
  • 网络Object-Oriented Programming Language;oopl
  1. 采用面向对象编程语言Delphi和数据库技术,并充分结合目前矿井通风系统优化工作的实际情况,开发出矿井通风系统优化决策支持系统。

    With regard to actual situation of the optimization of mine ventilation system , a mine ventilation optimization decision support system has been developed by use of object-oriented programming language Delphi and database technology , in which the basic information database of mine ventilation system has been established .

  2. OBMS/IDKE:模型及其无缝的面向对象编程语言

    OBMS / IDKE : The Model and Its Seamless Object-Oriented Programming Language

  3. Java和C++是目前使用最为广泛的两种面向对象编程语言。

    Java and C + + are two distinguished object-oriented programming languages .

  4. 作为典型的面向对象编程语言,Java程序的切片技术很有代表性。

    As a typical object-oriented programming language , the slicing technique of Java program is very representative .

  5. 客户端程序界面采用面向对象编程语言实现,客户端与数据库的交互通过ADO接口技术实现。

    Client interface is realized by object-oriented programming language while ADO interface technology realizes communication between client and database .

  6. 控制软件采用面向对象编程语言VB编制,为用户提供了可视化控制界面,方便用户控制硬件并对扫描结果进行分析。

    The control software is programmed with the object oriented language-VB and provides the user with a visible control interface so that users operate the hardware and analyze the scanning results easily .

  7. 本文阐述了采用Borlandc++Builder5提供的面向对象编程语言和环境编写的电力系统的计算分析软件。

    Power system calculating and analysis software Based on Borland C + + Builder 5.5 developing environment is expounded in this paper .

  8. 方法将面向对象编程语言应用于电梯中,根据建筑物约束和电梯系统交通数据等参数,提出一种基于Delphi可视化交互性虚拟电梯分析设计方法。

    Object-oriented programming is applied in the elevator , according to building restriction and elevator traffic data , a kind of visual interactive elevator design and analysis method is proposed based on Delphi .

  9. 在面向对象编程语言里,我们大概会用一组对象实例来给这些规则建模;而在Erlang里,我们用函数。

    In an object oriented programming language these rules would most likely be modeled by a list of instances ; in Erlang we use functions .

  10. 介绍了在SQL数据库的基础上利用面向对象编程语言Delphi开发的烟叶品质数据管理系统,主要讨论了数据库设计中数据表字段的选取,以及系统开发所应用的ADO体系结构。

    Tobacco leaf quality data management system developed with object oriented programming language Delphi based on SQL database was introduced , the field selection of data sheet in database design and ADO system structure were discussed mainly .

  11. 新的面向对象编程语言Ada95

    New object oriented programming language & ada95

  12. 被面向对象编程语言所实现的多态性被称作动态绑定。

    The process used by object-oriented programming languages to implement polymorphism is called dynamic binding .

  13. 应用面向对象编程语言C。

    Apply object-oriented programming language C # .

  14. 同样,面向对象编程语言让你定义控制件,从对象来激发特定的行为。

    Similarly , OO programming languages let you define controls to trigger specific behaviors from an object .

  15. 与面向对象编程语言编写的程序,一般长度较短,较少错误,或错误比非面向对象编程语言编写的。

    Programs written with OOP languages are generally shorter in length and contain fewer bugs , or mistakes , than those written with non-OOP languages .

  16. 它是一种成熟的面向对象编程语言,既可以用于面向对象编程,又可以用作纯粹的脚本语言。

    It is a full-fledged object-oriented programming language that can be used as such , or it can be used purely as a scripting language .

  17. 在崩落法放矿理论的基础上,利用全新面向对象编程语言,开发了一种新的崩落法放矿计算机系统软件。

    Based on the ore caving-drawing theory a new software of computer system for ore caving-drawing was developed , using a fully new object-oriented programming language .

  18. 方法借助C/S院内HIS网络结构模式,采用第四代面向对象编程语言,综合利用护理人员继续护理学教育相关信息。

    Methods C / S hospital HIS network modules and the fourth-generation object-oriented programming language were employed , and relevant information of nurse continuing education was integrated into the system .

  19. 这种方法可以承接来自需求分析阶段的有效信息,而且,它可以很方便地将设计阶段的文档转换成程序代码框架,并提供了面向对象编程语言的图形表达。

    The method can undertake effective information from requirement analysis phase , and it can convert the documents of design stage into program code frame conveniently , and provides the graphic expression of object programming language .

  20. 在此基础上,本文阐述了虚拟设计原型信息模型建模和利用面向对象编程语言C++来表征产品信息对象模型的方法。

    Based on this , the building of the information model of virtual design prototyping and the methods of utilizing the object programming language C + + to symbolize the object models of product information are elaborated .

  21. 在研究三角插值数学模型及算法之后,讨论了采用面向对象编程语言、组件、指针偏移挖掘策略、窗口分割技术进行软件开发的方法。

    After the math model and arithmetic of trigonometric interpolation is studied , the method of the software development is discussed using object oriented programme language , component , the mining policy with pointer excursion , window split .

  22. 文中主要阐述了在国外广泛应用的嵌入式系统面向对象编程语言EC++,比较了它与C++的区别,论述了EC++对嵌入式系统编程的优点。

    This paper mainly sets forth the target facing programming language EC + + of embedded systems which is widely used abroad , compares it with C + + and presents its benefit to the programming of embedded systems .

  23. 针对面向对象编程语言C++的特点,我们论述了一个C++程序静态分析方法的基本设计框架及具体实现流程,并用VC++初步实现,最后给出一个实现示例。

    For character of C + + program , we advise a basic designed frame and developing procedure of static analyses method of C + + program , then have simply developed by VC + + , finally present an example .

  24. 该系统硬件部分由热电偶、数据采集卡、信号放大电路、滤波电路、微机等组成,软件部分主要采用面向对象编程语言C++Builder7.0编写。

    The system can collect and process data conveniently . Its hardware part consists of thermocouples , a date acquisition card and a microcomputer . To simulate the parameters of weld thermal cycle , some programs are developed using C + + Builder 7.0 language .

  25. 最后采用面向对象编程语言与可视化编程技术构建基于情景模拟的小山洪灾害预警系统,实现了试验区气象预报情景到具体山洪灾害风险情景的转换。

    At last , the warning system of flash flood disaster based on the method was developed using oriented-object programming language and visual programming technology to achieve the transformation from the scenarios of meteorological prediction to the specific scenarios of flash flood disaster risk in the study area .

  26. 该模型允许使用面向对象的编程语言来开发Web服务,开发人员可适当地调用和重用这些服务。

    This model allows for the development of web services using object-oriented programming languages that developers can call and reuse as appropriate .

  27. TOM是一个可编译的、面向对象的编程语言,支持代码的无计划的重用。

    TOM-TOM is a compiled object-oriented programming language that advocates unplanned reuse of code .

  28. 因此,Delphi、Java等面向对象的编程语言提供了异常处理机制。

    Therefore , Delphi , Java and other object oriented programming languages provide exception process mechanisms .

  29. NET开发平台上,使用最新的完全面向对象的编程语言C实现了系统的功能。

    It realizes the designed functions by way of the object-oriented programming language C # on the most recent development platform of Visual Studio . NET .

  30. Servlet技术基于强大的Java语言,具有纯粹的面向对象编程设计语言的优点。

    Servlet technology is based on the powerful Java language with the advantages of the pure object-oriented programming languages .