
  • 网络nonwovens;nonwoven fabric;Nonwoven
  1. 由不同孔隙率的针刺非织造布组合而成的梯度结构可有效改善材料的吸声性能,在100-1000Hz频率段吸声性能有显著提高,同时在3000-6000Hz的中高频率段吸声曲线较平坦。

    The gradient structure combined by needle-punched nonwovens with different porosities could effectively improve sound absorption in the low-frequency . Sound absorption performance improved significantly in the low frequency ( 100-1000Hz ) . At the same time , the curve of sound absorption was relatively flat .

  2. 先进的非织造布后加工工艺&TMF低面密度纤维喷胶技术

    Advanced nonwovens processing technique & Low area density spray technology TMF

  3. 浅议将ERP应用于非织造布企业管理

    Discussion on the Application of ERP in the Nonwovens Enterprises Management

  4. WTO与中国非织造布行业

    WTO and Non-Woven Fabric Industry of China

  5. 改性PP非织造布的抗菌机理探讨

    Study on the Antibacterial Mechanism of Modified PP Nonwoven Cloth

  6. INDEX大奖在每界展会中通过一个特殊的庆祝场合颁发,用来纪念和表彰非织造布开发领域中的创新和卓越成果。

    The INDEX Awards are presented during a special ceremony at each exhibition to recognize and reward innovation and excellence in nonwovens developments .

  7. 中厚型PET纺粘非织造布的工艺探讨精纺毛织物抗起毛起球整理工艺研究

    Research on Production Process of Middle-weight PET Spunbonded Nonwovens Study on anti-pilling finishing of worsted fabric

  8. 熔喷PBT非织造布血液滤材表面涂层改性

    PBT Melt-blown Nonwoven Modified with Surface Coating for Blood Filter Medium

  9. 使用CCD摄相机采集非织造布纤维网的光照投影图。

    A series images are captured with CCD camera with the method of light transmitting on the sample of nonwoven fabrics .

  10. 采用紫外光表面接枝聚合的方法来提高PET非织造布与基体的界面结合性能。

    Using UV photo-grafting treatment of PET non-woven fabric to increase the property of the interfacial connection of non-woven fabric and basal body .

  11. 本品是采用薄型粘合法非织造布、PE流延膜、皱纹卫生纸或木棉加工制成、吸水性强、使用方便。

    Made up of non-twine cloth by thin-sticky way , PEmembrane , wrinkle toilet paper and kapok , strong absorbability , use easily .

  12. 通过分析比较得出,双组分PE/PP纺粘法非织造布在断裂强度、柔软性、拒水性、透气性等性能上均优于单组分PP纺粘法非织造布。

    The conclusion is that PE / PP bicomponent spunbond nonwovens excels PP spunbond nonwovens in strength , softness , air penetration and water repellent .

  13. 走访法国NSC集团非织造布部(Thibeau/Asselin)

    Visiting NSC Group Nonwoven System ( Thibeau / Asselin )

  14. 非织造布由不同配比的双组分(ES)纤维和蚕丝下脚料经混和,开松,梳理成网,并加热,熔融粘合而成。

    The specimens of nonwoven fabrics which were composed of different ratios of bicomponent ( ES ) fibre and waste silk fibre were manufactured by heat melt bonding method .

  15. 采用内加型抗静电功能母粒W103A与聚丙烯(PP)切片进行共混纺丝以改善PP纺粘非织造布的抗静电性能。

    In order to improve the antistatic property , the blended spinning technology that adding antistatic additive W103A into PP chips was adopted .

  16. 本文论述了发展差别化纤维之一的ES纤维的重要性,并介绍了ES纤维在非织造布工业中的应用情况及其发展方向。

    This paper describes the importance of developing ES filer which is one of differential fiber , the application and trend of development in the nonwovens industry were also discussed .

  17. 介绍了水刺法非织造布生产线LAROCHE设备电控系统的构成、维护与改进。

    Constitute , maintain and improve for electric control system of laroche equipment in spunlace line is introduced .

