
  • 网络audiophile;Music buffs
  1. 大多数古典音乐发烧友都喜欢莫扎特的作品。

    Most classic music – manics are keen on Mozart .

  2. 我是个昼伏夜出打击犯罪的义务警员也是个重金属说唱音乐发烧友

    I 'm a nightstalking crimefighting vigilante and a heavy metal rapping machine

  3. 举例来说,巴拉向路透社记者介绍了小米将如何向美国的音乐发烧友推广小米耳机,以及如何基于反馈来调整这个产品。

    For example , Barra told Reuters how Xiaomi might put its self-branded headphones in front of U.S. audiophiles and tweak the product depending on their detailed feedback .

  4. 作为一个资深的音乐发烧友,作为一个高品位的文化收藏者,作为一个挑选馈赠礼品的成功人士,这是一套堪称完美的重量级产品。

    As a senior music enthusiasts , as a high grade of cultural collectors , choose gifts as a successful personage , this is a set of can perfect the heavyweight products .

  5. 而真正的音乐发烧友想要的是一种给人以身临其境感觉的高保真音响设备。//到了80年代,声音复制设备的发展迈出了一系列更大的步伐。

    The real enthusiastic listener to music wanted a realistic reproduction of music with hi-fidelity or hi-fi . / / The 1980s saw an even greater series of developments in sound reproduction hardware .

  6. 澳大利亚近日开展了一项史上百佳歌曲评选,结果无一女星上榜,这表明,在广袤的澳洲大陆上,音乐发烧友们眼中的世界是一个男人的世界。

    An Australian vote for the 100 best songs of all time has showed it 's a man 's world for music fans Down Under , with not one female artist making the list .

  7. 在一整天的节日狂欢后,音乐发烧友可以把手机插入长筒靴顶部的电源插孔,利用一整天所产生的电能给手机充电。

    After a full day 's festivalfrolics music lovers can plug their phone into the power output at the top of the welly and use the energy generated throughout the day to charge their phone .