
  • 网络Septal area;septum;VSA
  1. LHRH神经元在奶山羊下丘脑和隔区的分布-ABC法研究

    The distribution of LHRH neuron in the hypothalamus and septal area of female milk goats & the research of ABC method

  2. 大鼠海马接受来自隔区的一氧化氮合酶阳性神经纤维

    The Hippocampus Receive Nitric Oxide Synthase ( NOS ) Positive Nerve Fibers from Septal Area in Rats

  3. 大鼠隔区AChE阳性神经元向海马的投射

    Projections to the hippocampus from ache - positive neurons in the rat septal area

  4. 结果表明:向隔区投射的NA神经元位于A1、A2和A6群。

    The results revealed that the NA neurons projecting to the septum were in A_1 , A_2 and A_6 groups .

  5. 家兔P300样电位与丘脑腹后外侧核及隔区内侧核关系的研究

    Relationship between P300 and Ventralis Posterolateralis Thalami Nucleous and Medial Septal Nucleous

  6. 隔区损毁对兔海马氨基酸类递质和P3波的影响

    Effects of septal lesions on hippocampal amino acid transmitters and P3 potentials in rabbits

  7. 目的:研究隔区损毁对兔海马Glu、GABA、Asp、Tau和P3波的影响,并探讨相关机制。

    Objective : To study the effects of septal lesions on the hippocampal content of Glu , GABA , Asp and Tau and P3 potentials .

  8. 隔区注射AVP和AVP抗血清对家兔温敏神经元放电的影响

    The effect of microinjection of AVP and avp-antiserum into septal area on discharge activity of temperature-sensitive neurons in po-ah of rabbits

  9. 结论:电针留针时间延长至15min才引起隔区NOS表达增强,并随留针时间延长至60min,隔区NOS表达维持在同一水平。

    Conclusion NOS expression in the septum increases and keeps a same level from EA for 15 min to 60 min .

  10. AChE染色显示术侧隔区AChE阳性细胞增大、或皱缩或数减少.术侧海马区AChE阳性纤维明显减少。

    AChE-positive neurons in AChE section are enlarged , shrunk , or reduced in number , AChE-positive fibers are significantly reduced in the hippocampus on the lesioned side .

  11. 在安痛定诱导的低体温大鼠中,Fr.A能提升下丘脑、隔区AVP含量和下丘脑NT含量。

    A did not influence the content of AVP in hypothalamus . In aminopyrine induced hypothermal rats , Fr.

  12. 隔区和杏仁核的c-Fos表达倾向于在应激120min时达到高峰。

    The c-Fos expression in the septum area and amygdala tended to a peak at 120 min of stress .

  13. 观察了青紫蓝兔内毒素(ET)性发热时血浆、脑脊液(CSF)、隔区和下丘脑精氨酸加压素(AVP)含量的变化。

    He changes of arginine vasopressin ( AVP ) contents in the plasma , cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) . septal area and hypothalamus of rabbits during endotoxin fever were observed .

  14. 方法:对精神分裂症患者进行大脑透明隔区CT扫描,以阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS)评定精神症状。

    Method : Schizophrenic patients were scanned by computerized tomography ( CT ) on brain area of pellucid septum and their psychotic symptoms were evaluated by positive and negative syndrome scale ( PANSS ) .

  15. 方法采用PCR指纹法、基因内间隔区(IGS)和磷脂酶基因(PLB1)测序分析鉴定基因型。

    Methods Genotype was characterized by PCR fingerprinting , intergenic spacer ( IGS ) sequencing , and phospholipase ( PLB1 ) gene sequencing .

  16. 本文应用免疫组化ABC法来研究三头成年雌性奶山羊的LHRH核周的及其神经纤维在下丘脑及隔区的分布。

    The distribution of LHRH perikaryon and nerve fibers of three female adult milk goats in the hypothalamus and septal area has been studied by using ABC method of immunohistochemistry .

  17. 本文从以下几方面对其解热作用机理进行了综述:①αMSH发挥解热作用的部位主要是脑内隔区;

    This paper attempts to review the α MSH antipyretic mechanisms from the following : ①α MSH antipyretic active site is septum of brain ;

  18. 采用WGA-HRP顺逆行追踪法和WGA-HRP与乙酰胆碱酯酶组织化学相结合技术,观察了39只大鼠隔区主要亚细胞群神经元和乙酰胆碱酯酶阳性神经元向缰内侧核和缰外侧核的投射。

    The efferent and cholinergic projections from the septal nuclei to the habenular nuclei were studied in 39 rats with WGA-HRP and WGA-HRP-AChE double labeling techniques .

  19. 观察了间断电针对家兔发热效应的抑制作用与血浆和脑脊液(CSF)中精氨酸加压素(AVP)含量变化的关系及隔区注射AVP抗血清对电针降温作用的影响。

    The experiment was designed to study the effects of acupuncture hypothermia and its relationship to the changes of arginine vasopressin ( AVP ) contents in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) of the rabbits .

  20. 精氨酸加压素(AVP)是一种内生解热物质,AVP在体温调节和退热中的最敏感和最先作用点位于脑内的腹中隔区(VSA)。

    Now , there is evidence that arginine vasopressin ( AVP ) acts as a neurotransmitter in the ventral septal area ( VSA ) where is the most susceptible and first site of action .

  21. AChE阳性神经元的数量及细胞面积和周长,隔区NGF组最佳,皮层NGF组次之,隔区对照组再次之,皮层对照组较差。

    For the results about the number , dimension and perimeter of AChE positive neurons , septal region NGF group was the best , cortex NGF group the second , septal region control group the third and cortex control group was the worst .

  22. 本研究使用浓度为30ng/ml的bFGF,在不同的培养时间,观察其对新生大鼠隔区和中脑腹侧的神经前体细胞和神经元的影响,为克隆神经前体细胞探索最佳培养时间。

    In the present study , the different effects of bFGF ( 30ng / ml ) on the neural progenitor of the septum and midbrain of neonatal rats in different culture periods was observed in order to search for the optional time for cloning culture of the progenitor .

  23. 在前脑中央隔区(MS)、Broca斜带核水平支(hDB)和垂直支(vDB),92%以上的NOS神经元与ACh共存,这些共存神经元约占所有胆碱能神经元的42%。

    In the medial septum ( MS ), the horizontal and vertical limbs of the diagonal band of Broca ( hDB , vDB ), more than 92 % of NOS neurons displayed ChAT-IR , while such double labelled neurons consisted only about 42 % of the cholinergic neurons .

  24. 内侧依偎隔区,外侧是外囊。

    The inside of NAc leaned close to the septal area ;

  25. 隔区向缰核的传出及乙酰胆碱酯酶阳性神经元的投射

    Efferent and cholinergic projections to habenular nuclei from septal area in rat

  26. 隔区和第Ⅲ脑室注射精氨酸加压素对家兔视前区&下丘脑前部温敏神经元放电的影响

    The effect of microinjection of arginine vasopressin into septal area and the

  27. 刺激大鼠隔区对外侧缰核痛相关神经元的影响

    Effect of stimulation of septal region on pain-related neurons of lateral habenular nucleus of rats

  28. 大鼠胚胎隔区神经元体外原代培养

    Rat embryo septal neuron culture in vitro

  29. 求解线性代数方程组的一个新方法&隔区交替迭代法

    An Improvement in the Numerical Method in Linear Equations & Alternate Every Other Block Iteration Method

  30. 观察小鼠胚胎干细胞植入大鼠隔区和海马内之后的分化状况。

    Differentiation of ES cells of mice was observed in the adult rat brain after transplantation .