  18. 结果表明,经SCG整理后的丙纶纺粘非织造布具有优良的亲水性能,且其本身的强力、透湿、透气等性能并未受到不良影响。

    The result show the PP spunbonded nonwovens which be finished have excellent hydrophility and the strength , air and moisture permeability are not affected .

  19. 采用O2、N2等离子体分别对PET非织造布进行改性处理,使用原子力显微镜(AFM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)对其微观结构进行表征与分析。

    The plasma treatment by O-2 and N-2 was used respectively to treat PET nonwoven fabric . Atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) and Fourier transform infrared ( FT-IR ) were employed to characterize the micro-structure of the fiber .

  20. 用FFA-3功能纤维、非织造布、织物开发的抗菌防褥疮床单、除臭鞋垫、保健内裤、冰箱除臭保鲜剂等产品投入市场后,用户反映良好。

    After sanitary shoe-pad , health underpants , refrigerator deodorizer using FFA-3 are putted on the market , user reflects well .

  21. 综述了国内外在PTT长丝和短纤维加工方面的研究成果,并介绍了PTT在纤维和地毯丝领域、热塑性工程塑料领域、非织造布领域以及其他领域的广泛应用。

    Some research progresses in produce techniques of PTT in filament yarns and staple fibers were reviewed . At the same time , extensive applications of PTT in fiber fields , carpet fields , thermoplastic fields , nonwoven fields and other fields were introduced .

  22. 本课题采用玻璃纤维和改性丙纶为原料,其中玻璃纤维为增强体,改性丙纶为热塑性基体,利用非织造布机械设备开发GMT复合材料,产品规格为单位质量1150~1250g/m2,幅宽为2200mm。

    This paper used glass fiber and modification-polypropylene fiber as raw materials to laminate GMT composite material with the nonwoven machine that glass fiber is reinforcement and modification-polypropylene is thermoplastic matrix .

  23. PPU1780F1拉伸粘度高、弹性小,适用于纺丝成网非织造布专用聚合物。

    For PPU1780F1 , the extensional viscosity is higher and the elasticity is lower , so it is suitable for spunbonded nonwovens .

  24. 简要介绍了聚乳酸(PLA)的发展背景,阐述了PLA的合成以及PLA纤维、非织造布的生产方法,讨论了PLA的生物降解性能,并介绍了PLA的产品开发现状。

    The background of polylactic acid ( PLA ) development was simple introduced . The synthesis of PLA , the spinning of PLA fiber as well as the producing of PLA nonwovens were reviewed . It was discussed that the biodegradability of PLA fiber showed different behavior to varied conditions .

  25. 针对传统交叉铺网机生产的非织造布棉网均匀度较差等问题,将运动控制总线SERCOS应用于W1251交叉铺网机数字伺服系统。

    Aiming at the poor web uniformity of non-woven fabrics produced by traditional cross lapper , the motion control bus SERCOS is applied in the digital servo system of the W1251 cross lapper .

  26. 用特种聚丙烯腈纤维(PANF)与粘胶纤维(VF)混纺制备针刺非织造布,经预氧化、炭化,活化制备聚丙烯腈基活性碳纤维非织造布的生产工艺、产品性能及应用。

    In this paper , polyacrylonitrile fiber ( PANF ) blended with viscose ( VF ) is used to produce needled nonwovens . The nonwovens was preoxidized , carbonized and activated to get PAN - ACF nonwoven fabrics . Its property was investigated .

  27. 抗菌整理及抗菌非织造布的开发应用

    Antibiotic Finish and Development & Application of Bacteria Resistant Nonwoven Fabric

  28. 东南亚及印度非织造布工业概况

    The General Situation of Nonwoven Industry in Southeast Asia and India

  29. 纺粘非织造布生产中静电现象分析及防治措施

    Analysis on electrostatic phenomenon in spunbonded nonwovens production and prevention measures

  30. 静电纺纳米纤维非织造布的热湿传递性质

    The Thermal and Moisture Transport Properties of Electrospun Nanofiber Nonwoven Fabric