
zhēn cì má zuì
  • acupuncture anesthesia
针刺麻醉 [zhēn cì má zuì]
  • [acupuncture anesthesia] 简称针麻。我国在针灸学术原理基础上发展起来的一种具有镇痛作用并能达到麻醉效果的新技术。其法根据手术部位、手术病种等,按循经取穴、辨证取穴、局部取穴等方法,选取适当穴位

  1. 观察不同中医证型患者所需全麻药MAC,为临床筛选针刺麻醉适宜对象提供参考。

    To investigate the general anesthesia MAC that patients with different syndromes needed , to provide reference to screening the suitable objects for acupuncture anesthesia in clinic .

  2. 针刺麻醉颈椎椎管手术中的应用

    An application of acupuncture anesthesia to cervical vertebral canal procedures

  3. 针刺麻醉切除听神经瘤117例分析

    Resection of acoustic neuroma under acupuncture analgesia in 117 cases

  4. 针刺麻醉拔牙术1048例次小结

    Summary on tooth extraction in 1,048 cases under acupuncture anesthesia

  5. 针刺麻醉体外循环心内直视手术适应证的商榷

    Discussion on Indications of Intracardiac Operation of Extracorporeal Circulation with Acupuncture Anesthesia

  6. 针刺麻醉在外科手术上正在得到广泛应用。

    Acupuncture anesthesia is rapidly gaining ground in surgical operations .

  7. 针刺麻醉的临床应用及前景展望

    Prospects on acupuncture analgesia : its clinical application and research

  8. 针刺麻醉和静脉复合麻醉对循环功能的影响

    Influences of Acupuncture Anesthesia and Intravenous Anesthesia upon Circulatory Function

  9. 颈丛阻滞复合针刺麻醉在甲亢手术中的应用

    Application of Bilateral Cervical Plexus Block Combining with Acupuncture Anesthesia in Hyperthyroidism Operation

  10. 针刺麻醉在鼻息肉摘除手术中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Acupuncture Anesthesia in Nasal Polypectomy

  11. 针刺麻醉是1950年代在中国出现的医疗实践。

    Acupuncture anesthesia is a medical practice that emerged in 1950s in China .

  12. 针刺麻醉用于颈部中小手术286例临床观察

    Clinical observation on 286 cases of mid-small surgery of neck under acupuncture anesthesia

  13. 针刺麻醉复合颈丛麻醉用于甲状腺手术32例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Acupuncture and Compound Cervical Plexus Anaesthesia Applied in Thyroid Operation

  14. 休克、危重病人手术时应用针刺麻醉的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of acupuncture anesthesia in operations on shocked or seriously ill patients

  15. 召开了一次全国针刺麻醉学术讨论会

    National Symposium on acupuncture anesthesia was held

  16. 针刺麻醉下总气管部分切除吻合术

    Tracheal resection and anastomosis under acupuncture anesthesia

  17. 从经筋理论探讨针刺麻醉

    Discussing Acupuncture Anesthesia from Muscle Region Theory

  18. 针刺麻醉在神经外科中应用操作规程的研究

    Normalization of acupuncture anesthesia used in neurosurgery

  19. 对针刺麻醉机理研究的回顾与反思&韩济生院士访谈录

    Reflections on the Research of Mechanisms of Acupuncture Anesthesia : An Interview with Professor Han Jisheng

  20. 他的学术报告打算重点谈针刺麻醉在脑外科方面的应用。

    His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anesthesia in brain surgery .

  21. 针刺麻醉应用于四肢骨科手术62例分析

    The Analysis of the Application of Acupuncture Anesthesia to 62 Cases of Orthopedic Operations on Four Limbs

  22. 方法:检索在鼻部手术中使用针刺麻醉的相关文献报道,并进行综述。

    Method : Retrieving and reviewing the pertinent literatures of using acupuncture anaesthesia in nasal part operation .

  23. 针刺麻醉在整形外科手术的应用

    Acupuncture Anesthesia in Plastic Surgery

  24. 肾上腺皮质激素与针刺麻醉

    Adrenocorticosteroids and acupuncture anaesthesia

  25. 目的了解颈丛阻滞复合针刺麻醉行甲亢手术的麻醉效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of bilateral nervous block of cervical plexus combine with Acupuncture Anesthesia in hyperthyroidism operation .

  26. 本课题通过临床对比观察,为针刺麻醉在适合手术中的镇痛合理性与可行性提供了一定的科学依据。

    This study provides the scientific proofs of feasibility and rationality of AA used in suitable operations by clinic compared observations .

  27. 结论:针刺麻醉具有独特的优点,可以作为开颅手术的有效麻醉方法之一,值得大力推广、应用。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture anesthesia has distinctive advantage and should be widely used as one of the usual methods of anesthesia in craniocerebral operations .

  28. 新配穴法针刺麻醉在幕上脑深部及重要功能区手术中的应用

    Clinical Application of Acupunctural Anesthesia with New Combination Principle of Acupoints in Supratentorial Craniocerebral Operation of Tumor in Vital Functional Area or Deep Site of Brain

  29. 近年来,关于针刺麻醉的研究主要是其临床运用,对其机理仅有少量报道。

    In recent years , the major studies about acupuncture anesthesia focus on clinical application , the study about mechanism is few , but some reports have been found .

  30. 对感觉神经和运动神经产生抑制作用。常用于止痛、镇静、缓解肌肉和血管痉挛,针刺麻醉等。

    It may induce an inhibitory effect on the sensory nerve and motor nerve , commonly used for sedation and pain relief , relaxation of muscles and vessels spasm , acupuncture analgesia , etc.