
  • 网络In The Wild Mountains;Wild mountain;DIAUP
  1. 人们数百年来千方百计搜寻的中国东北和朝鲜的野山参现在几乎绝迹了。

    The wild ginseng of Manchuria and korea , hunted assiduously for centuries , is now all but extinct .

  2. 方法:从经过形态鉴定的野山人参和栽培人参药材中提取DNA模板,运用RAPD技术在电泳中产生条带。

    Methods : DNA templated were extracted from wild and cultivated Ginseng of the crude drugs that were identified by morphology , and RAPD technique was applied to produce electrophoresis pattern .

  3. PaperBoat使用时尚的流线型一次性按压式软袋包装,从印度北部的aampaana和jaljeera(茴香水),到印度东南沿海地区流行的kokum(野山竹汁),共有10种口味可供选择。

    Sold in sleek , single-serving flexible packaging - squashy bottles - Paper Boat drinks are available in 10 varieties - from the aam paana and jal jeera ( cumin water ) of north India , to the kokum , or wild mangosteen juice , popular in the southwestern coastal region .

  4. 我看到的千钟参是真的野山参。

    What I saw was chun-jong-sam , real authentic wild ginseng .

  5. 保护植物种质资源拯救濒临灭绝的野山参

    Protection of plant gene resources to rescue extinction of wild ginseng

  6. 野山参根区土壤无机元素的测试研究

    Studied on the Inorganic Elements of Root Soil of Wild Ginseng

  7. 结论:野山参根的横切面具有较多的颓废组织;

    CONCLUSION : The wild ginseng has much dispirited tissue in transverse section ;

  8. 野山参叶、园参叶和西洋参叶中氨基酸含量

    Amino Acid Contents in the Leaves of Wild , Cultivated Ginseng and Panax quinquefolium

  9. 野山参与移山参、栽培参的鉴定技术研究

    A study on the confirmation technique of wild shen , transplanted shen and cultivated shen

  10. 目的:研究野山人参的性状鉴别特征和商品等级划分。

    Objective : Macroscopical basis for the identification and the classification of true wild mountain ginseng was provided .

  11. 辽宁博惠特种野山猪专业合作社(以下简称辽宁博惠)理事长孙遵立在昨日接受本报记者采访时说。

    Sun Zunli , the chairman of Liaoning Bohui Special Boar Cooperation said when receiving interview of Commercial Times .

  12. 25年来第一只在科罗拉多圣胡安山区漫步的野山猫起初并不想与这块地方发生什么关系。

    The first wild lynx to roam Colorado 's San Juan Mountains in 25 years initially wanted nothing to do with the place .

  13. 龙井茶又名长寿延年茶。山茶油(又名山茶油,野山茶油,茶籽油,油茶籽油)。

    Long Tea is also called the Longevity Tea . Camellia oil ( Latin name , Camellia oleifera seed oil ) is also called camellia seed oil .

  14. 结果:野山参与园参由于生长条件及年限不同,其组织形态也有一定的差异,这些区别具有一定的代表性,可作为野山参及园参鉴别之用。

    RESULTS : There are some differences in tissue of wild ginseng and planted ginseng , and that can be used to identify wild ginseng and planted ginseng .

  15. 一个星期里的最后一天,她们还要肩背著沉重的东西如野山菌、荞子和土豆等,在不平整的山间小路上吃力地行走几个小时拿到集市上去变卖换成微薄的现金收入。

    Even on the last day of the week they trek for hours through shaky mountain paths to trade their basketfuls of mushrooms , buckwheat , or potatoes for a meager income .

  16. 结果:用80个引物,其中一个引物产生野山人参可重复的特征条带。

    Results : Among the 80 primers screened , one was able to generate reproducible band , characteristic RAPD marker band which was unique to each of wild Ginseng samples was identified .