
  • 网络warning system;early warning system;mechanism
  1. 指出我国在一定条件下可以借鉴美国IRIS来建立保险风险预警机制;

    Secondly , it 's suggested that our country could use US ' IRIS to build up insurance risk early warning system on certain condition ;

  2. 它将对全球性的风险进行监测,并建立一个有效的预警机制,以承担比BIS更大的警示职能。

    It would monitor global risks and establish an effective early warning system with more clout to sound alarms than the BIS has .

  3. DNA顺序分析整个内部管理预警机制的运行是通过规范化的模型和程序化的流程进行的。

    DNA Sequencing The interior management precaution system is proceeding through standardized models and sequencing flows .

  4. MIS系统中的预警机制

    Applying Alert Mechanism in MIS

  5. 本文针对我国上市公司治理过程中存在的风险,以风险监测风险评估风险预控为逻辑思路,应用BP神经网络构建了上市公司治理风险预警机制。

    Based on the risk of the listed corporate governance , this paper constructs the early warning mechanism applying the BP neural network in the process of the risk monitor-risk assessment-risk control .

  6. 通过对国内外TBT预警机制概况的比较分析,提出了如何建立我国TBT预警机制的几点建议。

    By comparing and analyzing the domestic and foreign situation of TBT prewarning system , this paper puts forward some suggestions of establishing our TBT prewarning system .

  7. 构建我国货币危机预警机制&基于KLR信号法的研究

    Building up a Pre-warning Mechanism of Our Monetary Crisis & Based on the Research of the Signal of KLR

  8. 其次,力图探求人民币NDF汇率与境内即期汇率的相关性及人民币NDF市场的预警机制。

    Second , the attempt to explore the territory of the RMB NDF rate and the spot exchange rate and the relevance of the RMB NDF market and early-warning mechanism .

  9. 本文分析了Email系统安全问题产生的原因及现有对策的不足,在此基础上,提出多级安全机制和智能预警机制,以提高Email系统的安全性,并提出了能有效解决线路分析攻击的方案。

    This paper analyses the causes of Email security and the shortcomings of existing solutions . On this basis we present a multi level security mechanism and an intelligent alarm system to enhance the security of Email systems , and propose an effective solution to connection analysis attack .

  10. 最后提出相应的政策建议,以促进TBT预警机制互动体系的形成。TBT预警机制既是入世后我国企业面对机遇和挑战的需要,也是解决企业存在的信息不对称的客观需要。

    Establishing the prewarning system for the technical barrier of trade is not only the need of our enterprise 's facing the opportunity and challenge , but also the need to settle the " information dissymmetry " existing in our enterprise .

  11. 从国内相匹配设立的法律制度、专门涉外机构和人员、监督和预警机制、培养CAFTA专门法律人员等方面来做出具体应对。

    It should set a specific corresponding domestic legal system , such as concerning foreign affairs agencies and special staffs , supervision and early warning mechanism , cultivating CAFTA special legal staffs to make specific aspects to reply that .

  12. 为了有效规避TBT风险,文章指出应充分认识到TBT风险的主要形式及发展趋势,强化TBT风险预警机制的建立,并提及了在强化中应注意的一些问题。

    In order to evade TBT risk effectively , we should fully realize the main contents of TBT risk and the development trend of TBT , strengthen the setting-up of early warning mechanism of TBT risk , and pay attention to some questions during strengthening .

  13. 建议政府应积极与日方交涉,促进中日两国FTA的建立,完善贸易壁垒预警机制,同时大力推进农产品标准化战略,发展绿色产业,实现农业的低碳经济。

    Recommendations that our government should actively negotiate with the Japanese side to promote the establishment of an FTA between China and Japan and early warning mechanism of the barriers , vigorously promote standardization agricultural strategy , the developments of green industries as well as agriculture in low-carbon economy .

  14. 关于在我国建立技术壁垒预警机制的研究

    Research on Establishing the Early Warning Mechanism of TBT in China

  15. 金融风险监测预警机制研究

    Studies on Mechanism of Monitoring and Early Warning in Financial Risk

  16. 海上采油平台安全预警机制管理

    Investigation on Early Warning Mechanism of Safety Management for Offshore Platform

  17. 吉林省汽车产业损害预警机制研究

    A Study on the Jilin Province Automobile Industry Damage Warning Mechanism

  18. 对中小商业银行财务危机预警机制的思考

    Thinking on small and medium commercial bank finance crisis prevention mechanism

  19. 学分制高校学生学习预警机制的构建

    Set up Early-warning Mechanism in Colleges and Universities Credit System Practiced

  20. 航空公司人力资源预警机制研究

    Study on Methods of Human Resource Early-warning Management in China Airlines

  21. 论我国企业财务预警机制的构建

    On the Building of Financial Alert Mechanism of China 's Enterprises

  22. 建立预警机制,规避市场风险;

    Establishment of warning system and elusion from market venture ;

  23. 完善预警机制构建维权工程

    Perfect the early warning mechanism Construct the right maintenance project

  24. 建立广西电力供应预警机制的探讨及建议

    Discussion and Suggestion for Power Supply Warning Mechanism in Guangxi Power Grid

  25. 其次是构建了战略风险的预警机制和模型。

    Second , early warning system and model are constructed .

  26. 高校公共突发事件预警机制研究与探讨

    The Research and Discussion of Public Contingency Early Warning System in College

  27. 我国政府危机预警机制的构建

    On the Construction of Government 's Early-warning Mechanism in China

  28. 激励熵与企业激励系统的预警机制

    Incentive Entropy and Warning Mechanism of Incentive System for Firms

  29. 我国出口产品反倾销预警机制法制化构想

    Legislative Convention of Anti - dumping Early Warning Mechanism for Chinese Exports

  30. 冶金企业融合构建事故预警机制初探

    Preliminary study on metallurgy enterprises inosculating and building the accident early-warning mechanisms