
  • 网络Employment planning
  1. 雇主们是否就是不擅长制定雇佣计划?还是有其它原因能解释,为什么我的求职干旱期会以一场突如其来的暴雨告终?

    Are employers just bad at planning or is there another reason why my dry spell has come to such a sudden and inflationary end ?

  2. 你于投保其他雇佣保险计划时是否曾被拒绝?

    Has your domestic helper insurance application been refused ?

  3. 现在是实习计划进行的第四年,房地美已经雇佣了多名这个计划的实习生作为长期全职雇员。

    Now in the fourth year of the internship program , Freddie Mac has hired several interns as permanent full-time employees .

  4. 通过雇佣的方式确保计划中涉及的所有人在方式和技术方面得到足够的培训和指导。

    Ensuring that all those involved in the program are adequately trained and briefed in the approach and techniques to be employed .