
dìng sǐ
  • crucify;nail up;nail securely;nail to death
钉死 [dīng sǐ]
  • (1) [nail]∶用钉钉稳或钉牢

  • 用钉把箱子钉死

  • 用钉把窗户钉死

  • (2) [impale]∶用杆或尖器刺或刺穿;尤指钉在尖桩上受刑或处死

  1. 然后再绞死或钉死我们。

    And then either hang or crucify us .

  2. 问题1.彼拉多或释放或钉死耶稣的权柄从哪里来?

    Q.1 where did the power of Pilate to release or crucify Jesus come from ?

  3. 接着这些小屋被钉死,并隐藏了起来。

    The cabins were then nailed up and concealed .

  4. 窗户都钉死了。

    The windows were all nailed shut .

  5. 他们把前门钉死了。

    They nail shut the front door

  6. 所有的门都钉死了。

    All the doors were nailed up .

  7. 第一件让我奇怪的事情是阁楼的门被钉死了,而且不是用的几个小钉子,而是十二根很长的,让人有一种不祥的预感。看起来房子先前的主人是想阻止什么人进去,或是出来…

    The first thing I noticed that was odd was that it had been nailed shut . Not just with a few nails but about twelve long ominous3 ones … The former occupant was either attempting to stop someone getting in … . Or out .

  8. 盟军的BAR自动步枪的压制射击技能将不能压制或钉死重掩护下的单位。

    Allied BAR Suppression ability can no longer suppress and pin units in heavy cover .

  9. 在这个词里,X象征着耶稣基督的形体,也象征着他被钉死的那个十字架;

    In this word , X represents the figure of Jesus Christ and also the cross upon which he was crucified ;

  10. 就像它们在最后一刻下调评级把安然(enron)钉死在了棺材里一样,这次可能也意味着末日降临至少是对花旗而言。

    Just as their last-minute downgrades of Enron nailed its coffin , these also might be the end , at least for Citigroup .

  11. 8.crucifyvt.把(某人)钉死在十字架上倘使耶稣·基督今天出现的话,人们将不会把他钉死在十字架上。

    If Jesus Christ were to come today , people would not even crucify Him .

  12. 布莱安(WilliamJenningsBryan):“你们不该把带刺的王冠压在劳动人民的额头上;你们也不该将人类钉死在金制的十字架上!”

    WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN : " You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns . You shall not mankind upon a cross of gold . "

  13. 锡安的宽度足以将防守人钉死(限制)在他背后。

    Zion has the width to pin defenders on their back .

  14. 老人家,耶稣在哪处钉死的?

    Old man , where is it that Christ was crucified ?

  15. 我已经把他钉死在那个女人的谋杀案上了。

    I had him dead to rights on murdering that woman .

  16. 女孩立即用她那一招钉死了对手。

    Instantly , the girl used her move to pin her opponent .

  17. 被钉死十架就是一个最好的例子。

    There is no better example of this than on the cross .

  18. 在抵达长崎之后,他把他们钉死在十字架上。

    Upon their arrival in Nagasaki he had them crucified .

  19. 我们把这座旧房子的窗户都钉死了。

    We nailed up the windows of the old house .

  20. 尼尔,我要把你妈用长钉子钉死。

    Neal , I 'm gonna impale your mom on a spike .

  21. 告诉我实话,告诉我为什么,要把耶稣钉死在十字架上。

    Tell me true , tell me why , was Jesus crucified .

  22. 根据这个经典,罗马公民是不能被钉死在十字架上的。

    According to that tradition you can 't crucify a Roman citizen .

  23. 这个箱子已钉死待运。

    The box was nailed up ready for the carter .

  24. 他们折磨他,把他成十字形地钉死在一棵树上。

    They scourged him and crucified him upon a tree .

  25. 你以前钉死过吸血鬼吗你有过吗来了

    You ever staked a vampire before ? Have you ? Coming !

  26. 犹太人的领袖非常憎恨耶稣,他们才钉死他。

    The Jewish leaders hated Jesus so much that they crucified him .

  27. 他据信被颠倒地在十字架上钉死。

    He was said to have been crucified upside-down .

  28. 原先的两家店关闭了,门窗都用木板钉死了。

    Two former stores were abandoned and boarded in .

  29. 我会钉死她的下部的。

    I 'd steal her buns if I could .

  30. 他被根据不明地宣告有罪,被钉死在十字架上。

    He was convicted on uncertain grounds and crucified .