
  • 【大气】critical period of
  1. 叶丛快速生长期是甜菜生长的需水临界期,这一时期缺水将严重影响产量。

    Water is crucial for beet yield during the phyllome speed - growth stage .

  2. 春小麦生育耗水与自然降雨供水错位,拔节到抽穗期为需水临界期,亦为灌水关键期。

    The water consumption of spring wheat fails to take advantage of the nature rain . The jointing stage and the heading stage are the critical period .

  3. 开花坐果期是枣树需水临界期,通过分析枣树需水信息可以为合理灌溉提供生理技术支撑。

    Anthesis and fruit setting periods are critical time of water requirement for jujube . It can provide physiological technology for reasonable irrigation to analyze water requirement information of jujube .

  4. 结果表明,苗期至分枝期是紫花苜蓿的需水临界期;

    The results showed that the critical water stage was seedling to branching period , and the most water consumption took place during branching to flowering stage when the growth speed was the fastest .