
  • 网络open pit
  1. 露天矿场的夜景很让人惊讶。

    The open pit at night is amazing .

  2. 文中提出了在高阶段不分层开采的露天矿场采用“有规则安全小平台开采方法”。

    Small-scale plate form mining method is suggested as a regular and safety mining method for open pit mine .

  3. 好吧,有谁反对露天矿场的法案?

    Okay , all those opposed to the strip-mining ordinance ?

  4. 所有人都支持露天矿场的法案吗?

    All those in favor of the strip-mining ordinance ?

  5. 我想我们有人要反对这个露天矿场。

    I think we got some people who might like to object to this strip-mining issue .

  6. 位于上海市西南部的佘山世茂深坑酒店,是在一座废弃的、面积相当于5个足球场那么大的露天矿场上建造的。

    The Sheshan Shimao Quarry Hotel in the city 's southwest is being built in an abandoned open-cast mine the size of five football fields .

  7. 到了镇上后,我们决定开车出城,去看一跟那里的矿场。我们离开大路,将车驶上我以为是硬土的路面,一直来到巨大的露天矿场边上。

    When we got to town we decided to drive out to see the mines , going off the road onto what I thought was hard clay soil , right up to the edge of a huge open pit .