
  • 网络container logistics
  1. 本文分四部分介绍了RFID在集装箱物流方面的应用。

    This article introduced the application of RFID in container logistics in four parts .

  2. 基于RFID的可视化全程协同管理的集装箱物流系统研究与应用

    Research and Application on RFID-based Container Logistics System with Visualized Collaboration Management for the Whole Process

  3. 基于3s技术的危险品集装箱物流监管中心的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Monitoring and Managing Center Based on 3S Technology for Dangerous Goods Logistics with Containers

  4. 利用SWOT理论对天津港在集装箱物流运输业务方面的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战进行了深入研究。

    The writer used the SWOT theory to study the advantage , shortage , opportunity and challenge of container logistics business of Tianjin Port .

  5. 采取文献调查法、实地调查法、SERVQUAL评价方法等,对天津港集装箱物流园区的服务能力进行了评价。

    And author takes a literature survey , field survey method and SERVQUAL evaluation methods to evaluate on the service quality of Tianjin Port Container Logistics Park .

  6. 详细阐述了B2B与B2C环境下企业信息组织与集成模式,并以铁路集装箱物流为例介绍了电子商务的实际应用。

    The information organization and integration models under B2B and B2C environment were described in details . At last , as an example , the practical application of EC in containers logistics of railway was introduced .

  7. 港口集装箱物流系统仿真和优化方法的研究及应用

    Simulation & Optimization Researched and Applied in Port Container Logistics System

  8. 第三方物流企业的集装箱物流园区模式及实现

    The Third Party Logistics Enterprise Container Logistics Park Mode and Realization

  9. 大连港集装箱物流中心投资规划与经济评价

    Dalian Port Container Logistics Center Investment Plan and Economic Evaluation

  10. 天津港集装箱物流中心发展战略研究

    The Research of Strategic Planning Development of Tianjin Port Container Logistics Center

  11. 港口集装箱物流系统规划与仿真建模方法的研究与实现

    The Research of Scheduling and Simulation Modeling of Seaport Container Logistics System

  12. 关于天津港集装箱物流规划的几点思考

    Considerations on Cargo distribution Planning for Containers of Tianjin Port

  13. 现代港口集装箱物流创新技术研究与应用

    Research and Application of Modern Port Container Logistics Innovation Technology

  14. 港口集装箱物流的流体力学模拟

    Study of Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Port Container Logistics

  15. 港口集装箱物流园区货运交通量预测研究

    Study on the Prediction of Freight Traffic Volume in Port Container Logistics Park

  16. 基于事件驱动模型的集装箱物流信息系统

    Container Logistics Information System Based on Event-driven Model

  17. 港口集装箱物流园区规模的研究

    Research on Logistics Park Size of Container Terminal

  18. 集装箱物流收益管理的能力分配模型

    Capacity Allocation Model for Container Logistics Revenue Management

  19. 港口集装箱物流系统建模及仿真相关技术研究

    Port Container Logistics System Modeling and Simulation Research

  20. 大连港集装箱物流发展策略研究

    The Research of Logistics Strategy about DPC

  21. 港口集装箱物流技术的发展

    Development of Port Container Logistics Technique

  22. 首先分析了国内外关于集装箱物流的研究现状。

    First , the text analyzes the research status of container logistics at home and abroad .

  23. 首先,本文介绍香港、深圳港口集装箱物流发展的基本状况与相互关系。

    Firstly , the paper introduces the basic condition and correspondent relationship in Hong Kong and Shenzhen port container logistics .

  24. 在最后给出集装箱物流管理系统中的应用示例,并结合具体业务流程对实现过程作了简要描述。

    This technology is applied in Container Logistics Information System , and the implementation of a process instance is also described .

  25. 再次,利用博弈论从定量的角度分析深港两地港口集装箱物流竞争要素的博弈。

    Thirdly , the paper has analyzed logistics competition factors in two parties by using game theory from a quantitative angle .

  26. 由于目前集装箱物流过程中集装箱自身不载有信息,集装箱的流向、流转和识别基本上还是处于人工、半人工状态。

    Since no information could be obtained from the container itself , identification and monitoring of containers are still under manual or semi-manual conditions .

  27. 在分析港口物流系统仿真的研究现状和实际发展背景的基础上,提出了港口集装箱物流系统规划与仿真建模方法的研究课题,并介绍了本文研究的主要内容。

    After analyzing the research situation of seaport container logistics system , the research topic is presented and the central content is also introduced .

  28. 在铁道部最新出台的十一五规划中,也将继续推进集装箱物流中心的建设。

    In the latest published " 11th Five-Year Plan ", the Ministry of Railways will also continue to promote the container terminal logistics center building .

  29. 根据集装箱物流的特征,探讨了由设备层、数据层、应用层组成的集装箱物流信息系统的基本架构。

    The hierarchy system for container logistic information is presented with the service level supported by the data level out of the sensors and control devices .

  30. 其次,利用区域协同学理论从定性的角度指出深港两地港口集装箱物流应协同发展,并给出协同发展的耦合点。

    Secondly , from a qualitative angle , the paper points out the two parties should develop in a synergetic way by using regional synergetic theory .