
  • 网络sales;Sales agent;Sales representative;selling agent
  1. 外部销售代理(ExternalSalesAgent,ESA)是充当GC和商家之间的经纪人的企业实体。

    External Sales Agents ( ESAs ) are business entities that act as a broker between GC and the merchants .

  2. Axact的销售代理还出售带有美国国务卿约翰·克里(JohnKerry)签名的认证证书。

    Axact sales agents also sold State Department authentication certificates bearing Secretary of State John Kerry 's signature .

  3. 我被一家销售代理公司物色上了。

    I was headhunted by a marketing agency .

  4. 使中小型的工程机械销售代理公司能够在短时间内快速有效的实施多租户架构的客户关系管理(CRM)系统。

    It makes these sales agencies carry out the Multi-tenant architecture Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) system quickly and effectively in a short time .

  5. 在世界主要工业国家,都有FAG的公司、分支机构和销售代理。

    FAG has companies , subsidiaries and sales agencies in all major industrial countries .

  6. 中国媒体也报道称,这位名叫邹建华的销售代理是张恩照的朋友,曾向张恩照推荐IBM,但相关报道未提及任何贿赂。

    The Chinese media have also reported that the agent , Mr Zou Jianhua , a friend of Mr Zhang , had introduced IBM to the former CCB chairman , but did not say any bribes had been paid .

  7. 9.广告及费用AdvertisingandExpenses乙方负担本协议有效期内在新加坡销售代理商品做广告宣传的一切费用,并向甲方提交所用于广告的声像资料,供甲方事先核准。

    Party A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the commodity in question in Singapore within the validity of this agreement , and shall submit to Party A all audio and video materials intended for advertising for prior approval .

  8. 第四章则着重搭建以BSC为基础的评估体系,阐述哪些指标应该具有何种比重,从而建立起集团业务销售代理企业正式评估的一套指标体系。

    The fourth chapter focuses on the structures of BSC based evaluation system , on which indicators should be with the gravity , thereby establishing the SA formally evaluated by a set of index system .

  9. 据前销售代理艾哈迈德(Ahmed)说他要求记者不给出他的姓这对夫妇为在法庭上帮助自己辩护,请求该大学提供认证证书。

    The couple requested an accreditation certificate from the university to help defend themselves , said Ahmed , a former sales agent who asked that his last name not be used .

  10. 本文提出一种基于协商和Agent的网上交易平台,使用购买代理和销售代理代替现实生活中的买卖双方,来解决企业对消费者(B-C)的零售商务活动。

    The paper put forward an online trade model which is based on agent and negotiation , we use buyer agent and seller agent to help us realize the trade , and to help proceed the B-C retail business affairs .

  11. OCME在欧洲、北美和亚洲有四个分支机构,在全球已建立起了完善的销售代理和服务队伍。

    With four branch offices in Europe , North America and Asia , OCME has developed an international network of dedicated sales and service agents spread all over the world .

  12. 你方能否担任北区销售代理,佣金为1-1/2%。

    Can you undertake agency northern district at 1-1 / 2 %

  13. 是中国一汽在广州的总销售代理。

    Guangzhou is China 's FAW in the total sales agents .

  14. 征求有经验销售代理。能赚相当多的佣金。

    Experienced sales representative wanted . Can earn substantial commissions .

  15. 我国航空运输销售代理业现状及管理对策

    Status and Management Policy of China Air Transport Sale Agency

  16. 发展销售代理理顺煤炭销售渠道

    Smooth Coal Marketing Channels by Promoting Coal Marketing Agent System

  17. 我是这个区最优秀的销售代理。

    I am the top-selling Sale Associate in my district .

  18. 我见了我们在意大利的销售代理。

    I went to meet possible sales agents to represent us there .

  19. 管理公司与其授权代理商和销售代理之间的业务过程;

    Manage the processes between XSBC and its authorized dealers and sales agents .

  20. 积极加入《国际货物销售代理公约》。

    Accede to the Convention on Agency in the International Sale of Goods .

  21. 冶金产品销售代理制的探讨

    An Approach to Selling Agent System of Metallurgical Products

  22. 关于国际经销和销售代理协议的探讨

    On the International Distribution and Sales Agency Agreements

  23. 我们正在寻找在远东的销售代理。

    We are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far East .

  24. 销售代理/经销商的指定/撤销

    Appointment / termination of sales reps / distributors

  25. 作为我们的销售代理,你们就不能销售其他厂商的同类产品。

    As our sales agent you can not sell similar products of other manufacturers .

  26. 我愿意接受担任你方销售代理的建议。

    I be willing to accept your offer to act as your sale agent .

  27. 我公司考虑在当地指定一位销售代理,以帮助我公司的推销。

    We are thinking of appointing a local sales agent to help push our sales .

  28. 发展中的中国民航销售代理业

    Developing China Civil Aviation Selling Agent

  29. 本文对于航空运输销售代理业发展过程中所存在的“柠檬市场”现象,进行了较为全面的描述。

    This paper studies the problem of synchronized scheduling of production and air transportation in supply chain .

  30. 我们的销售代理定期访问这些客户,并同他们建立了良好的关系。

    Our sale representative pay regular visit to these buyer and have establish excellent connection with them .