
  • 网络Interview English;Interview language
  1. 现在,你要需要有一个正确的面试英语表达方式。

    Now , you need to make sure that you also have the right type of English for that job interview .

  2. 复试包括面试、英语听力测试、专业课程考试和体检。

    The second-round exam includes exam of test of audition of interview , english , special training course and check-up .

  3. 本文以工作面试和英语口试为例,具体介绍了基于情境认知与学习的大学英语课外活动的操作过程,并对结果进行了分析。

    The author took job interview and English oral exam as examples to introduce the operating process and finally analyzed the results .

  4. 各种经验的人才都会被接受评估。然而,所有申请者都应符合课程入学标准包括将要参加面试和英语水平测试。

    However , all applicants will be considered provided they meet course entry requirements consisting of an interview and English level examination .

  5. 高级管理职位,当然要求优异的、接近母语的英语水平,而面试自然用英语进行。

    For top management jobs , excellent , near-native-speaker English is taken for granted , and the interview would be conducted in English .

  6. 英语口语面试培训-英语面试培训课程旨在提高学员在商务英语场合的自信心,引导学员熟悉并练习那些适合一般场合和正式场合的措辞。

    This course aims to increase the confidence of students in business settings through providing them with common , formal vocabulary and creating a space where students can practice their skills .

  7. 但是,当你追问为了把工作做好英语的重要性时,他们就会一致同意:确实有必要甩英语进行面试,而且英语水平仍然是决定谁能得到这份工作的重要因素。

    When pressed , however , on the importance of English for doing the job well , they would agree that it was indeed necessary , and that English proficiency was still an important factor in deciding who would get the job .

  8. 英语口语面试培训班-英语面试培训班课程重点辅导学员熟悉整个应聘过程,包括个人简历制作和面试表现。

    This course focuses on aiding the student in this whole process from applying for a job , to crafting a resume to performing well in an interview .