
liánɡ kuài
  • gauge block
  1. 量块检测过程中,高于二等和K级的量块工作长度就必须借助绝对测量。利用条纹法、二维FFT法和莫尔条纹法可以准确得到干涉条纹小数部分。

    In the measurement process of the gauge block , higher than the second grade and K level gauge length must be measured with the interference absolute method .

  2. 利用CCD取代接触式干涉仪的光学放大镜接收干涉条纹,结合8031单片机并通过对干涉条纹移动量的测量,实现了对量块的自动测量。

    A magnifying lens in contact interferometer is replaced by CCD , so that interference fringe signals are received and converted into electric signals by CCD . These electric signals are processed by monolithic computer , thereby automatic measurement of gauge block is realized .

  3. 自动测量高精度量块的JLG型激光干涉仪

    JLG Laser Interferometer for the Automatic Measurement of High Accurate Gage Blocks

  4. 对一标准量块进行了测量,并对光功率计分辨率对测量结果的影响进行了分析,结果表明本系统在实验室现有条件下可以测量轮廓算术平均偏差Ra为0.012μm的粗糙度量块。

    The feasibility is verified by the measurement of a sample block . The effect of the resolution of the optical power detector is analyzed . The arithmetic average deviation value of the profile of a gage block of 0.012 μ m is ob - tained .

  5. FFT法中量块边缘识别、阴影校正以及基于样本的块重建干涉图区域延拓算法,实现了干涉图的预处理;

    The following algorithms in FFT method are put forward to pre-processing the interferograms , including the recognition the edge of the gauge block , correction of interferogram 's shadow and extrapolation of fringes based on the region spreading of the interferogram .

  6. 通过对标准量块的平面度、厚度以及一个有效直径约为6mm的凸透镜的测量,验证了探头的有效性。

    The working performance of the probe has been testified by measuring the flatness and thickness of a standard gauge block and the diameter of a convex lens .

  7. 通过PC-7423(12位16路光隔A/D转换板)A/D转换器,实现量块比较仪测试过程中的数据实时采集、处理、高精度数字化。

    Through PC-7423 ( 12 bits 16 circuits optics isolation A / D converter ) we can realized the data collecting and processing in real time and high precision-digitized during the test of gauge comparator .

  8. 以不同的原理方法对量块进行了干涉测试,应用装置配属的软件系统实时分析处理了图像数据。

    The images are processed with the software built in the equipment .

  9. 用Labwindows/CVI开发量块自动鉴定系统

    Developing a Automatic Appraisal System of Gauge Block in Labwindows / CVI

  10. 量块中心长度的自动激光干涉测量

    Automatic Laser Interference Measurement of Center Length of Gauge Block

  11. 关于量块检定两种比较法测量的讨论

    Discussion about two comparative methods of gauge block calibration

  12. 接触定位式量块干涉仪测量不确定度的分析

    Analysis of Measurement Uncertainty for A Type of Contact Positioning Gauge Block Interferometer

  13. 用相位偏移干涉法精确测量量块长度

    Accurate Measurement of Gauge Block Length Using Phase-stepping Interferometry

  14. 重复性对量块配对法测量结果不确定度的影响

    Effects of repeatability on uncertainty of measurement results adopted gauge block pairing method

  15. 量块检定用激光干涉仪

    The Study of Laser Interferometer Used to Assay Gauge

  16. 量块中心长度绝对测量中干涉条纹的自动判读

    Automatic Interference Fringes Processing in the Absolute Measurement of Central Length of Gauge Block

  17. 论量块间的摩擦力

    On the friction force between the measuring blocks

  18. 提出利用多点支撑法,减小量块长度变化量的测试方案。

    An advance multi-point bracing means is proposed to minish length variation of gauge blocks .

  19. 量块的电脑化测试装置陶瓷缸体在机械设备中的应用

    Gauge Block Testing Device with Computer Application of the Ceramic Cylinder Block to Mechanical Equipment

  20. 陶瓷量块的光干涉测量

    Optical Interferometric Mesurement of Ceramic Gauge Blocks

  21. 比较法测量量块的仪器的示值误差是采用配对法用量块校准的。

    Error of indication of comparator was calibrated by using gauge block with conjugate method .

  22. 最后使用叠加的两块量块对系统进行标定,再将图像测量的结果与工具显微镜测量的结果进行比对。

    Calibrate the system by two gauge blocks , compare the results with universal tool microscope .

  23. 量块的电脑化测试装置

    Gauge Block Testing Device with Computer

  24. 通过对量块表面的测量,验证了使用非接触方法测量金属强反射表面的可行性。

    Through measuring surfaces of gauge blocks , this system is viable to measure high-reflective metallic surface .

  25. 对静态半径测量所采用的量块法及动态下采用线位移传感器组件测量补偿量的原理、方法、数据处理及误差分析进行了详细论述。

    In this paper , the principle , methods , data processing and error analysis are described .

  26. 应用移相干涉术测量量块长度和长度变动量

    Dynamic Argument Using Shift-Phase Interferometry

  27. 量块组合(38块组)自动选择的递归算法实现机动卫勤分队组织与药材装备模块化

    Recursion of Gauge Block Automation Choice Modularization of Organization and Medicinal Material in Mobile Medical Logistic Team

  28. 进行一系列的量块检定实验,对数据进行分析,验证了该系统的可靠性。

    A series of experiments are given and the results are analyzed to verify the reliability of the system .

  29. 对标准量块进行扫描实验得到系统的相对测量误差小于0.25%。

    By scanning the standard gauge block , the relative measurement error of the system was less than 0.25 % .

  30. 分析了相对测量法量块测量过程中误差的来源和大小。

    The paper gives an analysis on the source and size of measurement error of gauge block by relative measuring method .