
  • 网络Item Number
  1. 一类非线性项变号的奇异p-Laplacian动力方程正解的存在性

    Existence of Positive Solutions to a Singular p-Laplacian Dynamic Equation with Sign Changing Nonlinearity

  2. 为此,我们研究了测度链上非线性项变号的p-Laplacian奇异多点边值问题正解的存在性。

    Hence , we investigate singular m-point p-Laplacian boundary value problems on time scales with the sign changing nonlinearity .

  3. 首项系数变号的Sturm-Liouville问题的特征值不等式

    Inequalities for Eigenvalues for Sturm-Liouville Problems with Change Sign Leading Coefficient

  4. 找到注册表项的端口号在右窗格中。

    Locate the registry entry PortNumber in the right pane .

  5. 上周二,我国发起了一项整治“号贩子”和“网络医托”的专项行动。

    China on last Tuesday launched a campaign to address the practice of hospital appointment scalping and online cappers .

  6. 这项在22号公布的、对中国2.1万多名白领的调查结果显示,由于经济发展的下行压力,他们对职业生涯发展的信心已经降到了三年来的最低水平,特别是那些在国有企业和政府下属机构单位工作的人。

    The survey , released on Monday , polled more than 21000 white-collar workers in China . It found that their confidence in career development had reached the lowest level in three years , especially for those who work in State-owned enterprises and government-affiliated organizations , due to downward pressure on the economy .

  7. 为每个LUN列出的数据项之一是序列号。

    One of the items listed for each LUN is a serial number .

  8. 一类非线性项前系数可变号的高阶Duffing方程的周期解存在性问题

    The existence of periodic solutions for a kind of high-order Duffing Equations with sign-changing coefficient ahead of nonlinear term

  9. 如果它们无法匹配,那么您可能需要为keytab文件中的host/主体添加一项匹配密钥版本号的条目。

    If they do not match , you might be required to add a new entry for host / principal in the keytab file matching the key version number .

  10. 这项研究在四月号的《美国妇产科》杂志上发表。

    The study appears in the April issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology .

  11. 特别是本文中的非线性项是可以变号的。

    The interesting point of the results is that the nonlinear term may be allowed to change sign .

  12. 2017年初,一项由“卡西尼号”飞船参与的任务探测到了氢分子,这表明地表下正发生化学反应。

    But in early 2017 , a mission involving the Cassini spacecraft detected hydrogen molecules that point to a chemical reaction occurring under the surface .

  13. 顺便说一下,这里这个-号实际上和,我们做交叉乘积的时候的方法是有联系的,我们在算第二项前面是-号。

    By the way , this minus sign here is actually related to the way in which , when we do a cross product , we have a minus sign for the second entry .

  14. 文章介绍了采用扇形孔爆破施工技术,利用2号引水隧洞进口方向前期已开挖的施工导洞,采用此项技术进行2号进水口的高边坡开挖,取得较好效果。

    The geologic condition is complex . The paper introduces the fan shaped round blasting technique that is used to excavate the high side slope of No2 water intake with diversion tunnel along the direction of No2 intake , the result is good .

  15. 这是真的吗?事实上,1993年的《英国医学杂志》发表了一项研究结果。这项研究对13号星期五的交通事故入院率同6号星期五的交通事故入院率做了比较。

    But is there anything really to fear ? In fact , a study was conducted and published back in 1993 in the British Medical Journal that looked at hospital admissions due to accidents on one Friday the 13th compared with the previous Friday the 6th .