
  1. 说明了表面活性剂的脱脂类型酸性脱脂、碱性脱脂和溶剂型脱脂的特点以及隧道式喷淋脱脂预脱脂、隧道式喷淋磷化、磷化后洗涤和钝化等工艺常见的问题。

    The characteristics of degreasing types of surfactant acidic degreasing , basic degreasing and solvent degreasing , common problems of the processes of tunnel cascade degreasing pre-degreasing , tunnel cascade phosphating , washing after phosphating and passivation etc. , were described .

  2. 采用固相萃取的方法对四种茶籽多酚样品进行预分离纯化脱脂,并用HPLC测定比较不同洗脱溶剂进行预处理的结果。

    HPLC was used to determine and compare the pretreatment results of different elution solvent .

  3. 石英光纤表面电沉积Ni-Co合金镀层的研究表明,石英光纤化学性质稳定,表面光滑,化学镀前必须经过特殊的预处理工艺:脱脂,粗化,敏化,活化,烤烘等。

    The study of electroplating Ni ~ Co coating on silica fiber showed that a special pretreatment must be preformed before electroless nickel because of the smooth surface of silica fiber .

  4. 预处理采用电解脱脂、电解酸洗、直线溢流漂洗工艺。

    Electrolysis degreasing , electrolysis pickling and straight line flooding fulling process are adopted while pre-treatment .