , based on the characteristics of ZF company , establish risk management system of the five elements .

  4. 商业银行风险管理决策本身是个多目标决策过程。

    Risk management of commercial bank is a multicriteria decision-making process .

  5. 商业银行信用风险管理决策程序再造

    Reengineering on Decision-making Procedure of Credit Risk Management in Commercial Banks

  6. 前景理论下的风险管理决策模型研究

    To Study on the Risks Managing Dicision Model Based on Prospect Theory

  7. 型号项目工期风险管理决策模型与自适应遗传算法

    The Risk Management Decision Model of the Model Project Duration and Adaptive Genetic Algorithm

  8. 基于博弈模型的高新技术企业人力资本投资风险管理决策

    Management decision-making study of high-tech enterprises human capital investment risk based on game model

  9. 风险管理决策模型研究

    Research on decision models of risk management

  10. 企业风险管理决策准则研究

    Study on Risk Management Decision-making of Enterprises

  11. 神经网络与专家系统相结合的银行贷款风险管理决策研究&国家自然科学基金项目79770086回溯

    Review of the Project Granted by NSFC : Bank Loans Risk Management Decision by Combination of ANN with ES

  12. 最终证实了该模型在海上风险管理决策领域的适用性。

    At the end , the application of this model into the ocean risk management decision-making field has been proved .

  13. 三是构建风险管理决策系统,加强事中和事后的决策管理,组建管理组织,落实管理责任;

    War and Decision Management is decision . Third , establish the system of decision - making and the system dealing with the risks .

  14. 针对以上情况,本文设计了商业银行信用风险管理决策程序的理想模式,并对各决策环节的功能进行了详细定义。

    At the end , an optimal model of credit decision-making procedure is presented , and the functions for each stage are defined in detail .

  15. 综上所述,本文开发的基于数据挖掘的决策支持系统预测模型应用模块,在环境风险管理决策中的应用是基本可行的。

    In a word , it is basically feasible to apply the ERA decision supporting system based on data mining to decision-making of environmental risk management .

  16. 本文根据委托代理理论,利用风险管理决策的效用原则,分析企业管理者不同薪酬制度下的风险偏好和风险管理决策;

    Base on agency theory and utility principle of risk management decision , we analysis manager 's risk preference and risk management decision in different remuneration systems .

  17. 研究表明,我国商业银行现行信用风险管理决策程序整体上尚欠完整,部分决策环节在功能实现方面也存在不足。

    The results show that the credit decision-making procedure in Chinese commercial banks is not complete , and some kinds of weakness are existing at some stages .

  18. 进一步说明股东可以通过设计不同的管理者薪酬计划,校正管理者在风险管理决策中的利益动机,进而使管理者制定的风险管理决策符合股东价值最大化目标。

    Furthermore , the paper discusses that shareholders can correct the manager 's profit motivation through different remuneration systems in order to maximize the value of shareholders .

  19. 采用系统分析的基本思想,在对动态规划方法进行一般分析的基础之上,提出了一种改进的随机动态规划方法,并将其引入到风险管理决策当中。

    Based on the general analysis of dynamic program method s , an improved random dynamic program method is put forward by adopting the basic ideas of system analysis .

  20. 第六章,考察农户参加新型农村合作医疗选择的影响因素,以探讨影响农户大病风险管理决策的因素。通过理论分析和文献回顾归纳可能影响医疗保险需求的因素。

    Chapter 6 : Discussion on the influencing factors of major illness risk management behavior of households , which sums up the possible factors that may influence medical security needs of farm households , through theoretical analysis and literature review .

  21. 基于Petri网的信息系统开发风险管理与决策方法

    Petri nets-based risk management and decision-making method in information system development

  22. 协同项目风险管理智能决策支持系统

    Intelligent Decision Support System for Risk Management of Collaborative Projects

  23. 模糊优选技术在航天安全风险管理和决策中的应用

    Use of Theory of Fuzzy Selection in the Safety Risk Management and Decision-Making of the Space System

  24. 优化决策块涉及风险管理的决策体系和目标,是综合风险管理的终端动作部分。

    Optimizing decision making including risk management decision-making system and its objectives is the terminal of integrated risk management .

  25. 针对型号项目的过程特点,建立了型号项目工期风险的管理决策模型。

    According to the characteristics of the process of the model project , the risk management decision model of the model project is presented .

  26. 首先从新古典经济学角度,基于利益分歧对业主和承包商在工程质量风险管理方面决策进行经济学解释。

    Firstly , from the new classic economics angle , an economic explanation to the management decision against engineering quality risk according to the different benefits for contractor and owner .

  27. 此外,本研究还试图建立农户风险管理策略决策的概率模型,找到影响农户风险管理决策的因素。

    In addition , this research also tries to establish the ordered probability model about the selection of major illness risk strategies , and to search out risk management factors that affect farm households to make decisions .

  28. 为此,本文开展了其全寿命期各阶段上风险管理与决策的集成研究,主要创新性工作如下。

    Therefore , this dissertation conducts an integration research on risk management and decision-making of the cross-country pipeline at different phases of its life cycle . The main innovation of this dissertation is as follows . 1 .

  29. 四是将Delta法与EVT结合,提出了一种新的决策风险管理,增加决策价值的方法,即决策风险Delta-EVT模型。

    It also supports overall management by measurement of risk of decision-making and construction of its model . Fourth , we put a new method to increase the value of the decision-making with the management of the risk of decision-making . That is Delta-EVT model .

  30. 本文的研究对金融风险管理和投资决策具有重要的参考价值。

    The researches have important reference value for financial risk management and investment decision .