
dǐ lì
  • temper;encourage
  • whetstone
砥砺 [dǐ lì]
  • (1) 磨刀石 [grindone;whetstone]

  • 崦嵫之山其中多砥砺。--《山海经.西山经》

  • (2) [temper]∶磨炼

  • 砥砺革命意志

  • (3) [encourage]∶勉励

  • 互相砥砺

  1. 学生们互相帮助,互相砥砺。

    The students help each other and encourage each other .

  2. 白皮书指出,30年来,中国军队为世界和平英勇出征、砥砺前行,成为联合国维护和平的关键力量。

    Serving on the UN missions for world peace , China 's armed forces have become a key force in UN peacekeeping operations over the past three decades , says the document .

  3. 家族势力砥砺公众公司

    The Difference Between Family Power and Public Company

  4. 因着我们共同的砥砺,不朽!

    For our mutual hone , Immortality !

  5. 希望在未来研究的过程中,不断砥砺。

    Hope in the future course of the study , and continue to move on .

  6. 学校作为教育阵地,对于学生陶冶情操、砥砺德行、磨练意志、塑造自我具有重要作用。

    The school achievement educates the position , oneself has the vital role regarding the student .

  7. 现在我们只能想象当时在这馆里文人雅士相互讨论、切磋砥砺的场面。

    Now we could only image the scene that scholars and gentlemen discussing literature in this hall .

  8. 它是通过各科学、各种流派的相互砥砺、相互渗透而发展的。

    It has enriched itself through the contention and infiltration of various disciplines and schools of thought .

  9. 她砥砺学生以心智去测量山体(有比喻的成分,比喻向知识的更高的领域涉足),然后接触外面的世界。

    She helped the minds of her students'scale the mountain walls and reached out to the world beyond .

  10. 激发创新意识,培养创新精神;砥砺品格,培养献身精神。

    To stimulate the consciousness of making innovations and to steel oneself in character and train the devotional spirit .

  11. 那些面对大萧条和战争的前辈,在砥砺中变得更加强大。

    Those who faced the great depressions and great wars , and came out stronger on the other side .

  12. 现代法律教育必同时是开发受教育者的道德情怀,砥砺受教育者的伦理能力的过程。

    The modern legal education is a process of exploiting the ethic sentiment and tempering oneself in respect of ethic ability .

  13. 澳门各界人士要砥砺勇气、转危为机,为保持澳门繁荣稳定而团结奋斗。

    Macao circles to caress the courage , for the machine , to keep the threat of macau prosperity and stability and solidarity .

  14. 在受社会文化、风习、政治影响的同时,汉代隐逸群体在推动文化发展、砥砺社会风习及改良政治等方面都发挥了巨大作用。

    The hermits in Han dynasty played an important role in promoting cultural development , influencing social values and customs , and reforming politics .

  15. 我校每学期开展校园“自砺之星”评选活动,激励奋发向上,砥砺崇高人格。

    Every term we have a action for electing Zili star in order to encourage them to study hard and train themselves to be a high character .

  16. 大臣会议与王储制度密切联系,大臣会议成为培养和砥砺未来王储与国王的重要场所。

    The Council of Ministers keeps close relation with the princes system , and it has became an important organ to elect and ensure the future crown and king .

  17. 《静静的顿河》作为一个经历了历史砥砺的文本,在当下的中国语境中仍将发挥其独特的价值。

    As a text which goes across experience of history , " Quiet Flows the Don " will continue to play its unique value in the present context of China .

  18. 在异质文化与本土文化相互砥砺的过程中,西方的耶稣会士与中方的文人成为文化交流中的主导力量。

    In the process of conflict and integration between the two different cultures , the Western Jesuit scholar and the Chinese scholars became the leading force for the cultural exchange .

  19. 广大年轻干部要自觉到艰苦地区、复杂环境、关键岗位砥砺品质、锤炼作风、增长才干。

    Young cadres need to take the initiative to work in hardship areas and complicated environments and take up challenging positions to temper their moral character and work style and improve their ability .

  20. 人际诗歌传播充分地体现了传播的社会性和多方面功能,如表达与交流功能,精神抚慰与人生砥砺功能,刺激诗歌作品生产的功能,切磋诗艺功能等。

    The interpersonal poetry transmission fully reflects the social and multi-aspects functions , such as expressing and exchanging function , spirit conciliating and encouraging function , stimulating function of producing works , learning skills function , etc.

  21. 在法国革命问题上,他的思想表现出更多的保守主义成分,且这一思想直接导致了辉格党的分裂,却也砥砺了后来的保守党;

    On the other hand , in the matter of French Revolution , his thoughts showed more ingredients of conservatism and had directly resulted in the collapse of the Whigs , and nourished conservatism in later time .

  22. 毕竟,任何一次写作潮流砥砺出的都只能是个人,诗歌更是这样,因为诗歌永远是个人的,是孤独的,而不是集体的,喧嚣的。

    After all , any time writing out all the tide of opportunity can only be " personal ", poetry is the case , because poetry is always a person is lonely , rather than collective , noisy .

  23. 今天我和第四届政府的主要官员和行政会议成员宣誓就职,我相信我们的团队必定能够互相砥砺,并肩合作,尽心尽力为香港市民服务。

    Today I am being sworn into office together with principal officials of the fourth-term Government and members of the Executive Council . I trust that my team will work together harmoniously and dedicate themselves to serving the community .

  24. 由于王令的真儒思想倾向和儒家传统的诗学观,其诗歌思想内容洋溢着现实意义。砥砺士风,针砭现实和抒写情怀是其主要方面。

    Because of his real Confucian thought tendency and traditional poetics thought of Confucian , wang ling 's poems are permeated with reality meaning and it encompasses encouraging morale , criticizing reality and expressing feelings , and so on .

  25. 校园体育文化建设作为高等教育的一个重要组成部分,一方面对于学生陶冶情操、砥砺德行、磨练意志、塑造自我具有积极作用;

    The construction of campus physical education ( P.E. ) culture , as an important part composing the whole higher education , holds essential importance for students in edifying their sentiments and morals , consolidating their decisions and moulding the egos .

  26. 诗家语言追求韵味的审美传统是与佛家语言观的影响分不开的。刚健宽厚的君子人格追求代表了中华人格自我砥砺的生活审美传统。

    The aesthetic tradition of seeking " lingering charm " in poetic language cannot be separated from the influence of Buddhist linguistic perspective . the dignity and open-mindedness of the personality of gentleman represented the aesthetic tradition of the self-training of the Chinese personality .

  27. 在新形势下,团队合作在学校质量管理进程中显得尤为重要,学校应该成为学习型组织,建构学习型的学校文化,不能成为文化沙漠,而成为一个相互砥砺思想的乐土。

    Under the new situation , it is especially of importance for the cooperation in the QM process , School should be a learning organization , establishing a culture of learning , not a desert of culture but a paradise of communication and thinking .

  28. 那些能够砥砺历史风雨发展至今的民族传统体育活动正是在文化传统的认同中日新而新,这是一种自身文化张力的体现,更是传统文化强大生命力的彰显。

    These can steel the historical wind and rain development until now national tradition sports are precisely approve China and Japan in the cultural tradition to be new and to be new , this is one own cultural tensity manifestation , is traditional culture formidable vitality showing .
