
  • 【机】alvin
  1. 自此以后,这家名为阿尔文•艾利美国舞剧院(AlvinAileyAmericanDanceTheater)的公司已成为美国艺术界的一支生力军。

    That company , the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater , has since become a major force in American Arts .

  2. 最新加盟斯坦福的教授包括诺贝尔奖获得者、原先在哈佛的阿尔文·E·罗斯(AlvinE.Roth),然而最能体现潮流涌动的是,那些顶尖青年经济学家的去向。

    The newest Stanford professors include a Nobel laureate - Alvin E. Roth , formerly of Harvard - but the shift is more noticeable among top young economists .

  3. 这名65岁的管道工来自德克萨斯州阿尔文市(Alvin),为了一份工作来这里见一个人&这份工作远在澳大利亚。

    The 65-year-old pipe fitter from Alvin , Texas , was there to see a man about a job & in Australia .

  4. 韦德从广播中得知了这场招聘,当时他正开着自己0.75吨的雪佛兰(Chevrolet)皮卡在阿尔文转悠。阿尔文是休斯敦南边一座人口2.4万的城市。

    Wade heard about the fair on the radio , while driving his 3 / 4-ton Chevrolet pickup around Alvin , a city of 24,000 south of Houston .

  5. 相比之下,科研人员的“阿尔文”(ALVIN)号深潜器在服役50年后,在2010年退役进行改造升级。

    By contrast , ALVIN , researchers ' go-to deep-sea submersible , was decommissioned for a refit in 2010 after five decades in the field .

  6. 本文根据波与介质相互作用的一套全MHD方程组,计算了无碰撞阿尔文波波能密度W和波能耗散项Em,在太阳过渡区和内冕大气中随高度的分布。

    In this paper the distributions of the collisionless Alfven wave energy density W and wave energy dissipation term Em of the transition region are calculated based on the full MHD equations taking account of the interaction between Alfven waves and the medium .

  7. 低β尘埃等离子体中尘埃-动力学阿尔文孤立波

    Dust-kinetic Alfven solitary waves in a low - β dusty plasma

  8. 你认为阿尔文•艾利美国舞蹈团无以伦比的地方是什么?

    What would you say makes the Alvin Ailey company unique ?

  9. 阿尔文:好啊,但我们学校的吉祥物是什么?

    Alwin : ok , but what is our school mascot ?

  10. 我是阿尔文,戴夫·坦纳的侄子

    Yeah , it 's Alvin , Dave Tanner 's nephew .

  11. 阿尔文:但为什么想到我呢?

    Alwin : Fine but why did you think of me ?

  12. 阿尔文:我还想问你干了什么呢。

    Arvin : I might ask you the same question .

  13. 阿尔文:你是我的小糖莲藕,我爱你。

    Alwin : You are my little lotus root , I love you .

  14. 阿尔文•艾利美国舞蹈团希望传递什么信息?

    What is the message of the company ?

  15. 我不明白为什么阿尔文杜威不回我电话。

    I simply don 't understand why Alvin Dewey won 't return my calls .

  16. 阿尔文穿得像一头毛茸茸的熊。

    Alwin dressed as a hairy bear .

  17. 几年后,女儿带她回阿尔文看望简和库尔特。

    Several years later , her daughter brought her to Alvin to see Jan and Kurt .

  18. 一条海参被“阿尔文号”吓了一跳,在慌忙逃跑时卷曲成一个“问号”。

    A sea cucumber , startled by the Alvin , forms a question mark as it hurries away .

  19. 阿尔文.托夫勒的著作'未来的冲击'这本书,有许多美国人至今还在议论着。

    A book which is still being discussed by many Americans today is ' Future Shock ' by Alvin Toffler .

  20. 因此,2011年7月接掌阿尔文•艾利美国舞剧院艺术总监一职的罗伯特•巴托无疑倍感压力。

    So the pressure is on Robert battle , who took the helm as artistic director of the company in July 2011 .

  21. 如果美国联邦科学家要使用载人潜水器,例如可搭载三人的阿尔文号,需要严格的审批。

    When federal scientists work with a submersible designed for human occupancy , such as the three-person ALVIN , it requires strict certification .

  22. 用三成分的流体模型,研究了尘埃等离子体中的尘埃-动力学阿尔文波。

    Using the three component fluid model , the dust kinetic Alfven solitary waves have been studied in a low β dust plasma .

  23. 据报道,赛琳娜如今与前男友贾斯汀·比伯复合,而泰勒正享受着与英国演员乔·阿尔文之间的爱情生活。

    Now Selena is reportedly back with her ex Justin Beiber , while Taylor is enjoying her love life with British actor Joe Alwyn .

  24. 他还说,“蛟龙”号设计者从海外购买了很多“现成”技术,并曾在美国海军“阿尔文”号载人潜水器上做过潜水训练。

    He also said the Jiaolong 's designers had purchased a lot of'off the shelf'technology from overseas , and had benefited from training dives on the U.S.

  25. 从而说明这种阿尔文波的加热似乎是引起温度、密度偏低的大气(例如冕洞大气)在过渡区中温度陡升的重要原因。

    It is suggested that Alfven wave heating may be a dominant energy source causing the steep increase of temperature in the atmosphere of a coronal hole .

  26. 太阳风的涨落在磁层顶激发压缩阿尔文波,并在磁尾的无碰撞等离子体中传播。

    The fluctuations of solar wind quantities at the magnetopause excite the compressed Alfven waves , which propagate through the collisionless plasma in the tail of magnetosphere .

  27. 本文讨论了轴对称磁力线管中太阳风从亚声速和亚阿尔文速度加速到超声速和超阿尔文速度的过程。

    In this paper , the accelerating feature of solar wind flow from subsonic and sub-Alfven velocity into supersonic and super-Alfven velocity is discussed in the axis-symmetric magnetic flux tube .

  28. 阿尔文12539;罗思和劳埃德12539;沙普利的工作鼓舞了蓬勃发展的研究领域,并帮助改善了许多市场上的表现,瑞典皇家科学院说。

    The work of Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley has sparked a flourishing field of research and helped improve the performance of many markets , the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said .

  29. 指出只有当上游背景阿尔文波速超过声速时,才有可能通过中间激波实现快、慢激波之间的空间连接和时间演化。

    It is shown that only with the Alfven speed higher than the sound speed upstream can a fast shock and a slow shock achieve their spatial connection and temporal evolution via intermediate shocks .

  30. 由于日冕中的典型声速和阿尔文速度具有相同的量级,而且人们对磁力线管的急剧膨胀很有兴趣,这就需要讨论二维磁流体力学方程组的自(冫合)解。

    The consistent solutions of the magnetohydrodynamic equations for the solar wind flow need to study , because the typical sonic velocity has the magnitude of order just the same as the typical Alfven velocity and the rapid expansion of the magnetic flux tube is interested .