
  • 网络Estrogen Replacement Therapy;ERT;estrogen replacement therapy,ERT;HRT
  1. 与小剂量雌激素替代治疗组比较,大剂量雌激素替代治疗组12周后雌二醇水平较高、单核细胞趋化蛋白1水平较低。

    Compared with low-dose ERT group , high-dose ERT group had higher levels of estradiol and lower levels of MCP-1.After high-fat diet for 12 weeks , the extent of atherosclerotic lesions of aorta in ovariectomized group was remarkably bigger than that in sham operation group .

  2. 长期雌激素替代治疗对大鼠子宫内膜bcl-2和H-ras基因与蛋白表达的影响

    Effects of long-term estrogen replacement treatment on the expression of bcl-2 and H-ras in rat endometrium

  3. 长期雌激素替代治疗对血压及心肌IR和IRS-1表达的影响

    Effects of long-term estrogen replacement treatment on the blood pressure and expression of IR and IRS-1 in myocardium

  4. 目的:探讨长期雌激素替代治疗对子宫内膜bcl2和Hras基因和蛋白表达的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of long-term estrogen replacement treatment ( ERT ) on the expression of bcl-2 and H-ras in rat endometrium .

  5. 通过启动内源性NGF和BDNF的表达而实现对神经元的保护可能为雌激素替代治疗(ERT)脑保护作用的一种机制。

    One of mechanisms of the brain protection of the es - trogen ERT is likely through inducing the expression of the endogenous NGF and BDNF which enables neurons protection .

  6. 方法采用10月龄、未孕产SD雌性大鼠60只,随机分为卵巢切除组(OVX)、假性手术对照组(Sham)和卵巢切除+雌激素替代治疗组(OVX+ERT),每组20只。

    Methods Sixty 10 month old female rats were randomly divided into sham operation control group ( Sham ), ovariectomy group ( OVX ) and ovariectomy + ERT group ( OVX + ERT ) .

  7. 流行病学资料显示PD的发病率有明显的性别差异,男性高于女性,雌激素替代治疗可以减轻更年期妇女早期的PD症状。

    Epidemiologic studys revealed that the prevalence of Parkinson disease is higher in males than in females . Estrogens may be involved the reason for the gender difference . Women treated with estrogen replacement therapy exhibit a reduced severity of PD .

  8. 目的:研究长期雌激素替代治疗对血压及心肌组织胰岛素受体(IR)和胰岛素受体底物1(IRS1)表达水平的影响。

    Objective To determine the effects of long-term estrogen replacement treatment on blood pressure and expressions of insulin receptor ( IR ) and insulin receptor substrate-1 ( IRS-1 ) in myocardium .

  9. 有研究报道绝经后雌激素替代治疗能降低MSI阳性结肠癌风险,因此推测雌激素可以预防MMR功能缺陷引起的结直肠癌。

    It has been reported that post-menopausal estrogen replacement therapy can reduce the risk of MSI-positive colon cancer . These findings suggest that estrogen might prevent CRC caused by MMR dysfunction .

  10. 结果骨质疏松时骨组织Ⅰ型胶原较正常组增加3倍,而MMP-9表达均较正常组高4倍,雌激素替代治疗后,两基因表达下降。

    Results The expression levels of both type 1 collagen and MMP 9 were higher in osteoporotic bone tissues than in normal control group . While treated with estrogen , the expression of both genes declined to some degree .

  11. 结论:长期雌激素替代治疗可降低血压、增加心肌细胞IRS1的表达,从而一定程度上保护心血管。

    Conclusion Long-term estrogen replacement treatment might protect cardiovascular system through decreasing the blood pressure and inducing the expression of IRS-1 in myocardium .

  12. 应用雌激素替代治疗(ERT)可明显减轻妇女绝经期症状、预防骨质疏松,但长期应用ERT却可能引发子宫内膜癌、乳腺癌和阴道出血等副作用。

    Estrogen Replacement Therapy ( ERT ) can release the menopausal symptoms , and prevent osteoporosis . Although the side effects of ERT of inducing endometrial cancer , breast cancer , colporrhagia etc. are inevitable .

  13. 目的:雌激素替代治疗(ERT)用于绝经后妇女,绝经后因卵巢功能衰退,体内雌激素水平下降,可出现各种症状,并导致骨质疏松及心血管疾病。

    Objective : ERT ( Estrogen Replace Treatment ) is suited to menopause women . After menopause , There are many kinds of symptoms initiated by functional decline of ovary and estrogen decrease , and they can lead to osteoporosis and heart blood vessel disease .

  14. 早期雌激素替代治疗对去势大鼠松质骨代谢的影响

    Effects of early estrogen replacement on trabecular bone in the rat

  15. 雌激素替代治疗对骨代谢的影响

    The Effect of the Replacement Therapy by Estrogen on the Bone Metabolism

  16. 妇女雌激素替代治疗与脑血流变化的观察

    Observation of brain blood flow variations induced by menopausal hormone replacement therapy

  17. 雌激素替代治疗老年性阴道炎的疗效分析

    Analysis of the effect of estrogen in treating senile vaginitis with replacement therapy

  18. 更年期综合征妇女雌激素替代治疗的研究

    Study on Female Hormone Replacement Therapy For Climacteric Syndrome

  19. 去卵巢大鼠骨代谢变化与雌激素替代治疗效果

    Changes of bone metabolism and the effects of estrogen treatment in ovariectomized rats

  20. 雌激素替代治疗对大鼠动脉粥样硬化的影响

    Effect of estrogen replacement therapy in the early phase on atherosclerosis in rats

  21. 小剂量雌激素替代治疗在子宫内膜异位症根治术后应用的疗效观察

    Effects of low dose estrogen replacement therapy following hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for endometriosis

  22. 艾灸与雌激素替代治疗绝经后骨质疏松症的疗效比较

    Compare of Therapeutic Effect of Moxibustion and Estrin Replacement Therapy on the Postmenopausal Osteoporosis

  23. 绝经期骨质疏松雌激素替代治疗临床研究

    Effect of hormone replacement therapy on postmenopausal osteoporosis

  24. 雌激素替代治疗与老年痴呆

    Estrogen Replacement Therapy and Alzheimer 's Disease

  25. 本病病因不明,以雌激素替代治疗。

    Estrogen was given for substitutional therapy .

  26. 结论:测定生殖激素水平在中老年妇女的雌激素替代治疗中具有非常重要的意义。

    Conclusion Serum reproductive hormones assay is important for monitoring hormone replacement therapy in aging women .

  27. 雌激素替代治疗对大鼠心壁雌激素受体表达的影响

    Effects of hormone replacement therapy on the expression of estrogen receptor in heart wall of female rats

  28. 经鼻持续正压通气联合雌激素替代治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征

    Vicarious treatment of nasal continuous positive airway pressure combined with estrogen for obstructive sleep apnea hypoventilation syndrome

  29. 雌激素替代治疗去卵巢大鼠血清一氧化氮含量的变化

    The Establishment of Animal Model of Estrogen Replacement Therapy and the Change of its Serum Nitric Oxide Level

  30. 雌激素替代治疗对绝经妇女血脂血压及体质量指数影响

    Effect of estrogens replacement treatment on lipids , blood pressure , and body mass index in postmenopausal women