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  • 网络Chen;Chan;Chin
  1. 前述陈姓店主和这位蓝姓店主都没收到古驰的信。

    Neither Ms. Chan nor Mr. Lan had received a letter from Gucci .

  2. 陈姓店主说,古驰威胁采取行动这件事很奇怪。

    Ms. Chan said the whole idea of Gucci threatening such action was odd .

  3. 陈姓在台湾为第一大姓。

    The family name Chen in Taiwan is the first major name there .

  4. 陈姓在台湾为第一大姓,占11%强。

    The family Chen in Taiwan is the first major and occupies 11 % strong .

  5. 但他对导致16岁陈姓男孩身亡的袭击事件表示了谴责。

    But he condemned the raid that killed the 16-year-old boy , named only as Chen .

  6. 最后人越来越多,陈姓男生居然公开收费,最终被校方发现。

    Finally , more than a Chan boys actually open charges , was eventually found in the school .

  7. 在通过当地一家报纸了解有关这封信的情况后,陈姓店主迅速行动,撤下了店里所有的仿古驰纸质祭品。

    Ms. Chan read about it in a local newspaper and quickly moved to exorcise her store of any paper replicas of Gucci projects .

  8. 患者为51岁的陈姓女子,目前情况危急。这名患者在当地市场从事家禽宰杀多年。

    The 51-year-old female patient , surnamed Chen , is in critical condition . Chen had been a poultry slaughtering worker in a local market for many years .

  9. 北京一家法院判决这名55岁的陈姓男子离开医院,他在医院里已经呆了三年多了。

    A court in Beijing ordered that the man , aged 55 and only known by his surname Chen , had to be removed from the hospital after living there for more than three years .

  10. 一位在内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市邮政局工作的陈姓工作人员告诉《环球时报》,寄件人必须使用他们本人的身份证原件,复印件是不被认可的。

    A staff member surnamed Chen working in a post office in Hohhot in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region told the Global Times that senders must take their original ID card to the post office , and showing a photo of their ID card is not acceptable .