
  • 网络yahoo mail;Yahoo email
  1. 其最受欢迎的雅虎邮箱(yahoomail)已经引入了一个更为简单的界面,同时还承诺将新闻、体育和财经等工具变得更具个性化。

    An easier interface has been introduced for its most popular service Yahoo mail while greater personalisation is promised for properties such as news , sports and finance .

  2. 如果你担心的话,就改用Gmail、雅虎邮箱,或其他默认加密的电邮提供商。

    If you 're concerned , switch to Gmail , Yahoo Mail , or another provider that encrypts by default .

  3. 如果你使用雅虎邮箱,所有雅虎邮箱的信件,都是在NetApp上储存的。

    If you use Yahoo e-mail , all of Yahoo 's e-mail were stored on NetApp .

  4. 但雅虎邮箱的流量目前并未持续增长。

    But Yahoo Mail isn 't growing .

  5. 去年10月,雅虎邮箱发布了一个测试版,声称速度是现有版本的两倍。

    Yahoo Mail released a beta version last October that it claims is twice as fast as the existing version .

  6. 请注意,我将注销我的雅虎邮箱账户,以后发送至该邮箱的邮件我都将无法收到。

    Please note that I 'm closing / canceling my Yahoo e-mail account . All e-mails sent to the Yahoo address will not be received .

  7. 合起来,两家公司将拥有超过25个品牌,包括雅虎邮箱,网络相册,汤博乐以及美国在线的赫芬顿邮报和科技博客新闻网站。

    Together they will have more than 25 brands , including Yahoo Mail , Flickr and Tumblr as well as AOL 's Huffington Post and Techcrunch news sites .

  8. 此前口碑网曾属于中国雅虎,剥离后中国雅虎将持续在邮箱、资讯、搜索等方面提供服务。

    Word-of-mouth network had previously belonged to China Yahoo , Yahoo China to divest will continue in the mail , information , search services and so on .

  9. 现实而言,她可以采取的最佳措施是砍掉雅虎部分低效率业务,并调整其从雅虎邮箱(YahooMail)和移动服务到娱乐和新闻的大杂烩般的各种产品。

    In practice , the best she could do was to trim some of Yahoo 's inefficiencies and adapt its ragbag of products , from Yahoo Mail to mobile to entertainment and news .

  10. 去年雅虎的财务状况堪忧,同时受到管理层变动及大范围组织机构调整的影响,但雅虎邮箱一直是其最受欢迎的产品之一。

    Yahoo , struggling over the past year with disappointing financial results and rocked by upper-management shakeups and broad organizational changes , has in Yahoo mail one of its oldest and most popular offerings .