
ɡé lí jī zhì
  • isolating mechanism
  1. 破坏性创新商业模式成长中的隔离机制研究

    A Study on Isolating Mechanism to Growth of Disruptive Innovation Business Model

  2. 一种片上众核结构共享Cache动态隐式隔离机制研究

    An Implicitly Dynamic Shared Cache Isolation in Many-Core Architecture

  3. SARS流行期间消毒供应隔离机制的完善

    Perfect the mechanism of sterility supply and isolation during SARS prevalence

  4. 基于P2P隔离机制构建电子政务VPN

    VPN for E-government in the Separation Mechanism on P2P

  5. 资产证券化的迅速发展得益于其独特的风险隔离机制,风险隔离机制的核心在于构造一个特殊目的载体(specialpurposevehicle,SPV)达到风险隔离的效果。

    The rapid development of asset securitization benefits from the distinct risk-remote mechanism , which core is to construct a special purpose vehicle ( SPV ) to accomplish the risk-remote purpose .

  6. 您可以创建一个有依赖关系的方法,通过登录到这个应用程序来创建整个测试套件,从而避免JUnit的隔离机制。

    You might work around JUnit 's isolationism by creating a dependent method that sets up the entire test suite with a login to the application .

  7. 转让、信托和担保都是风险隔离机制的备选方案,而不仅仅是SPV(特殊目的载体)。

    Special purpose vehicle ( " SPV " ) is not necessarily the single institution in achieving risk-remoteness , and transfer , trust and security are alternatives .

  8. 在研究HIBE方案和密钥隔离机制的基础之上,提出了HIKE加密模型,在该模型中解决了单个PKG负担大威胁高的问题同时能够在减少交互情况下完成密钥更新,并且支持离线更新。

    In this model , the problem of high burden threat of single PKG is solved and finish the update of encryption with less interact at the same time , and support offline update . 3 .

  9. 本文利用保护域的概念,提出一种统一的时空隔离机制,并将其应用于CRTOSⅡ的设计中。

    This paper presents a unified space - temporal isolation mechanism , in advantage of the concept of the " protection domain ", and applies it to the design of CRTOS II .

  10. 城市边缘区生态隔离机制探讨

    Study on the mechanism of ecological protection in urban fringe area

  11. 动态性隔离机制与企业持续竞争优势构建

    Establishment of Dynamic Isolation Mechanism and Sustainable Competitive Advantages of the Firms

  12. 资产证券化中风险隔离机制的构造

    The Architecture of Venture Isolation System in Asset Securitization

  13. 这种特殊的竞合效果,是具有竞争关系的企业之间通过隔离机制作用实现的,因此本文将其命名为基于隔离机制的竞合效益。

    This special coopetition effect is reaped through the isolation mechanism between rivalry enterprises .

  14. 破产隔离机制是资产证券化之所以区别于其他融资手段的关键。

    It is the bankruptcy remoteness mechanism that distinguishes securitization from other financing instruments .

  15. 风险隔离机制由真实销售、破产隔离两个步骤组成。

    Risk remoteness mechanism includes two steps that is real sale , bankruptcy isolation .

  16. 本部分还简要介绍了资产证券化的本质特征&风险隔离机制,并对资产证券化进行了分类,本文就是专门针所介绍的第四种类型的信贷资产证券化进行分析。

    This part also analyse Asset Securitization essential characteristic & " risk-remote " mechanism .

  17. 本文第二章和第三章对风险隔离机制中的核心问题进行了具体分析。

    Chapters ⅱ and ⅲ of this dissertation details the core issues of risk-remote mechanism .

  18. 异种肝细胞脾内移植海藻酸钠包裹最佳浓度及免疫隔离机制的初步研究

    Primary Study of Alginate Solution Consistence and Immunity Isolation Mechanism by using Transplanted Microencapsulated Xenogeneic Hepatocytes

  19. 安全隔离机制:防止租户之间的非法访问、冲突和干扰

    The security isolation mechanism to prevent the potential invalid access , conflict and interference among tenants

  20. 特殊目的机构的风险隔离机制包括特殊目的机构自身的破产风险隔离以及与外部机构的破产风险隔离。

    Such Risk Mechanism includes the risk of bankruptcy remote of an SPV itself and other external organizations .

  21. 然后通过与担保制度的比较阐述了风险隔离机制独特的制度价值。

    And then , the author presents the unique value of the bankruptcy-remote mechanism by comparing with secured financing .

  22. 另外,本研究还对梅、杏之间的隔离机制进行了初步探讨。

    In addition , the isolation mechanism between Prunus mume and Prunus armeniaca was also discussed in this study .

  23. 缺乏有效的网络带宽隔离机制,当前面向云计算的数据中心网络至少存在以下风险。

    Lack of effective bandwidth isolation , today ' scloud-oriented data center networks undertake at least the following risks .

  24. 说明其亲本鹿之间隔离机制不完善,这两和鹿应属同一个孟德尔群体。

    There was unconsummate isolation mechanism between F_1 parents . The two species of deer belong to the same Mendelian population .

  25. 从法律上讲,资产证券化弥补了融资担保制度的缺陷,通过风险隔离机制最大限度的保证了债权人行使权利的安全和便捷。

    From the point of law , securitization can remedy the disadvantages of the system of secured finance by its risk-remote system .

  26. 众所周知,在进行资产证券化时,风险隔离机制是证券化成功进行的核心制度。

    As is well-known , a risk isolation mechanism is the core system of successful securitization in the process of assets securitization .

  27. 但是,资产证券化风险隔离机制本身,以及资产证券化交易的各个环节,都潜伏着一定的法律风险。

    But , both the risk-remote mechanism itself , and the every links of assets securitization transaction , conceal some legal risk .

  28. 交易结构和种类房地产抵押贷款债权证券化是结构性融资,构造具有破产隔离机制的交易结构是资产证券的核心和生命。

    The second chapter is " the structure and kind of exchange " . The securitization of mortgage-backed loans is structure financing .

  29. 基于资产证券化的风险隔离机制,在资产转让的信托型、担保融资型和资产出售型等多种选择方式中,资产出售是最好的选择。

    For the purpose of risk-remote institution in asset securitization , asset sale is the best choice of many ways in asset transfer .

  30. 竞争优势的维持条件围绕隔离机制展开,这是本文的核心内容。

    The sustainability condition of competitive advantage centers on isolation mechanisms , and contents related to this topic form the core of this paper .