
  • 网络Yan Li School;yan-li school of thought
  1. 李塨的易学既包含着易学所共有的特点,也富含颜李学派特有的精神实质。

    His thought contains common characteristics of Yi-ology and the special spirit of Yan-Li school .

  2. 颜元是我国明末清初著名的思想家、教育家,颜李学派的创始人。

    Yan Yuan is our country " s famous thinker at the Ming Qing period and Yan and Li school " s founder .

  3. 李塨是清初颜李学派的集大成者,他将颜元学术中的注重经世致用的特点进一步发扬光大,并主张回归儒学经典,在清初学术界产生了巨大的影响。

    Li Gong , in early Qing dynasty , is the Yan-Li school synthesizer . He develops the characteristics of Yan Yuan including the practical learning and applying . He advocates classic , return to Confucianism and possesses a huge influence in academic circles .