
jiàn huò
  • occasionally;at times;sometimes;from time to time;on occasion;now and then;once in a while;every now and again;once in a way
间或 [jiàn huò]
  • (1) [occasionally;once in a way]∶表示动作、事情时断时续地发生或者发生不是普遍的,相當于有时候、偶尓

  • 大家聚精会神地听着,间或有人咳一两声

  • (2) [now and then]∶时断时续

  • (3) [sometimes]∶有时候

  • 间或有人笑一两声

间或[jiàn huò]
  1. 半人半机选手会听取人工智能设备在其耳边提出的棋路建议,但是也间或不会采用这些建议&颇似我们开车时候用的GPS导航一般。

    A centaur player will listen to the moves whispered by the AI but will occasionally override them & much the way we use GPS navigation in our cars .

  2. 半人半机选手会听取人工智能设备在其耳边提出的棋路建议,但是也间或不会采用这些建议——颇似我们开车时候用的GPS导航一般。

    A centaur player will listen to the moves whispered by the AI but will occasionally override them - much the way we use GPS navigation in our cars .

  3. 间或发作的轻微头疼困扰了我一辈子。

    I 've had occasional mild headaches all my life

  4. 我为了糊口仍然间或去做服务员。

    I was still working on and off as a waitress to support myself

  5. 她间或会给他打个电话。

    Once in a while she phoned him .

  6. J2EE体系中不同层间或容器间数据传递模式的实现

    The realization of inter-tier / container data transfer patterns in J2EE system

  7. 结果表明,柠条锦鸡儿菌根类型为I-型(intermediatetype),泡囊形态多样,形成于细胞间或细胞内,丛枝包括树枝状和花椰菜状两种类型。

    The results showed that mycorrhizal type was intermediate type and morphology various vesicles which distribution intercellular and intracellular . The structure of arbuscular includes tree and cauliflower-shaped .

  8. 专利联营(patentpool),亦译为专利池,指的是两个或更多的专利权人为了相互间或向第三方许可其拥有的一个或一个以上专利权而达成的协议。

    Patent pool refers to the agreement of two or more patentees for licensing their patents to the third party or licensing between each other .

  9. 在股票市场中,首次公开募股(IPO)不过是资本在国有实体之间的重新分配,其间间或有资本流向了散户投资者。

    On the exchanges , initial public offerings merely redistribute capital among state entities with occasional leakage to retail investors .

  10. break尤用作工间或课间的休息今天上午我们有两节课,课间有些休息时间。

    Break applies especially to a rest during the working day or at school We have two lessons this morning , but there 's some free time in between .

  11. 现在,不仅是在谷歌(Google)和Facebook这样时髦的公司,坐着办公的人之间会间或出现一些站着办公的人。

    Not only in fashionable companies such as Google and Facebook , the rows of people sitting at their desk are interrupted by people standing .

  12. 除IBM外,各种电子仪器都采用这个标准作电脑与电脑间或电脑与外围设备的内文传送。

    A standard code used by almost all electronic equipments except IBM to represent text inside a computer and to transmit text between computers or between a computer and a peripheral device .

  13. 不同品种间或同一品种的不同类型外植体间,总酚含量、PPO活性、初始外植体褐化率差异显著。

    Odds were significant in the content of total phenols , activity of PPO and browned degree among cultivars or kinds of explants .

  14. 对硝基苯的降解得出与苯胺相似的结论,同时还通过GC-MS技术检测到了硝基苯降解过程中的主要中间产物,包括邻、间、对硝基苯酚、间或对二硝基苯和偶氮苯等。

    And in the process of nitrobenzene degradation , GC-MS found the main intermediates , which include 2-nitrophenol , 3-nitrophenol , 4-nitrophenol , 1,3-nitrobenzene or 1,4-nitrobenzene and Azobenzene .

  15. 结果:X线、CT表现为椎体高度减低,椎体纵或横形骨折崩解,终板骨折移位并突入椎管,椎管狭窄,椎板骨折,棘突间或椎弓间距增大;

    Results : X ray and CT findings were decreased vertebral height , vertically or horizontally burst crack , displaced fractured end plate with protruding into the spinal canal , narrowed canal , laminar fracture , increased interspinous and interpediculate distance .

  16. 9.occasionallyadv.偶尔,间或用功的学生在这门功课上偶尔也不及格。

    Diligent students occasionally fail this subject .

  17. 但是我还没有处理栈的实际内容,这是与多个push()和pop()相关联的逻辑,间或出现一个peek()。

    I 've yet to tackle the meat of the stack , however , which is the logic associated with multiple push () es and pop () s , along with throwing in an occasional peek () .

  18. 基于XML的入侵检测表达在大规模分布式网络入侵检测中,不同IDS间或IDS内部各部件间信息共享和协作有着十分重要作用。

    Under the condition of large scale and distributed network , XML based intrusion detection representation plays a important role in communication and coordination among different Intrusion Detection Systems ( IDS ) or among different components of a single IDS .

  19. 目的利用16s-23SRRNA间隔区(ITS)的多态性,对中国布鲁氏菌种间或种内生物型进行鉴别,评价ITS作为基因标识物的意义,寻找适合布鲁氏菌分型研究的基因标识物。

    Objective To identify Brucella spp by 16s-23s rRNA Ribosomal-Spacer-Region ( ITS ) and to estimate the significance of ITS as gene labelling in Brucella .

  20. 两种方法的遗传聚类间或相似或相差较远,因此12个首选SSR标记可否鉴定品种的相似性还有待更深入的研究。

    It was similar or different categories that the same samples genetically cluster through two kinds of method former mentioned so whether these twelve SSR markers can distinguish or identify varieties in rice need more studies .

  21. 5月20日宣布的该项举措,将使每家银行的客户能够进入到其它银行所谓的暗流动性池(darkliquiditypools)&即私营的银行间或银行内部平台,广泛用于在交易所外交易股票。

    The move , to be announced on the 20 May , will give clients of each bank access to the others ' so-called dark liquidity pools – the private interbank or intra-bank platforms widely used to trade stocks away from exchanges .

  22. LUN-level切换技术只有在使用DS8000存储服务器环境下才能采用,它可以在分区间或在系统间切换IASP。

    LUN-level switching is only available when using the DS8000 storage server and can switch the IASP between partitions or between systems .

  23. 采用扩展的H櫣ckel近似下的紧束缚能带方法计算了部分化合物的能带结构,表明正是这些簇间或离子间的相互作用提供了簇间电荷转移的可能。

    Their band structures are calculated by using tight-bind method within the extended H ü ckle scheme . The results show that it is the intercluster or interionic interaction that produces the possibility of the charge transfer between the clusters .

  24. 他们间或晚上出去大醉一场。

    They enjoy a boozy night out once in a while .

  25. 间或有他人脚步伴随,有时我们独自跋涉

    At times the sound of other steps sometimes we walk alone

  26. 在加利福尼亚州北部的街道上,你已经能够间或看到这些汽车。

    Already you can occasionally spot them on northern Californian streets .

  27. 系统间或一个系统的各种特性之间的相互作用。

    Interaction between systems or between properties of a system .

  28. 三是长距离沿层间或不整合面的侧向运移。

    Third : Lateral migration along interlayer and unconformity with long distance .

  29. 这里非常恬静,只是间或传来海鸥的叫声。

    Except for an occasional seagull it was a very quiet place .

  30. 或许我们应该间或给我们的大脑放个假;

    Maybe once in a while we should give our brains a vacation .