
  • 网络Special love;An Unusual Love;Stand by You
  1. 这个轻松娱乐的时刻也非常适合爱情和浪漫。

    This window of fun and frivolity is also fabulous time for love affairs and romance .

  2. 这是一个非常催泪的爱情故事,一位老爷爷每天早上对一个不知道对她意味着什么的老奶奶朗读故事,影片落幕后,留下的苦乐参半的回味不会消失,它会一直跟着你;

    This achingly tender love story , read out loud by an elderly man every morning for a woman that has no idea what it means , won ’ t end with the closing credits . It will follow you , leaving a bittersweet aftertaste ;

  3. 但你已经为妮可写了一个非常美的爱情故事

    But you 've written a really beautiful love story for Nicole .

  4. 而且是一首非常美的爱情歌曲。

    And it is such a beautiful love song .

  5. 这是他送出的一份非常浪漫的爱情大礼:一种只在他俩之间使用的私密语言。

    It was his grand romantic gesture : a private language they could use to communicate only with each other .

  6. 他建议,不要带着有色眼镜来观看这部非常感人的爱情片。

    " Don 't watch the film with ' colored glasses ' and it 's a very touching love story ," suggested Lee .

  7. 显然,这时非常适合发展爱情和浪漫,但你要避免做出承诺,因为你可能以后会无法兑现承诺。(事情是会改变的)。

    Obviously , this is an incredible time for love & romance as long as you avoid making commitments or agreements you may not be able to live up to for extended lengths of time . ( things can change )