
  • 网络financial market environment
  1. 第三,国际金融市场环境。

    Third , the international financial market environment .

  2. 同时,随着金融市场环境的变化和信用衍生产品的发展,信用风险具备了新的内涵。

    Meanwhile , Credit risk possesses new connotation , as financial market environment changes and credit derivatives develop .

  3. 然而,由于金融市场环境、文化传统、居民消费心理等因素的差异,我国MBS定价不能照搬国外的定价模型。

    However , due to differences in factors , such as the financial market condition , cultural traditions and consumer psychological , our MBS pricing can not copy the foreign pricing model .

  4. 荷兰合作银行(rabobank)昨日出手拯救了旗下一个陷入困境的结构性投资工具(siv),成为两周来第三家采取类似行动的银行,进一步表明金融市场环境正在恶化。

    Rabobank yesterday became the third bank in the past two weeks to bail out a troubled structured investment vehicle in a further sign of the deteriorating conditions in the financial markets .

  5. 大力发展项目投资的金融市场环境;

    To develop with great efforts the banking market environment for the project investment ;

  6. 筹资风险管理的主要目的是降低资金成本并尽量利用金融市场环境防范融资风险。

    Raising risk management aims at decreasing capital cost and guarding against raising risk .

  7. 当前金融市场环境下我国商业银行利率风险的防范

    On the Precautions against the Risk of Our Commercial Bank Interest Rate under the Financial Marketing Environment

  8. 而且,它也解释了为什么不管金融市场环境如何变幻,美国总能发售新债。

    And it is why the US can always sell new bonds , regardless of financial market conditions .

  9. 但随着金融市场环境的不断变化,信用风险日益增大,原有的定性分析方法暴露了其缺陷,如何更准确地进行度量和管理信用风险成为商业银行面临的最大挑战之一。

    But along with the continuous fluctuation of the financial market environment , the credit risk has enlarged increasingly .

  10. 然而,在当前紧张的金融市场环境下,对信贷息差高企的预期有可能瓦解这一策略。

    However , in this climate of financial market stress , anticipation of high credit spreads can undo this strategy .

  11. 现代金融市场环境随着金融体制改革的不断深化,金融市场环境发生了巨大的变化。

    With the deepening of the reform of financial system , great changes have taken place in the modern financial environment of the market .

  12. 民营中小企业的融资渠道狭窄,既有金融市场环境、金融制度设计的问题,也有其自身素质问题。

    The limited financing channel not only results from the financial market environment and the financial system , but also from its own making .

  13. 随着全球金融市场环境的不断变化,传统的风险管理模式已无法满足企业的要求。

    With the changing environment of global financial markets , the traditional risk management model has been unable to meet the requirements of the enterprise .

  14. 指出要从政策法律环境、金融市场环境以及区域文化环境出发发展完善风险投资所处的宏观环境。

    The government can develop and improve the macro environment of risky investment in these sides such as policy and law , financial market and culture .

  15. 在越来越复杂的金融市场环境下,竞争的不断加剧,使得商业银行对客户关系管理和客户知识管理尤为重视,银行业也成为实施客户关系管理最为成功的行业之一。

    In an increasingly complex financial market environment , competitive unceasingly intensifies , makes the commercial Banks pay especially attention to customer relationship management and customer knowledge management .

  16. 20世纪90年代以来,随着金融市场环境变化和金融创新产品发展,信用风险暴露越来越严重。

    Since 1990s , with the changes in financial market conditions and the development of financial innovation product , the exposure of credit risk becomes more and more serious .

  17. 在特定的经济体制和金融市场环境中,不同国家形成了各异的融资模式和所有权结构,进而产生不同的公司治理模式。

    In the particular economic system and financial market environment , different countries have developed different modes of financing and ownership structure and they have had different corporate governance patterns .

  18. 新法案在一定程度上有效地克服了旧法的一些缺点,就规范金融市场环境而言是一次健康有益的法律改革。

    The new Act effectively eliminates some of the weaknesses in its predecessor , it is a credible example of sound law reform in the context of financial markets regulation .

  19. 在日趋动荡和复杂的国际金融市场环境下,主权财富基金抗风险能力较差,危机中业绩出现较大程度的下滑。

    In the increasingly turbulent and complex environment of international financial market , SWFs ' risk-resisting ability is so poor that the performance of many SWFs has fallen sharply in the crisis .

  20. 随着金融市场环境的复杂化和银行顾客需求的不断增加,个人顾客保留在很大程度上决定了商业银行未来在激烈竞争中的生存和发展。

    As the complexification of the financial market environment and the increasing demand of bank customers , personal customer retention largely determines the survival and development of the commercial banks in the future fierce competition .

  21. 最后依据实证分析结果,结合我国金融市场环境,提出健全我国利率期限结构和完善货币政策的建议。

    According to the empirical results and the environment of financial market in our country , the writer makes suggestions of how to improve the term structure of interest rate and monetary policy in our country .

  22. 尤其是随着金融市场环境的变化、商业银行业务的创新、市场参与者及交易的多元化以及信用衍生产品的发展,信用风险的概念和内涵得到了拓展和延伸。

    With the change of financial market environment , innovation of merchant banking , diversification of markets participants and transaction , and development of credit derivatives , the concept and intention of credit risk are widened and strengthened .

  23. 认为我国应适度放宽证券业的经营领域限制,深化发展资本市场改革,构建完备的监管框架,不断创造并完善良好的金融市场环境。

    The development strategies include relaxing restrictions on the securities industry , deepening the reform of the capital market , improving regulatory frameworks , which is all that aim to keep on building a favorable financial market environment .

  24. 由于基金的管理和投资收益受到股票、债券等金融市场环境的影响较大,加上行业间的竞争有可能降低的行业诚信,导致投资者对投资基金的信心不足。

    A deficiency in investors ' confidence of fund arises from the situation that the profits and administration of fund can be influenced by financing market climate of stock and bond ; and the industry credibility may decline due to industry competition .

  25. 当前,面对金融市场环境的不断变化以及所面临的国外银行业的竞争,如何尽快提高信用风险管理水平已成为我国商业银行面临的最紧迫的问题。

    Facing the continuous fluctuation of the financial market environment and sever competition among the foreign banking , how to improve the management level of credit risk as soon as possible has become the urgent task for commercial banks in our country .

  26. 第一部分:世界各国利率市场化过程中,利率变动趋势与各国的宏观经济环境、金融市场环境、市场机制发达程度表现出较大的内在相关性,这是一个共同的规律性特点。

    Part I : In the market-oriented course of interest rate of countries all over the world , Interest rate change trend and macroeconomy environment , financial market environment , developed degree of market mechanism of various countries demonstrate greater inherent dependence , which is a common regularity characteristic .

  27. 三是农村金融市场竞争环境的改变。

    Changes in the competitive environment of the rural financial market .

  28. 论我国金融期货市场环境及法律

    On Environment and law of Financial Future Marker in China

  29. 对于产品市场竞争与金融市场竞争环境下我国上市公司在选择性信息披露决策方面的实证研究是本文的核心内容和贡献之处。

    The most important contributions of this paper are the empirical studies both under the product market and financial market competition environments .

  30. 由于网络金融市场的环境和技术条件的变化,必然使得其竞争机制发生相应的变化。

    The change of situation and technique condition of network financial market necessarily brings about the corresponding change of its competition mechanism .