- 网络isolated;isolation

It is still best to keep databases physically isolated when storing sensitive data , such as payroll information .
In the aftermath , its great companies fled - Allianz and Siemens to Munich , Deutsche Bank to Frankfurt - while what remained of its middle class went anywhere to escape the rubble and isolation .
And federal Title X-funded family planning programs must maintain a " wall of separation " between their programs and abortion providers .
A bus switch separates DSP from FPGA . When the bus switch is off , the system becomes a system with Dual-Core processors .
Domains isolate state , which helps you avoid implicit dependencies in your code that can result in difficult-to-find concurrency bugs .
This model has led to a state of isolation for some Koreans students living in China .
Furthermore , the following class and its associated handlers do a good job of isolating in-state behavior .
Domains make you more productive by allowing you to worry less about concurrency and focus more on your algorithms and code .
In reproductive isolation the experiment planted wild soybean and cultivate soybean around Roundup Ready Soybean and harvested soybean according to fixture distance .
He is still quarantined and receiving treatment at a hospital in Huizhou City , the provincial health and family planning commission said .
Without this rigor , enterprises will continue to build departmental integration solutions in isolation and fail to achieve discernible long-term benefits from integration .
This register will illustrate the isolation statuses of all the incoming and outgoing connections , and highlight the energizing state of the board itself .
The Hindu or Moslem system of sex segregation , practiced especially by keeping women in seclusion . go into [ come out of ] quarantine
In that warm summer after peace came , Tara suddenly lost its isolation . & perhaps they thought as much at Court that sunny summer day .
Health official said the patient is a man whose name isn 't being released , recently traveled from Liberia to Dallas and he 's been captured in isolation .
The measuring errors introduced by non-ideal isolators are discussed , and the degree of isolation needed for the system working in " the quasi-ideal condition " is given .
The three astronauts spoke to the press from behind a glass screen at the Hotel Cosmonaut in Baikonur as they are being held in quarantine for fear of being contaminated ahead of their space flight .
After 1857 , the British in India , for example , especially the expatriate business community , lived an essentially apartheid existence , in militarily protected enclaves separated from the " blacktowns " where the Indians lived .
A state of separation between persons or groups .
A state of separation between persons or groups . The laughter from the next room is very distracting .
In practice , organizations often build , buy , or acquire databases in pieces , and data remains in isolated islands .
Canadian multicultural policy has been in effect for a long time , yet the Hutterite have still maintained voluntary separation from the mainstream society .
However in your separated off state , there is only a singular understanding of one 's own inner reality and life experience without the collective understanding of one 's entire species ;
Initially our timesheet was fairly simple and we isolated two states out of our existing structure , Approved and NotApproved .
Mechanical Fault Monitoring of Electrical Driving Disconnector Research on Fuzzy Driving System for Electrical Discharge Machining
By inserting the isolating plates into a body of revolution along its leeside generator in the longitudinal symmetric plane , this paper observes and measures , under the condition that the leeside vortices are isolated , pressure distributions over the body at large angles of attack .