
  • 网络Isolation principle;separation principle
  1. 接口隔离原则指的是:使用多个专门的接口比使用单一的总接口要好。

    ISP infers that : using more light-weight interfaces are much better than using one big interface .

  2. 这样,我们将聚焦于跨多个解决方案共享一个设备这种情况中的设备内隔离原则。

    Thus , we will focus on intra-device isolation principles in a situation where a device is shared across many solutions .

  3. 风险隔离原则和信用增级原则是保障资产证券化运作成功的两项重要的法律原则。

    ' Risk-remoteness ' and ' credit enhancement ' are two legal principles in ensuring the success of an asset securitization project .

  4. 接口隔离原则确保实现的接口有他们共同的职责,它们是明确的,易理解的,可复用的。

    The Interface Segregation principle ensures that Interfaces are developed so that each of them have their own responsibility and thus they are specific , easily understandable , and re-usable .

  5. 特权控制操作系统最重要的资源,需要应用职责隔离原则,确保特权安全。

    In operating systems , privilege is used to control the most important resources and functions , so administrators must enforce separation of duty ( SoD ) to ensure privilege safety .

  6. 针对此问题,本文提出了动态带宽资源重利用算法,该算法能够解决在不违背隔离性原则的条件下,激励SP将其临时空闲带宽资源租赁给其他需要的SPs,从而提高物理链路利用率。

    This paper presents an algorithm for dynamic bandwidth re-use , the algorithm could not violate the principle of isolation , and also incentive service provider with idle bandwidth resources to open up access to other service providers , to improve the utilization of physical link .

  7. 结论右半结肠癌的顺行性淋巴结清扫切除术,手术操作并不困难和复杂,但更符合不接触、隔离的原则,可减少术后肝转移和增加5年生存率。

    Conclusions The operative technique of the excision was little difficulty and complexity , and it could fit well with the requirement of non touch isolation , and act to cut down the postoperative metastasis to liver and to elevate 5-year survival rate .

  8. 采用了节点隔离的均衡原则,提出了用可调谐衰减器对波长信道功率调节的两种方案,实验和数值计算表明这两种调节方案容易使各个信道功率差在1dB以内。

    The two methods of node equalization is proposed using tunable attenuator based on the equalization principle of node isolation . The range of 1 dB is easily realized by the experiment .

  9. 噪声控制中阻尼与隔离处理的一般原则

    General Principles of Damping and Isolation Treatments for Complex Structures in Machinery Noise Control

  10. 与一个世纪前一样,根本没有什么迹象显示隔离但平等的原则现在行得通了。

    There is no evidence that separate but equal today works any better than it did a century ago .