
yīn bù
  • foot;meter;scansion
音步 [yīn bù]
  • (1) [foot]

  • (2) 诗的韵律的基本单位:构成韵律的循环模式的一例:成格律单位的一组音节

  • (3) 一系列音律的任何一种的基本单位,不论它是否押韵

  • (4) [meter]∶韵律诗的节拍或单位--通常被用于结合字中

  • 二音步诗行

  • 五音步诗行

  • (5) [scansion]∶尤指将有诗的格律的一组划分为其组成部的音步

音步[yīn bù]
  1. (指音步韵律)两个短音后跟一个长音。放在元音上标示短音的发音符号(u形)。

    ( of a metric foot ) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one . a diacritical mark ( u-curved ) placed over a vowel to indicate a short sound .

  2. 音步组合的松紧及其规律;

    Compactness of foot combination and its rules ;

  3. 诗中每行都各有六个抑扬格和六音步。

    A line of verse that has six iambic feet .

  4. 在这首诗里,每行有五个音步。

    In this poem , each verse has5 beats .

  5. 由两行互相押韵的含有五个抑扬音步的诗句组成的韵文单位。

    Heroic couplet refers to two lines of iambic pentameter rhyming with each other .

  6. 由顿歇形成的音步是节奏的基础,音步是节奏的最小单元。

    Feet formed by pauses is the basis of rhythm and the minimal unit of it .

  7. 抑扬格诗中的音步是由非重读音节后跟着一个重读音节组成,如'delay'。

    An iambic foot consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable as in ` delay ' .

  8. 一种押韵形式,其中重音落在每一音步的末音节上,如在。

    A rhythmic pattern in which the stress falls on the last syllable of each foot , as in .

  9. 我甚至不必费神看我的诗稿,因为这首诗我花了很多时间完善韵律、对齐音步,所以我对这首诗了熟于胸。

    I 'd spent so much time perfecting the rhymes , and counting the beats , that I knew the poem by heart .

  10. 《绿鸡蛋和火腿》的韵律是扬抑格和抑扬格的四音步句的组合,详情可以参考苏斯的韵律。

    The meter of Green Eggs and Ham is a combination of trochaic and iambic tetrameter ; for details , see Dr. Seuss 's meters .

  11. 他首先运用自己创建的音组理论翻译莎剧,以汉语音组对应莎剧原文的抑扬格五音步,力求达旨而传神。

    He initially applied the theory of metre to translating the Shakespearean dramas . The Chinese sound groups correspond with the iambic Pentameter in source texts .

  12. 各行基本由仄仄平音步所组成,第一行结尾经常附加一个非重读音节,英语韵文,罕见这种诗行。

    Lines composed primarily of anapestic feet , often with an additional unstressed syllable the end of the first line , are much rarer in English verse .

  13. 圆筒凹槽:印刷机圆筒上的空档部份。它设有各种锁紧装置。由音步操作的圆盘式张力装置。

    Cylinder gap : The non-printing portion of the peripheral surface of a printing cylinder where lock-up device is installed . cymbals that are operated by foot .

  14. 经过分析,本文认为汉语的重音受到句法因素的制约,句法结构在很大程度上制约汉语音步的构成。

    Based on the discussion and analysis made through the thesis , the thesis claims that stress placement in Chinese is constrained by syntax in that syntax influences foot formation .

  15. 因为,仄仄平节奏缓慢,纯仄仄平音步原本只用于通俗英语韵文,但是十八世纪后,才出现于严肃诗。

    Because of its jog-trot rhythm , pure anapestic metre was originally used only in light or popular English verse , but after the18th century it appeared in serious poetry .

  16. 本文认为设定重音音步参数的方法深入地解释了英语词重音模式,由此方法导出的规则较全面地概括了英语词重音现象。

    This paper holds that this approach provides a thorough explanation of English word stress and the rules derived from these parameters can predict the stress of English words quite successfully .

  17. 暂停在拉丁或希腊韵律学中,表示在一个音步中由于单词的收尾而引起的行间停顿,尤其是当这一中断与意义的划分相一致的时候。

    In Latin and Greek prosody , a break in a line caused by the ending of a word within a foot , especially when this coincides with a sense division .

  18. 对中央电视台栏目名的考察和分析表明,电视栏目名以四字格偏正结构最为常见,双音节音步是其基本的韵律单位。

    The investigation of the CCTV feature-programme titles shows that the commonest ones are those of the modifier modified word structure in tetrad pattern , whose basic rhythmic unit is disyllabic foot .

  19. 就技巧方面而言,祂们打破了抑扬格五音步的格律,用前所未有的形式展示出一种自由,由此而扩充了这个新生国家的文学独立。

    In technical terms , both added to the literary independence of the new nation by breaking free of the convention of the iambic pentameter and exhibiting a freedom in form unknown before .

  20. 并从格律、音步、韵脚方面体味诗的艺术价值,给读者带来分析、鉴赏与评论这首诗的一家之言。

    And the artistic value of the poem can also be seen from the measure , foot and rhyme used , and one point of view is brought about to the reader by the analysis and appreciation of it .

  21. 言词的节奏单位,拉丁诗歌中从两个到六个音步中,含有一个主重音意大利语单词的主重音通常在倒数第二个音节上。

    A section of a metrical period in quantitative verse , consisting of two to six feet and in Latin verse having one principal accent . Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word .

  22. 本文通过对哈萨克民歌词格律中各音步的组合方式以及音步内各音节组合式的分析发现,三音音步和四音音步中音节的组合方式是影响哈萨克族民歌音乐节拍的重要因素。

    The article tells that the way of syllable composing of Three and Four is the significant factor to influence the beat of Kazak folk songs by analyzing the way of syllable composing and syllable composing in rules and forms of words in Kazak folk songs .