
liáng chǐ
  • measuring scale;measure gauge;measuring rule;graduated stick
量尺[liáng chǐ]
  1. 多评分者(专家)评估概念图法是很好的评估学生学科能力水平的方法,多面Rasch模型分析显示,评分者较好地行使了评分职能,评分标准及评分量尺的设置也是合理的。

    The analysis of Many-facet Rasch model showed that the raters conducted their score functions well and the the standard of evaluate and rating scale are function properly too .

  2. 那些人拿着铁锹和量尺。

    The men were carrying spades and measuring sticks .

  3. 他们铸造了一根用合金做的量尺,放在巴黎。

    They have a stick made of a particular anti-corrosion alloy in Paris .

  4. 她替我量尺然后作衣服。进尺测量索恢复弹簧

    She took my measurements and then made the clothes . penetration cable mainspring

  5. 可能所有的量尺都有问题。

    Maybe all the rulers are wrong .

  6. 三英尺长的量尺或带子。

    A three-foot-long measuring stick or tape etc.

  7. 可能是量尺有问题。

    Maybe my ruler 's wrong .

  8. 你是否能针对这些情形想出一个适合的分群的量尺或分群的算法?

    Can you devise a clustering metric or a clustering algorithm that is appropriate in such cases ?

  9. 数量尺寸的级别变化。她替我量尺然后作衣服。

    A graded change in the magnitude of some physical quantity or dimension . She took my measurements and then made the clothes .

  10. 牛奶的体积可以用经校准的量尺测量,现在,更多是利用收奶运输装置上的一个自动流动计量器。

    Milk volumes are measured by means of a calibrated dipstick or , more often nowadays , by use of an automatic flow meter on the collection vehicle .

  11. 大型考试通常要将参加不同测验形式的考生能力参数进行等值转换,以在同一个量尺上比较不同测量的结果。

    In large-scale examination , usually the ability parameter of population participating in different test forms will be equated for comparing their measurment results on the same scale .

  12. 美联储偏爱的价格量尺,核心个人消费支出平减指数,到今年10月份上升了2.4%,与十年来的峰值只差一步之遥。

    The Fed 's preferred price gauge , the core personal-consumption deflator , went up by2.4 % in the year to October , only a little short of the fastest pace for a decade .

  13. 河工动床模型试验的含沙量比尺

    Laboratory study on sediment concentration scale of movable-bed models

  14. 量网尺准备好了吗?请放在主裁椅边。

    Is the measuring device ready ? Put it next to the chair .

  15. 泥量测量尺的原理及设计

    Theory and Design of Float Gauge for Measuring the Amount of Sewage Sludge

  16. 从有压引水系统调压井涌浪方程和压力管道水击方程出发,导出了模型与原型相似的条件,分析了各物理量比尺间的关系;

    Based on the general equations of unsteady flow in pressure diversion systems , the similarity conditions for the hydraulic model and the prototype are derived .

  17. 根据阻力相似要求,导出泥沙运动相似比尺,如床沙起动粒径比尺,悬沙粒径比尺,推移质输沙率比尺和悬移质含沙量比尺等。

    Based on the requirement of resistance similarity , similarity scales of sediment movement were derived and unified , such as those of bed material size , suspended material size , rate of transport of bed load and concentration of suspended load .

  18. 荷斯坦牛乳蛋白多态性与产奶量和体尺相关性的研究

    Studies on the Relationship between Polymorphism of Protein and Milk Yield and Body Size

  19. 传统栅式位移传感器和码盘式传感器要实现高精度测量,都需要一个高精度的空间基准量&刻线尺。

    It is necessary for traditional grating type displacement sensor and position encoder to have a high precision spatial reference quantity named dividing scale in order to achieve high precision measurement .

  20. 天气预报员表示,康涅狄格州可能会迎来8至10英寸的降雪,马萨诸塞州东部地区以及罗得岛的降雪量将达到10至14英寸,缅因州的新一轮降雪量可能达到一尺半厚。

    Forecasters say Connecticut could see eight to ten inches , eastern Massachuetts and Rhode Island ten to 14 , and Maine could get another foot and a half of new snow .