
  1. 他们可以是好人,但对于你来说,依然是错的人。

    They can be kind and still be wrong for you .

  2. 犯了错的人以为人人都在议论他。

    He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it .

  3. 对的时间,遇见错的人,是一种心伤;

    Wrong time , met the wrong person is a preposterous ;

  4. 认为整个世界都错的人,极可能错在自己。

    One who consider the world wrong maybe wrong oneself .

  5. 对的时间遇到错的人,是一段心伤;

    The wrong time of the encounter , is a heart injury ;

  6. 不要把时间浪费在错的人身上。

    Stop spending time with the wrong people .

  7. 美国公众的记性不太好,很容易就会原谅犯了错的人。

    The American public has a short collective memory and easily for-gives a sinner .

  8. 有时你爱上错的人。

    Sometimes you fall for the wrong people .

  9. 给错的人就关黑屋子一天。

    Any man turns in the wrong sheet spends a night in the box .

  10. 在我没有恶意攻击你前,错的人一直是你啊。

    Up until my vicious attack , you were the one in the wrong .

  11. 如果跟另一半在一起让你耗尽精力,那也许你在约会错的人。

    If spending time with your partner exhausts you , you might be dating the wrong person .

  12. 如果对方从来没有称赞过你的好,那你可能在约会错的人。

    If your partner never has anything nice to say , you might be dating the wrong person .

  13. 在错误的地点,错误的时间,遇见了错的人,是不是会更加荒唐和无奈。

    In time , the place of encounter for those who are not will be even more happy ;

  14. 如果你的另一半黏你黏到抓狂,你也许在约会错的人。

    If your partner is so clingy you want to scream , you might be dating the wrong person .

  15. 在对的时间遇见错的人,是一种悲伤。

    It 's sad as you meet a guy who is not right for you in a suitable moment .

  16. 如果你的另一半总是在等着发言的机会,你可能在约会错的人。

    If your partner is always waiting for their turn to speak , you might be dating the wrong person .

  17. 如果对方除了谈恋爱之外就没有了其他的兴趣爱好了,你可能在约会错的人。

    If your partner has no hobbies or interests outside of your relationship , you might be dating the wrong person .

  18. 不要寂寞爱错的人,更不用说错的人因为爱和孤独的生活。

    Do not be lonely love the wrong person , let alone the wrong person because of love and lonely life .

  19. 她不会对你絮絮叨叨。当你反对时,她永远是第一个承认有错的人。

    She will not nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you 've had a disagreement .

  20. 如果你在25岁时爱上了一个错的人,却依然觉得为了实现目标你必须结婚,会怎样?

    What if youre dating the wrong person when youre 25 , but still feel like you have to get married to meet your goal ?

  21. 若一想到终身承诺,你就想蜷缩起来,那你可能在约会错的人。

    If the thought of a life-long commitment makes you want to curl up in a ball and weep , you might be dating the wrong person .

  22. 西方有句谚语,大意是说,上帝总是在让我们遇到对的人之前,先遇到错的人,这是为了让我们懂得幸福来之不易。

    Maybe God wants us to met a few wrong people before meeting the right one , so we can be more careful about whom we trust next .

  23. 我知道和错的人一起生活比自己一个人生活要糟糕得多。只要我留在这个社会中,压力只会越来越大。

    I know that being with the wrong man would be far worse than being by myself.As long as I remain in this society , the pressure will only keep increasing .

  24. 比起称你的心意,如果你的另一半更在乎让你来适应他们的需求,那你可能在跟错的人约会。

    If it seems like your partner is more interested in how you fit in their world than they are with your individual needs , you might be dating the wrong person .

  25. 24.那些在犯错后说mybad(我的错)的人,我真不知道事情怎么可以变得如此让人恼火、将惰性体现得淋漓尽致的。

    To put a list into alphabetical order is to alphabetize it - horrid ! 24 . People that say my bad after a mistake . I don 't know how anything could be as annoying or lazy as that .

  26. 你在跟错了的人谈话。

    Torvalds : You are talking to the wrong person .

  27. 我怎能嫁给买错戒指的人?

    How can I marry a guy who doesn 't know which ring is me ?

  28. 错了的人将被罚酒。

    The penalty for errors is drinking .

  29. 他那自知有错的神态使人一眼就看出了他有过失。

    His guilty look gave him away .

  30. 错,糊涂的人不是我。

    Wrong ! I 'm not the one who 's confused .