
  • 网络Centralized heating system;JRGC;VEK;DVCC
  1. 请把集中供热系统打开。

    Please , turn the central heating on .

  2. 基于模糊自适应PID控制的小区集中供热系统温度调节方法

    A Method of Temperature Adjustment in Centralized Uptown Heating System Based on Fuzzy Adaptive PID Control

  3. 集中供热系统中嵌入式控制器的基于GPRS数据通讯的实现

    Implement of GPRS Data Exchange in Embedded Controller of the Central Heating System

  4. 针对集中供热系统数据采集的特点,应用GPRS技术,设计和实现了一种数据采集系统。

    In view of the characteristic of data acquiring in central heating project , a data acquisition system is designed and implemented , which is integrated with GPRS technology .

  5. 根据热水二段型溴化锂吸收式制冷机的性能参数和太原市城区集中供热系统的参数,计算分析了300MW抽汽-凝汽式机组采用冷电联产的热经济性。

    Based on characteristic parameters of the hot water two-section type lithium bromide absorbing refrigeration machine and the parameters of the central heating system in Taiyuan City proper , the thermal economic behavior of adopting cool-electricity cogeneration to 300 MW extraction condensing unit has been calculated and analysed .

  6. 城市集中供热系统的计量管理

    The measuring management for gather up thermal supply system of city

  7. 提高公寓式住宅集中供热系统热利用效率的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Heating Efficiency in District Heating System

  8. 城市集中供热系统热源的能耗分析

    Analysis on Energy Consumption of Heat Source for Central Heating System

  9. 浅谈集中供热系统热用户节能的重要性

    Talking About the Energy Saving of Consumer in the Central Heating System

  10. 模糊控制在集中供热系统中的节能应用

    The application of fuzzy control in central supply heat system

  11. 大庆市集中供热系统直供改间供可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on the Reform of Central Heating System in Daqing City

  12. 集中供热系统热价的确定与分析

    Settlement and analysis of heat price of unified heating system

  13. 浅谈集中供热系统的供热调节

    Talking about the heat adjustment of concentrated heat supply system

  14. 广义预测控制在集中供热系统的应用

    The Application of Generalized Predictive Control for Central Heating System

  15. 集中供热系统的自控现代中控的发展对多媒体教室的影响

    Influences of Development of Modern Central Concentration Control System for Multimedia Classroom

  16. 集中供热系统热动态特性研究综述

    Summarization for Research on Dynamic Performance of Centralized Heat-supply System

  17. 集中供热系统中热水供应用户的工况分析

    Analysis on the condition of hot water supply in district heating system

  18. 集中供热系统中防止窃热行为的动态监控网络

    Dynamic supervise control network to prevent stealing heat in central heating system

  19. 集中供热系统的节能措施

    Energy Saving Measures of Centralized Heat - supply System

  20. 多热源联网是集中供热系统的发展趋势。

    Combined operation of multi-sources is the developing current of centralized heat-supply system .

  21. 集中供热系统施工中应注意的问题

    The Problems Needing Attention in the Construction of the Centralized Heat Supply System

  22. 集中供热系统热计量表的标定程序设计

    Calibration Program Design of Thermal Meter in a Central Heat Supply System CUI

  23. 环形管网在集中供热系统中的应用

    Case of applying ring line network in district heating

  24. 住宅太阳能热水器集中供热系统的应用

    Application of Solar Water Heater for the Residence

  25. 集中供热系统的水力计算及地理信息系统的开发

    The Flow Calculation of District Heating System and Development of the Graphical Information System

  26. 集中供热系统变频技术的应用

    Application of Frequency Modulation in Central Heating System

  27. 随着集中供热系统的发展,它已经成为了一个新的发展趋势。

    With the development of central heating systems , it has become a new trend .

  28. 集中供热系统运行状况分析

    Analysis of Run State For Central Heating

  29. 浅谈集中供热系统的节能集中供热节能运行探讨

    Discussion about Energy-saving of Central Heating System

  30. 典型节能案例解析&第6例一体化户用热计量表在集中供热系统中的应用

    ANALYSIS ON ENERGY SAVING CASE Application of all-in-one household heat meter in concentrated heating supply system