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  • Wind turbine;aerogenerator
  1. 本实用新型属于风力发动机,特别是指一种可与发电机和其它机械配套的旋臂式大功率风力发动机。

    The utility model belongs to a wind motor , in particular to a swing-arm type high-power wind motor capable of being matched with a generator and other machineries .

  2. 本文论述了基于单流管理论模型的直叶片立轴风力发动机特性的计算方法,讨论了雷诺数、展弦比和横臂的修正问题。

    This paper discusses the characteristic calculation method of the straight blade vertical axis windmill , the method being based on the single streamtube model . It also discusses the revise problem of the Reynolds number , aspect ratio and horizontal arm .