
mén dì
  • birth;family status;pedigree
门第 [mén dì]
  • (1) [pedigree]∶家世。后指显贵之家

  • (2) [family status]∶指家庭或家族的社会地位

门第[mén dì]
  1. 由《莺莺传》和《西厢记》看唐人婚姻门第观

    And Western Chamber looks at the Chinese marriage family status view by " Hawk Hawk Biography "

  2. 夏侯玄论&兼论魏晋之际谯郡夏侯氏门风之变化及其门第之上升

    On Xiahou-xuan & and on the Change of the Common Practice and Rise of the Xiahou Family Status

  3. Gass(1999)也说过:词汇在二语或外语习得中起着关键的作用,学习一门第二语言就意味着学习这门语言的词汇。

    Gass ( 1999 ) also points out that vocabulary plays an important role in the acquisition of the second language or foreign language and learning a second language means learning the vocabulary of the language .

  4. 她没有门第之见,不被这些东西所累。

    She had no status handicap , and it freed her .

  5. 有人因门第而贵,有人因才智而彰;

    Some glory in their birth , some in their skill ,

  6. 论唐代门第观的内涵及其在小说作品中的体现

    Outlook on Family Status Reflected in the Novels of the Dang Dynasty

  7. 语言要求:优秀的中英文语言能力。掌握一门第二外语尤佳。

    Language Requirements : Excellent command of English and Chinese .

  8. 无论美貌门第财富或是智商。

    For whether beauty , birth , or wealth , or wit .

  9. 我不明白为什么艾丽斯嫁给比自己门第低的人。

    I can 't understand why Alice married with the left hand .

  10. 我希望学一门第二外语来使自己得到提高。

    I hope to improve myself by learning a second foreign language .

  11. 炫耀的门第,显赫的权势,

    The boast of heraldry , the pomp of power ,

  12. 门第婚姻是随着门第政治的形成而产生的,既是魏晋南北朝的主流婚姻形态。

    The Nobles marriage is formed as a result of Nobles politics .

  13. 因为,无论美、门第、财富或才华,

    For whether beauty , birth , or wealth , or wit ,

  14. 他出身于上流社会,家庭是中西部的豪富门第。

    He had been born in the aristocracy of the wealthy Midwestern family .

  15. 他出身于高贵门第并且受到良好的教育。

    He had received all the advantages of birth and an expensive education .

  16. 从认知的角度来说,学一门第二外语有很多益处。

    Learning a second language has many cognitive benefits .

  17. 贵族上流或门第高贵的人士。

    Persons of good family and relatively high station .

  18. 婚姻是士族巩固门第的重要手段。

    Marriage was a important means for bachelor family to solidify family status .

  19. 妇女必须有教养和门第才能找到有钱的丈夫。

    A woman has to have breeding and background to catch a rich husband .

  20. 兰陵萧氏早期之世系及其门第之兴起考论

    Research on the Early Lineage and the Rising of the Xiao Family of Lanling

  21. 他斋戒并告诉圣门第子此日也斋戒。

    He fasted and he also told his Companions to fast on this day .

  22. 最后,他对杰拉尔德这个人,除了门第欠缺之外,就不再抱什么反感了。

    After all , the man had nothing against him but a lack of family .

  23. 重要的是对人们的门第身世至少应略知一二。

    It is important to know a little at least about the antecedents of people .

  24. 宗教与门第相结合是这一时期文化的主要特征。

    The combination of religion and family was a main characteristic of culture in this period .

  25. 除了英语,他们还得学一门第二外语。

    In addition to / Besides English , they have to learn a second foreign language .

  26. 《爱情故事》:爱能溶化门第观念,跨越生死线。

    Love story : Love can melt hierarchy and join this life with the after one .

  27. 这对于门阀士族是十分有利的,他们仅仅凭借其门第和自我标榜的德行就可轻易获取官职并不断升迁。

    They could easily get positions and be promoted just because of their parentage and self-proclaimed virtues .

  28. 人都是平等的,造成差别的不是门第,而是美德。

    All men are equal ; it is not birth but virtue alone that makes the difference .

  29. 所有这些都意味着,成年人要想学习一门第二语言,就必须绞尽脑汁。

    All this means that we adults have to work our brains hard to learn a second language .

  30. 掌握一门第二语言让你的前额皮质得到很好的锻炼,这会影响你的决策和情绪。

    Mastering a second language gives a workout to your prefrontal cortex , which affects decision making and emotions .