- indeterminism;non-determinism

Fortunately , no ambiguities hang about this word or about its opposite , indeterminism .
The relationship among determinism , indeterminism and Human freedom .
The dialectical determinism replaces the non-determinism and the mechanical determinism .
The indeterminists say another volition might have occurred in its place ;
Mistakes of Historical Indeterminism on the Borderline between Nature and Social History
Using dialectical determinism to scan social developmental law & and animadverting on undeterminism
Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism ?
Indeterminism thus denies the world to be one unbending unit of fact .
Study on non-determinism from aspects of color sense , scientific instrument and uncertainty principle
In this paper , non-determinism which is opposite to determinism concept is defined clearly .
Four Ideological Misunderstanding in the Historical Non-determinism
There are four major errors for the historical non-determinism . Firstly , it has an ideological bias .
The argument on the determinism and non-determinism is one of the longest-running arguments in the history of philosophy .
There are two contrary viewpoints to this problem : one is historical determination and the other is historical indetermination .
On the dialectic nature of Marxist historical determinism The New Exploration of Dialectic Relationship Between Relative Truth and Absolute Truth
Historical non-determinism is a theory that denies the existence of cause and effect , of the inevitability and the historical law .
The point of the discussion is that they both defined and explained the objectivity-in-itself of the laws of social history consciously or unconsciously .
Popper 's Historical Non-determinism is formed and reflected in the process of critiizing Maxist Historical Determinism and once evoked great repercussion in Western society .
In an all-round view , non-gene determinism recognizes genes in background of gene groups , understand the complex functions from the correlation between genes and environments .
Now , evidence of an external kind to decide between determinism and indeterminism is , as I intimated a while back , strictly impossible to find .
This paper refutes a prevalent standpoint that modern chaos furnishes scientific evidence to ontological indeterminism , and advances that modern chaos and ontological determinism are compatible .
The indeterminism is the prerequisite of Human 's intuitive free belief , the " introduction of Human freedom " , rather than what Popper thought as the truth .
A law is the unity of necessity and contingency . Mechanical determinism is incorrect , non-determinism is wrong , and it is dialectical determinism that is the correct theory .
The biggest difference between the two schools is : the Classical school of crime advocates non-determinism ( libertarian ) and the Positivist school of crime will favor will determinism .
As to the central issue ' whether there exists the free will which is independent of proceeding psychological and physiological conditions , or undeterministic ', the libertarians seem to be disadvantaged .
The theory of Three Worlds based on the indeterminism is the ontological presumption of Popper 's philosophy , and the establishment of Popper 's idea about indeterminism resorts to the belief in Human freedom .
The debate between the determinism and the non-determinism , and the debate between the historical determinism and the anti historical determinism , are one of the severe disputing philosophy problems in the twenty century .
As one of the longest-running issues in the history of philosophy , Determinism is the question that every philosopher must answer when they philosophize . According to the different viewpoints on the determinism , they are divided into two parts : determinism and non-determinism .
In terms of the determinism and non determinism , statistic character of quantum mechanics does not indicate that the world is fundamentally statistical or of non determinism , but rather , it simply indicates that the interaction among objects is unity of the inevitable and the accidental .
The long-distance correlation experiment in quantum system originated in the EPR paradox , Results of the experiment ran counter to the theory of local hidden variables and provided experiment facts for the incomplete determinism in quantum theory .