
  • 网络collective forest;collectively owned forest
  1. 我国集体林产权内容的法律界定

    Legal Definition on property right of the collectively owned forest

  2. 集体林管理与采伐工作中的几点建议

    Proposals on management of collectively owned forest and its cutting

  3. 对深化集体林权制度改革问题的探讨

    Discussion on Issues in the Reform of Forest Property Right System

  4. 集体林权制度改革后发展林业若干问题的思考

    Thinking on Forestry Development after Reform of Collective Forest Right System

  5. 普洱市深化集体林权制度改革工作主要做法

    Principal Ways of Reforming Collective Forest Property Right in Puer City

  6. 广东始兴县集体林的经营模式

    The Collective Forest Management Patterns in Shixing County of Guangdong Province

  7. 深化集体林权制度改革的实践与思考

    On the Practice and Thinking of Deepen Collective Forestry Tenure Reform

  8. 我国集体林逐级经营方案编制的研究

    Study on Management Plan of Collective Forest by Levels in China

  9. 建阳市集体林权制度改革的实践

    Practice of collective forest right system reform in Jianyang City

  10. 中国农村社区集体林治理及其制度视角的评述

    Collective Forest Management and Its Institution in China Rural Community

  11. 三明市集体林产权制度变迁研究

    Study on the Collective Forests Property Rights Institutional Transformation of Sanming City

  12. 集体林权制度改革的动因性质与效果评价

    Collective Forest Tenure Reform : Assessment of Motivation , Characteristics and Performance

  13. 大通县集体林权制度改革与对策探讨

    Problems and Countermeasures on Collective Forest Right System Reform Datong

  14. 自然保护区集体林权制度改革问题探讨

    Inquiry into Reform of Collective Forests Right of Nature Reserve

  15. 集体林是林业的重要构成部分。

    Collective forest is the important part of China forestry .

  16. 三明市集体林产权制度改革走在全国前列

    Sanming takes the lead in collective forests property right reform

  17. 建瓯市集体林经营体制改革初探

    On the Manage System Reform of Jian'ou 's Collective Forest

  18. 应用参与式方法编制集体林经营方案初探

    Preliminary Study on Formulation of Collective Forest Management Plan with Participatory Method

  19. 林改后集体林森林经营方案的编制与实施探讨

    Study of Forest Management Plan Following Collectivity Forest Ownership Reform

  20. 集体林权制度改革的产权设定与林权流转市场的构建

    The System of Forestry Property Reform and Forestry Property Market

  21. 集体林权改革的制度障碍与对策研究

    On the Institutional Obstacles and Countermeasures of Collective Forest Revolution

  22. 社区联合参与式保护:一种新型集体林共管模式

    Community united protection project & A kind of new community forest management mode

  23. 关于集体林产权明晰和收益分配的调查研究报告

    A study on collective forest property and income distridution

  24. 集体林权改革后的林农生产投资行为

    The Forestry Investment Behavior of Farmer after Tenure Reform

  25. 浅论集体林权制度改革与森林分类经营

    Discussion on the Reform of Collective Forest Tenure and the Classified Forestry Management

  26. 林权改革对集体林可持续经营的影响&以辽宁丹东为例

    Effects of the Forest Ownership Reform on the Sustainable Management of Collective Forest

  27. 闽北集体林经营体制改革的实践与思考

    Practice and Discussion on Management Restructuring of Collective Forest in North Fujian Province

  28. 集体林森林经理调查技术体系

    Technology system of forest management survey in collective forest

  29. 集体林经营组织过程技术体系研究

    Technology system of organizing forest management in collective forests

  30. 林业活起来林农富起来林区强起来&三明市推进集体林权制度改革的实践与体会

    Invigorated Forestry-Practice and Experience of Collective Forest Property System Reform of Sanming City