
fánɡ shài
  • Sunscreen;sun-proof;anti-sunburn
  1. 给孩子搽点防晒霜以防日光直接照射。

    Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen .

  2. 使用能有效滤掉紫外线的防晒霜。

    Use a sun block that filters UVA effectively .

  3. 她往身上抹防晒液。

    She plastered herself in suntan lotion .

  4. 即使你皮肤黝黑,仍需要防晒。

    Even if you have dark skin , you still need protection from the sun .

  5. 每小时以及游泳后重新抹一次防晒霜。

    Reapply sunscreen hourly and after swimming .

  6. 选择防晒护唇膏来增强保护。

    For added protection choose a lipstick with a sun screen .

  7. 每两个小时重新涂一次防晒油,尤其是在游泳的时候。

    Re-apply sunscreen every two hours , especially if you have been swimming .

  8. 她给自己从头到脚都抹上了强效防晒露。

    She plastered herself from head to toe in high factor sun lotion .

  9. 她开玩笑地把防晒露擦到他脖子上。

    She playfully rubs suntan lotion on his neck .

  10. 如果把防晒霜在盥洗室的壁橱里放一个冬天,就有可能失效。

    Sunscreen can lose its potency if left over winter in the bathroom cabinet .

  11. 皮肤没有采取任何防晒措施就在太阳下曝晒的话有得皮肤癌的危险。

    Exposure of unprotected skin to the sun carries the risk of developing skin cancer

  12. 我姐姐抹了些防晒油,一整天睡在游泳池边。

    My sister smeared herself with suntan oil and slept by the swimming pool all day .

  13. 如果一定要呆在阳光底下的话,就擦上你能买到的防晒系数最高的防晒霜。

    If you must be in the sunlight , use the strongest filter cream you can get

  14. 即使黑皮肤的女性也应该涂抹防晒霜。

    Even dark-skinned women should use sunscreens

  15. 不论何时只要有一点可能暴露在阳光下,我就会用防晒霜。

    I use a sunscreen whenever there is even a remote possibility that I will be in the sun

  16. 第二项研究则将l,167名患有黑瘤的人和1101名未患这种癌症的人进行对比,发现日常使用防晒霜,并且同时使用帽子、长袖衫、躲在阴凉地方等其他防护措施的人,的确对这种疾病具有某些防护性。

    A second study , comparing 1,167 people with melanomas to 1,101 who didn 't have the cancer , found that using sunscreen routinely , alongside other protection such as hats , long sleeves or staying in the shade , did give some protection .

  17. 这项研究指出,其他形式的防晒措施——不是防晒霜——似乎最为有益。

    This study said other forms of sun protection — not sunscreen — seemed most beneficial .

  18. 如果你认为高指数的防晒霜能够使你免遭有害射线的辐射,那你可能就错了。

    If you think a high-factor sunscreen keeps you safe from harmful rays , you may be wrong .

  19. 但是认为防晒霜给人们错误防晒意识似乎又是合理的。

    But it seems reasonable to think sunscreen gives people a false sense of security in the sun .

  20. 此研究基于人们对他们一生中每个十年所采取防晒措施的记忆,因此并不完全可靠。

    The study relied on people remembering what they had done over each decade of their lives , so it 's not entirely reliable .

  21. 本周《自然》杂查的一项研究表明,尽管防晒指数为50的防晒霜能够减少黑瘤的数量,并延缓其出现,但却并不能阻止其发生。

    Research in this week Nature shows that while factor 50 reduces the number of melanomas and delays their occurrence , it can 't prevent them .

  22. 好消息是,正如澳大利亚人“套上-涂上-扣上”运动的数据所显示的,综合使用防晒霜和皮肤遮盖措施能够降低黑瘤发病率。

    The good news is that a combination of sunscreen and covering up can reduce melanoma rates , as shown by Australian figures from their slip-slop-slap campaign .

  23. 对于防晒霜减少黑瘤的有效性一直存在争议——比起对于预防其他类型的皮肤癌,其证据更加乏力。

    There is continuing debate as to how effective sunscreen is in reducing melanomas — the evidence is weaker than it is for preventing other types of skin cancer .

  24. 许多人使用防晒霜的方法也并不正确——用量不足、几小时后未能重新涂抹以及过长时间暴露于阳光下。

    Many people also don 't use sunscreen properly — applying insufficient amounts , failing to reapply after a couple of hours and staying in the sun too long .

  25. 2011年澳大利亚一项涉及1621人的研究发现,随机抽取的每天使用防晒霜的人群患黑瘤的几率是需要时才使用面霜的人群的一半。

    A 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people found that people randomly selected to apply sunscreen daily had half the rate of melanomas of people who used cream as needed .

  26. 因此,如果今年夏天有热浪,我们也最好套上T恤,抹上防晒霜,并且扣上帽子。

    So if there is a heat wave this summer , it would be best for us , too , to slip on a shirt , slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat .

  27. 为了确保你有足够的维生素D——同时还得保护你的皮肤——在你出门的时候涂上防晒霜吧。

    To make sure you get enough Vitamin D — but still protect your skin — put on sunscreen right as you head outside .

  28. 防晒霜大约需要15分钟才能发挥作用,这段时间足够让你的皮肤吸收一天所需的维生素D。

    It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working , and that 's plenty of time for your skin to absorb a day 's worth of Vitamin D .

  29. 出门前半小时使用防晒霜。

    Use suncream about half an hour before going outside .

  30. 如果你要到外面去,尤其是当室外是艳阳日时,你应该在夏天涂防晒霜。

    If you are going to be outside , especially in the sun , you should put on suncream in summer .