
yù suàn zhí xínɡ qínɡ kuànɡ
  • budget performance
  1. 通过实证分析,论文得出了四个方面的结论:一是2002年预算执行情况较好;

    Through analysis , the thesis comes to four conclusions : first , the year 2002 budget performance is preppy good ;

  2. 行政单位年度决算报表设计的基本原则应遵循所设计的报表能够真实、准确、完整地反映行政单位一年的财务状况及预算执行情况。

    The accounting statements should reflect the annual financial status and budget performance of the administrative unit well , truly and comprehensively . is the basic principle that the administrative units design their annual final accounts should follow .

  3. 如何做好预算执行情况分析

    How to Make a Good Analysis about the Execution of Budget

  4. 两年期方案预算执行情况报告

    Performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 1988-1989 1988-1989

  5. 论如何搞好高校预算执行情况审计

    On How to Improve Budgetary Implementation Audit in Higher Colleges and Universities

  6. 2008年中央和地方预算执行情况

    I.Implementation of the Central and Local Budgets for2008

  7. 每月例会对各部门的预算执行情况进行考核。

    The monthly meetings of the various departments to examine the implementation of the budget .

  8. 预算执行情况年度报告

    Annual Report on Budgetary Performance

  9. 对预算执行情况进行跟踪、分析、总结,监控公司运营状况;

    Tracking the implementation of the budget , analyze , summarize , and monitor the status of company operations .

  10. 在回答各位的提问前,我先简要向大家介绍一下去年国家预算执行情况。

    Before answering your questions , I would like to brief you on the performance of last year 's state budget .

  11. 从目前各地财政报表的汇总情况看,1999年,国家预算执行情况比较好。

    According to the summary statements of local budget authorities , the general performance of state budget in 1999 is quite satisfactory .

  12. 为此,需要进一步探索县级审计机关深化同级财政预算执行情况审计的新的思路。

    Therefore , new ideas should be encouraged in the work of the county audit departments over the implementation of financial budget at the same level .

  13. 在此背景下,对国家中医药项目的经费预算执行情况实行规范、透明、动态的信息化管理需求已迫在眉睫,急需建立专门针对中央转移支付中医药项目经费管理的信息系统和信息化平台。

    In this context , It is impossible to implement a standardized and transparent , dynamic information management needs in the budget of Traditional Chinese Medicine Programes .

  14. 预算执行情况信息为政府财务报告的组成部分之一。第五,财政风险分为广义的财政风险和狭义的财政风险。

    Information on budget implementation is a part of the government financial report . Fifth , fiscal risk can be divided into the generalized sense and the narrow sense .

  15. 第十七条审计署在国务院总理领导下,对中央预算执行情况进行审计监督,向国务院总理提出审计结果报告。

    Article 17 The National Audit Administration shall , under the leadership of the Premier of the State Council , exercise supervision through auditing over the implementation of the central budget and submit audit reports thereon to the Premier .

  16. 传统上,政府受托责任的核心是反映政府部门预算执行情况以及支出是否符合有关法律法规要求,这一定位并不完全适应剧变了的经济环境的内在要求。

    Traditionally , the core of government accountability lies in the way that government budgeting is being implemented and whether the government expenditures are made in compliance with rules and regulations . This positioning may no longer fit the needs of the changing economic environment .

  17. 从审计法和《中央预算执行情况审计监督暂行办法》规定的审计机关的职责出发,财政收支合法性审计是加强审计监督、履行法律责任的内在需要。

    Following the responsibility of audit institution , which is set by the Audit Law and the " Provisional Practice Direction for Auditing Central Budgetary Implementation ", compliance audit of revenues and expenditures of public finance is inherently required during enhancement of audit supervision and fulfilling the law liability .

  18. 地质调查项目预算标准执行情况的动态评估

    Dynamic Appraisal for Implementing the Budget Standard of Geological Survey Projects

  19. 第二十三条审计机关对国家建设项目预算的执行情况和决算,进行审计监督。

    Article 23 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the budget implementation and final accounts of the State 's construction projects .

  20. 2008年预算执行总体情况较好,有力地促进了经济平稳较快发展和社会和谐稳定。

    In general , the budgets for2008 were implemented satisfactorily , thereby effectively promoting steady and rapid economic development and social harmony and stability .

  21. 政府预算的执行情况由预算会计系统提供,预算会计要素设置为预算收入、预算支出和预算结余。

    Government budget implementation is provided by the budget accounting system . Budget accounting elements are the fiscal revenues , public expenditures , and budget balance .

  22. 论文介绍了平凉新世纪集团公司预算管理执行情况及存在的问题,重新设计了新世纪集团公司的组织体系和战略导向的预算管理体系。

    The paper presents the implementation of budget management and the previous problems in Pingliang New Century Group and redesigns the organizational system and the budget management system under the strategic oriented of New Century Group Company .

  23. 第十六条审计机关对本级各部门(含直属单位)和下级政府预算的执行情况和决算,以及预算外资金的管理和使用情况,进行审计监督。

    Article 16 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the budget implementation , final accounts and management and use of extra-budgetary funds of departments ( including units directly subordinate to them ) at the corresponding levels and of the people 's governments at lower levels .

  24. 组织制定财务预算并跟踪执行情况。

    Prepares financial forecasting and budgeting , and follow up the execution .

  25. (十)审查和批准国家的预算和预算执行情况的报告;

    ( 10 ) To examine and approve the state budget and the report on its implementation ;

  26. 高校绩效审计的内容包括高等学校事业计划和预算编制及其执行情况审计;

    The contents include the audit of the university project planning and budget establishment as well as its implementation ;

  27. 按照所签订的责任合同的规定,责任中心和上一责任层次需分别对本级责任成本进行归集并监督及管理责任预算执行的具体情况。

    The responsibility centers and higher centers in accordance with the contract liability rules control the implementation of responsibility budget and impute responsibility cost of this level .

  28. 联合国1978&1979两年期预算和方案的执行情况

    Budget and programme performance of the United Nations for the biennium 1978-1979

  29. 反映收付实现制预算下,预算收支的执行情况。

    It reflects the implementation of budgetary revenues and expenditures in cash basis .

  30. 第三十一条审计机关有权要求被审计单位按照规定报送预算或者财务收支计划、预算执行情况、决算、财务报告,社会审计机构出具的审计报告,以及其他与财政收支或者财务收支有关的资料,被审计单位不得拒绝、拖延、谎报。

    Article 31 Audit institutions shall have the power to require auditees to submit , in accordance with the relevant regulations , their budgets or plans for financial revenues and expenditures or make false reports .