
  • 网络gympie;goudleer;gyp
  1. 最终,在她的父亲报警之后,警方在距旅社90公里(55英里)外的金皮拦截了车辆。

    Police intercepted the pair at Gympie , 90km ( 55 miles ) from the hostel , after her father contacted them .

  2. 杰夫·沃尔登老师说他相信金皮州立高中的这个乡村音乐中心是世界上第一个乡村音乐学院。

    Teacher Geoff Walden said he believed the centre at Gympie State High School was the first of its kind in the world .

  3. 金在皮德蒙特长大,那是奥克兰的一个富裕的郊区。Facebook崛起时,金正在上大学。他惊奇地看着科技初创公司变革着他周围的世界。

    Raised in Piedmont , an affluent suburb of Oakland , Kim was in college during the rise of Facebook , and he watched in amazement as tech start-ups transformed the world around him .